I'm having a problem that a lot of other people have had, if I look through the forum:
webpages that keep on loading...while I may not disable java since I look through thousands of webpages and I don't know which webpages need java and which not...and while timeout does not work/stop the loading.
If there isn't a good solution for this, then an easy enhancement to solve this, I guess, is being able to input the maximum amount of time a certain thread can be open...so that a thread stops/closes by itself after eg 120 seconds. It wouldn't complete the thread for the certain webpage, but it would at least not hold up everything else.
Really need something like this because a lot of times, I look at the progress for the last hours, and there is almost none since all threads are busy loading endlessly...
I'm having a problem that a lot of other people have had, if I look through the forum:
webpages that keep on loading...while I may not disable java since I look through thousands of webpages and I don't know which webpages need java and which not...and while timeout does not work/stop the loading.
If there isn't a good solution for this, then an easy enhancement to solve this, I guess, is being able to input the maximum amount of time a certain thread can be open...so that a thread stops/closes by itself after eg 120 seconds. It wouldn't complete the thread for the certain webpage, but it would at least not hold up everything else.
Really need something like this because a lot of times, I look at the progress for the last hours, and there is almost none since all threads are busy loading endlessly...