L lololo Новичок Регистрация 28.11.2016 Сообщения 2 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 28.11.2016 #1 Hi, Would you please help me solve problem with proxychecker. I can't specify proxy checking server address. "Selected" field is always empty.
Hi, Would you please help me solve problem with proxychecker. I can't specify proxy checking server address. "Selected" field is always empty.
VladZen Administrator Команда форума Регистрация 05.11.2014 Сообщения 22 570 Благодарностей 5 951 Баллы 113 28.11.2016 #2 Problem is not clear. Could you please attach a screeshot? If you don't know how to add proxy, please find instructions here - http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:proxychecker:loading
Problem is not clear. Could you please attach a screeshot? If you don't know how to add proxy, please find instructions here - http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:proxychecker:loading
L lololo Новичок Регистрация 28.11.2016 Сообщения 2 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 28.11.2016 #3 I am trying to add socks 5 manually. In proxy checker add proxy>source settings>check proxies. Then I see "Prepaering for checking proxies" and nothing happens. I believie this happens because I can't specify proxy checking url.
I am trying to add socks 5 manually. In proxy checker add proxy>source settings>check proxies. Then I see "Prepaering for checking proxies" and nothing happens. I believie this happens because I can't specify proxy checking url.
VladZen Administrator Команда форума Регистрация 05.11.2014 Сообщения 22 570 Благодарностей 5 951 Баллы 113 30.11.2016 #4 Please add this file CheckingProcessor.exe to exclusions in your antivirus, firewall and any other protection software.
Please add this file CheckingProcessor.exe to exclusions in your antivirus, firewall and any other protection software.