Contact Form Sender
Have you ever wanted to contact a long list of websites with your information ?
You can do it now with Contact Form Sender!
You can do it now with Contact Form Sender!
What is Contact Form Sender ?
Now it also supports direct link, and german contact pages!
Contact Form Sender is a template that will help you to contact a long list of websites, with your information and your message. It's easy to use, and no need for proxies. It's not only a sender but also a scraper.
What do I have to input ?
You will have to input the following things:
- Your Information (name, email, phone, etc.)
- Websites File
- Message File
- Results File
This things will be inputed via the Input Settings.
How does it work ?
- First of all, it will take a website from the websites file, and it will check for the contact page link. If the contact page exists, it will move to step 2, if not, the template will look for the following things: emails, fax and phone numbers, facebook and twitter links, in the websites home page.
- It will go to the contact page, and it will try to complete the contact form. The template was made with the help of IntelliSearch. It's made for three different forms of contact pages (actually all types of contact pages, from our testings, all the contact pages are found only in three forms). We've trained IntelliSearch and also correct the mistakes that it was doing in the contact pages. Totally we've added 135 new things to IntelliSearch.
- Once the contact form is completed, it will also scrape the same things that it's scraping in the first step.
- The scraping will be saved into a results file that you've inputed before running it. The results file will be created automatically if it doesn't exist. We suggest you not to create the results file, let the template do it, so that it types the right columns. It will contain the following things as columns:
- Website
- Contact Page
- Emails
- Phones and Faxes
- Facebook link
- Twitter link
Captcha is integrated into this also.
The template works good, with a success rate of 80% on the websites that have the format that we've showed you in the video below.
If the website is more advanced, for example, it will have to input the phone number in three different textboxes, a box for a area code, and so on... it won't work, because it will type the full phone number in all three boxes. It can be also trained to type the phone in the way the websites wants it.
Here is a schema of how it works:

Here is a video demo, to see the template in action:

Here is a video demo, to see the template in action:
Zennoposter Template (execute only protection) $97
Zennoposter Template (without any protection) $150
via Zennobox (maximum 5 threads, if you don’t own Zennoposter) $129
Zennoposter Template (without any protection) $150
via Zennobox (maximum 5 threads, if you don’t own Zennoposter) $129

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