If I got your idea we would have an opportunaty to set status of error (in case it happen in the action): warning, error, message, disable. Right?
Sorry missed your answer. But yes you got my idea right and it is still pain in the ass to control errors. I'm spending too much time to copy and paste them from zennoposter to project maker to find it. Also when error happens next time then i'm copying it again and checking because i can not remember this long letter and number string what error generate.
In my proposed form - there is 4 options. If action is a must then we can click error boolean and enter source and message in human understandable language what action is this. and we do not need to copy every error and check it again and again. Same is with warning and info booleans - decide what boolean you need for errors and tick that. In this case you can check easy in zennoposter what errors happen often and think about what to change in your template. This is very great way how to debug templates in zennoposter.
And last action is disable any error or any other records in logs to not record unnecessary strings in logs in case there is more actions after unsuccessful exit.
I'm really do not know why there is not many thanks, but in my view this is very useful feature....
I know that it is possible to edit Nlogs file but this is not a solution.

And also to add C# to send messages and source to logs for every action is not good option.
Actually message or source field could be filed automatically from action comment.
And also if not any boolean ticked then everything working default as it is now.