E egz Новичок Регистрация 21.01.2015 Сообщения 11 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 04.03.2016 #1 Hello, how can I import secret code of 2captcha or anti-gate to project settings? Thanks
Nick Client Регистрация 22.07.2014 Сообщения 1 983 Благодарностей 817 Баллы 113 05.03.2016 #2 As far as I remember it's stored in some configuration file of the program. So you have just to read it using C# and pass it to the var.
As far as I remember it's stored in some configuration file of the program. So you have just to read it using C# and pass it to the var.
rostonix Известная личность Регистрация 23.12.2011 Сообщения 29 067 Благодарностей 5 715 Баллы 113 09.03.2016 #4 You can get text from Anti-Captcha.dll.config file The same for other Captcha services Реакции: egz