P polcreate Новичок Регистрация 14.04.2018 Сообщения 18 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 19.04.2018 #1 Hi guys, I am wondering how to add a new nationality in Profile. At The moment we have two, USA and Russia. I would like to add few more like France, Italia etc...
Hi guys, I am wondering how to add a new nationality in Profile. At The moment we have two, USA and Russia. I would like to add few more like France, Italia etc...
esouldy Client Регистрация 28.02.2016 Сообщения 185 Благодарностей 92 Баллы 28 19.04.2018 #2 You can set names/surnames, birthdate and other settings manually from a your lists
P polcreate Новичок Регистрация 14.04.2018 Сообщения 18 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 19.04.2018 #3 I was thinking more about country, city
esouldy Client Регистрация 28.02.2016 Сообщения 185 Благодарностей 92 Баллы 28 19.04.2018 #4 This is a not very easy task. You may to use a MaxMind base - there are all cities and postcodes =)) Or Google Places api. From google's bae you can get a most accurate data.
This is a not very easy task. You may to use a MaxMind base - there are all cities and postcodes =)) Or Google Places api. From google's bae you can get a most accurate data.
P polcreate Новичок Регистрация 14.04.2018 Сообщения 18 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 19.04.2018 #5 ok, but MaxMind is a database of IP (to check geo location for example) I am asking how to add another location in profile
ok, but MaxMind is a database of IP (to check geo location for example) I am asking how to add another location in profile
lokiys Moderator Регистрация 01.02.2012 Сообщения 4 849 Благодарностей 1 192 Баллы 113 19.04.2018 #6 polcreate сказал(а): ok, but MaxMind is a database of IP (to check geo location for example) I am asking how to add another location in profile Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... I can agree that such feature would be good but, You can not add features in zennoposter. So only way is to follow suggestion taking data from file...
polcreate сказал(а): ok, but MaxMind is a database of IP (to check geo location for example) I am asking how to add another location in profile Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... I can agree that such feature would be good but, You can not add features in zennoposter. So only way is to follow suggestion taking data from file...