I've made several tests
i've to parse the DOM, to retrieve some data that have decimals
* if you Assign the value of 330.2 to a variable name with an action = the result is 330.2
* if you Parse the image width of 330.2 (px) and put to a variable = the result is 331
exemple : retrieve the img's width/height, that can have decimals per html specifications
> how to keep the decimals ? strange that Zenno has an inconcistant behavior
i've to parse the DOM, to retrieve some data that have decimals
* if you Assign the value of 330.2 to a variable name with an action = the result is 330.2
* if you Parse the image width of 330.2 (px) and put to a variable = the result is 331
- same result if we make use of the get value action
exemple : retrieve the img's width/height, that can have decimals per html specifications
> how to keep the decimals ? strange that Zenno has an inconcistant behavior
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