I've got a simple offline template that has to take a line from a general file and then delete the line and do some regexp tasks with it.
Now, if I run 2, 10, or 40 threads simultaniously, it doesn't matter. The speed of executions stays the same.
I guess because only 1 template can edit a certain text file at a time.
There are some thousands of lines in the file, so it takes some time before all the executions are done.
But it could go a lot faster I guess if there is another method than taking/deleting the first line of a text file.
Thought about it but can't think of one that is workable enough.
Does anyone know a good solution for this?
Thanks in advance.
I've got a simple offline template that has to take a line from a general file and then delete the line and do some regexp tasks with it.
Now, if I run 2, 10, or 40 threads simultaniously, it doesn't matter. The speed of executions stays the same.
I guess because only 1 template can edit a certain text file at a time.
There are some thousands of lines in the file, so it takes some time before all the executions are done.
But it could go a lot faster I guess if there is another method than taking/deleting the first line of a text file.
Thought about it but can't think of one that is workable enough.
Does anyone know a good solution for this?
Thanks in advance.