Generally speaking.
You'll have to get all single page urls first.
Set a Variable as counter. Start at "1" and create a loop like this:
> Go to page{-variable.counter-} (which is 1).
> Use "Data (Take Dom)" to grab all sub urls and add them to a list.
> Increase counter, redo and visit next page till you're at the last page.
At this point you should have all URLs. Create another loop but instead of using a counter you load the urls from a list instead.
> Take line from list. (Delete after take)
> Go to page (sub url, like
> Use regex (Data, Take Dom) to take the information you need and add them to several variables.
> Add line to list/table. Here you save all Variables you took in the step above to another file.
Loop this, Take (new) line from list. Repeat till you're out of urls.