B BestVersion Новичок Регистрация 08.05.2020 Сообщения 1 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 09.05.2020 #1 Do you have a bot that can pull craigslist content and emails into a google sheet?
Nick Client Регистрация 22.07.2014 Сообщения 1 987 Благодарностей 819 Баллы 113 30.08.2020 #2 BestVersion сказал(а): Do you have a bot that can pull craigslist content and emails into a google sheet? Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Not yet but we have a lot of similar bots and can modify it for your needs for cheap. Could you post a starting URL and if you need anything besides the emails? Just to check it out.
BestVersion сказал(а): Do you have a bot that can pull craigslist content and emails into a google sheet? Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Not yet but we have a lot of similar bots and can modify it for your needs for cheap. Could you post a starting URL and if you need anything besides the emails? Just to check it out.