i am using free demo version of zennoposter. Is there a limit of how many values i can add to a list / table?
need ~ 10000 but i am only able to add ~ values to the list.
The 15 values that you see are just a representation of your list or table. The whole thing is there. What you see is just so that you can make sure that table(mainly) is loading in the cells right or that the lines of your list are being separated correctly.
in my case the list only contains 15 values.
i told zennoposter to delete every line after getting it from the list. after 15 repetitions a bug message appeared and the list was empty!!!
what am i doing wrong?
is there a workaround?
You are pulling your list in from a file? That is what you need to do if you want to use your 'whole' list. If you are pulling in 10k lines and it is only allowing you to pull ~15 then there is a bug and you need to get with support.