" Is it possible to create Solve Media Image recognition module? "
Thats what im asking myself at the moment & am trying to do right now.
But im far from having 10.000 Captchas collected, must be around 200+ by now.
Im not sure if i did the Training right; but the sucessrate is definetly better than yesterday. But maybe it can be that that has to do with ur recent Update!?
Also i UNchecked every Module which i definetly not gonna need,
as ive primary need SolveMedia & REcaptcha & RecaptchaV2 and maybe a handful other of which i not know the Name out of the head.
On my first try with Capmonster it solved exactly 2 > TWO captchas out of 33. There I thought ok this makes no sense if I let that run im just gonna get banned within a day.
Soo i switched back to 2captcha use but took a screenshot of each appearing Captcha & saved them like > textincaptcha.jpg
A bit earlier ive let the Module Trainer run and it seems to have made a difference. By now CapMonster recognized 95 SolveMedia Captchas of which it actually solved about 30...
Im not sure of how long i could let it run like this before i get the first Ban for too many wrong ones. But im afraid i cant let it run overnight and sleep well; id rather switch to 2captcha before night.
Ive had it before that i got ban from some sites when actually typing captcha myself & did it wrong too often cos i just couldnt read it right or did a stupid typo; and that werent that much wrong ones, maybe 10or12 wrong within an hour of doing them manually and voila i had my ban for 24hours. Im trying it out now with a couple of sites where i wouldnt mind that much if id get banned.
As im using my real private IP to claim &or let my Bot claim from CryptoFaucets
But as my main reason to buy CapMonster was to cut down on the 2captcha expenses i must find a way to increase the level of recognition.
I hope someone here can and will give me some help doing so and im positive of it
By the way, if my Post here is to intruding to the Topiccreator, not be mad, please a Mod then push my Post into a fresh Topic then, thanks.
This support Forum made the decision to buy CapMonster alot easyer, as I saw theres many experienced and compentent peoples here, so im very hopeful to get CapMonster optimzed and running like clockwork sometime soon, i have faith in You
Maybe time to get to my actual Questions:
- Will CapMonster remember which Captchas it did already and which ones where solved correctly?
- Am I wasting my time taking Screenshots of the Captchas & naming them like the Text in them?
- Wil Training it like that work?
- Can i show You somehow what CapMonster did so far since I started it earlier ?
As I still can see the Pictures & the Text CM did type, which in some case isnt even remotely right..

- Is the SiteKey Addon for ReCaptchas a one time, or Yearly 10$ or really monthly like ive read here somewhere?
Cos if its Monthly im definetly better off with 2Captcha for now at least; i not need soo many of them, mostly really SolveMedia. (But id like to be able to use more Recaptcha as of now)
Ive used the Demo Version about 2 or even 3 Months ago and it did really also solve the Recaptchas just fine if i remember right, that why i kept CapMonster in mind and also got back to it now many many weeks after. IF the SiteKey thingyis really a one time 10$ & u say it works like a charm, please direct me to it and i may get it versy soon

- Can I somehow help to improve the accuracy for the Solvemedia Module u have already ?
I wouldnt mind typing a few thousand Captchas if in the end the Module wil definetly remember all cases which where successful and doo all of the manually typed ones 100% right in the Future, for everyone.
I think i got more Questions but im not gonna bobard U with all of them now and spare us some for the coming days so we wont get bored
Regarding SolveMedia Audio Captchas: ice tried them yesterday, but sucess was 0 out of a dozend; yes Rostonix i know, I did something wrong

I havent tried them today, after unchecking all definetly not needed Modules, but im gonna try it again in a few Minutes.
By now CM did about 130 Captchas (all SolveMedia) and maybe about 40-50 right, it seems to work a bit better now already without changing anything...
I could still predict, this Captcha its not gonna make, i have hard time reading it myself & would guess what to type; then in other cases now im surprised it actually is getting a few right with the first try!
Sorry if I may leave yall too much Text here
Have mercy and patience with me Nooby please, im exited to finally use CapMonster and cant wait to get it optimized and running real good.
Admin or Mod if needed please move my Post into fresh Thread please, Ive looked around and thought this one here may be the most fitting to post in as of now im mostly concerned getting Solvemedia to run and am also trying to train/make a Module for it myself so i thought it ok if I post in here