$filename - file path to captcha. MUST be local file. URLs not working
$apikey - account's API key
$rtimeout - delay between captcha status checks
$mtimeout - captcha recognition timeout
$is_verbose - false(commenting OFF), true(commenting ON)
additional custom parameters for each captcha:
$is_phrase - 0 OR 1 - captcha has 2 or more words
$is_regsense - 0 OR 1 - captcha is case sensetive
$is_numeric - 0 OR 1 - captcha has digits only
$min_len - 0 is no limit, an integer sets minimum text length
$max_len - 0 is no limit, an integer sets maximum text length
$is_russian - 0 OR 1 - with flag = 1 captcha will be given to a Russian-speaking worker
usage examples:
$text=recognize("/path/to/file/captcha.jpg","YOUR_KEY_HERE",true, "antigate.com");
$text=recognize("/path/to/file/captcha.jpg","YOUR_KEY_HERE",false, "antigate.com");
$text=recognize("/path/to/file/captcha.jpg","YOUR_KEY_HERE",false, "antigate.com",1,0,0,5);
function recognize(
$is_verbose = true,
$sendhost = "antigate.com",
$rtimeout = 5,
$mtimeout = 120,
$is_phrase = 0,
$is_regsense = 0,
$is_numeric = 0,
$min_len = 0,
$max_len = 0,
$is_russian = 0,
$capMonsterModule = "")
if (!file_exists($filename))
if ($is_verbose) echo "file $filename not found\n";
return false;
if ($fp!=false)
while (!feof($fp)) $body.=fgets($fp,1024);
if ($is_verbose) echo "could not read file $filename\n";
return false;
if ($ext=="jpg") $conttype="image/pjpeg";
if ($ext=="gif") $conttype="image/gif";
if ($ext=="png") $conttype="image/png";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"method\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"key\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"phrase\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"regsense\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"numeric\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"min_len\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"max_len\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"is_russian\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"CapMonsterModule\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"capcha.$ext\"\r\n";
$content.="Content-Type: $conttype\r\n";
$poststr="POST http://$sendhost/in.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$poststr.="Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary\r\n";
$poststr.="Host: $sendhost\r\n";
$poststr.="Content-Length: ".strlen($content)."\r\n\r\n";
// echo $poststr;
if ($is_verbose) echo "connecting $sendhost...";
if ($fp!=false)
if ($is_verbose) echo "OK\n";
if ($is_verbose) echo "sending request ".strlen($poststr)." bytes...";
if ($is_verbose) echo "OK\n";
if ($is_verbose) echo "getting response...";
while (!feof($fp)) $resp.=fgets($fp,1024);
if ($is_verbose) echo "OK\n";
if ($is_verbose) echo "could not connect to anti-captcha\n";
if ($is_verbose) echo "socket error: $errno ( $errstr )\n";
return false;
if (strpos($result, "ERROR")!==false or strpos($result, "<HTML>")!==false)
if ($is_verbose) echo "server returned error: $result\n";
return false;
$ex = explode("|", $result);
$captcha_id = $ex[1];
if ($is_verbose) echo "captcha sent, got captcha ID $captcha_id\n";
$waittime = 0;
if ($is_verbose) echo "waiting for $rtimeout seconds\n";
$result = file_get_contents('http://antigate.com/res.php?key='.$apikey.'&action=get&id='.$captcha_id);
if (strpos($result, 'ERROR')!==false)
if ($is_verbose) echo "server returned error: $result\n";
return false;
if ($result=="CAPCHA_NOT_READY")
if ($is_verbose) echo "captcha is not ready yet\n";
$waittime += $rtimeout;
if ($waittime>$mtimeout)
if ($is_verbose) echo "timelimit ($mtimeout) hit\n";
if ($is_verbose) echo "waiting for $rtimeout seconds\n";
$ex = explode('|', $result);
if (trim($ex[0])=='OK') return trim($ex[1]);
return false;