I've got a couple of network drives which I created from my synology nas.
When I want to open a file in one of the drives using applications, I can see them listed.
Though, this is not the case for projectmaker/zennoposter.
And if I directly open a project file located in one of those network drives, projectmaker will start, but give the error "file not found".
Somehow, it is not allowed to see/access the files...but I don't know why. This occurs on my pc with windows 8. I've got one with windows 7 and there, there is no problem.
Anyone knows how this could be solved?
I've got a couple of network drives which I created from my synology nas.
When I want to open a file in one of the drives using applications, I can see them listed.
Though, this is not the case for projectmaker/zennoposter.
And if I directly open a project file located in one of those network drives, projectmaker will start, but give the error "file not found".
Somehow, it is not allowed to see/access the files...but I don't know why. This occurs on my pc with windows 8. I've got one with windows 7 and there, there is no problem.
Anyone knows how this could be solved?