I created 14 web actions in a template, then copied a branch from my original step and pasted it in every web action.
when I pasted the branch into the 14th web action, my screen in projekt maker turned grey and I can not close the software anymore, every button i click doesn't work anymore, and when I hover over a button it keeps the orange hover color.
this is the error i see in the log:
Type Label Time Source Message
Eroor ProjectMaker3 2011-11-04 21:07:28::025 Branch selection Error creating window handle.
I'm running Windows 7 64 via Bootcamp on a Macbook Pro 2011.
I tried this a few more times, the error appeared always. so it is reproducable.
when I pasted the branch into the 14th web action, my screen in projekt maker turned grey and I can not close the software anymore, every button i click doesn't work anymore, and when I hover over a button it keeps the orange hover color.
this is the error i see in the log:
Type Label Time Source Message
Eroor ProjectMaker3 2011-11-04 21:07:28::025 Branch selection Error creating window handle.
I'm running Windows 7 64 via Bootcamp on a Macbook Pro 2011.
I tried this a few more times, the error appeared always. so it is reproducable.