Project Maker:
1. Ability to record captcha recognition action with Action Designer (default auto way of choosing captcha by image number kinda sucks most cases, and it has to be edited anyway).
1. Counting captcha usage per template. (e.g. add another column "captcha's used" - without counting "captchasaver.dll" as it is used to mostly to taking screenshots rather then actual captcha solving). This would help track captcha costs a bit.
2. Captcha Service override. E.g. When some service is down/overloaded/out of funds I'd like to have ability without changing templates (or their configuration) to send all captchas from all running templates to different service.
E.g. let's say DBC is down. so I'm choosing DeathByCaptcha.dll and set up with zenno that all requests which should go to DBC since now will go to (until override is voided).
1. Ability to record captcha recognition action with Action Designer (default auto way of choosing captcha by image number kinda sucks most cases, and it has to be edited anyway).
1. Counting captcha usage per template. (e.g. add another column "captcha's used" - without counting "captchasaver.dll" as it is used to mostly to taking screenshots rather then actual captcha solving). This would help track captcha costs a bit.
2. Captcha Service override. E.g. When some service is down/overloaded/out of funds I'd like to have ability without changing templates (or their configuration) to send all captchas from all running templates to different service.
E.g. let's say DBC is down. so I'm choosing DeathByCaptcha.dll and set up with zenno that all requests which should go to DBC since now will go to (until override is voided).