I'm having issues to use variables in file names.
Example file name: URLs_acc {-Variable.AccNumber-}.txt or List1_{-Variable.AccNumber-}.xlsx
I tried the txt files in various formats (UTF-8 or the default ANSI).
Even though the files have data on them, Zenno Project Maker and Poster say the lists are empty and doesn't see the data on them and fails.
In Zenno Project Maker, when I refresh lists and reload them, sometimes it catches, but in Poster it always fails.
See image file for more details.
It also gives me the following warning message in Poster: "Warning! Data containing string delimiter being added. It may cause problems later when synchronizing the list with the file." And then it fails.
Please help!
I need to be able to use variables in the file names.
(Variables in some file names work, like adding TimeNow variable or the account ID variable into a Save Image action or when writing to a report file, but not in the table and list file names).
How to get it to work in the file names? Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?