Can I use a dynamic path for file path in table processing?
e.g. First I want to read 1 file where login details and folder path is given.
i.e. Login;Password;FolderName;
Now, I want to read a file urls.txt from above mentioned FolderName
I want to do this because I want every single thread to take inputs from a different folder. Only common thing among all the threads is the login file which will have various login details per line which will be deleted from the file once used.
If I'm not able to do this then it's like I have to create separate project in every folder and then Add it in zenno to run it. This will be like creating 100 folders and adding a project 100 times.
If dynamic binding is possible, the how?
Can I use a dynamic path for file path in table processing?
e.g. First I want to read 1 file where login details and folder path is given.
i.e. Login;Password;FolderName;
Now, I want to read a file urls.txt from above mentioned FolderName
I want to do this because I want every single thread to take inputs from a different folder. Only common thing among all the threads is the login file which will have various login details per line which will be deleted from the file once used.
If I'm not able to do this then it's like I have to create separate project in every folder and then Add it in zenno to run it. This will be like creating 100 folders and adding a project 100 times.
If dynamic binding is possible, the how?