Результаты поиска

  1. H

    Own Javascript does not return a value

    Hi Paginator, check the starting double quote in line 3. Also, did you tried what Hungry Bulldozer suggested about enclosing the variable with " "? -> "{-Variable.result-}";
  2. H

    ZennoPoster MP export checked proxies

    Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to export checked proxies to a file in ZP MP. Basically I'm using the same proxy sources in both ZP and SB, and it would be nice to have fresh proxies in one file instead of checking the same sources in both programs. Thanks.
  3. H

    How to Emulate Humans in Search Engines

    Interesting. I wonder if pumping up the CTR artificially (human like), may have some impact in how G ranks a site...
  4. H

    Server: Not Available

    Mail sent. Thanks a lot for your support.
  5. H

    Server: Not Available

    This is the response I get when open the URLs in Chrome:
  6. H

    Server: Not Available

    You're welcome :) Sorry to report that I changed the compatibility mode for CheckingProcessor.exe, base.exe and ZennoPoster to Vista sp2 + checked "run as administrator", but get the same result. I can see with Ctrl+Alt+Del that CheckingProcessor.exe is runing in proccess explorer.
  7. H

    Server: Not Available

    Let me say that you made a brilliant piece of software, Thank you :beer: Never heard about this tool, got the Demo, instantly hooked. Now I'm a happy customer, playing with my new toy, and feeling the power of it everytime I use it, every concept I learn. Somewhat like I felt learning...