myndeswx Client Регистрация 15.05.2017 Сообщения 436 Благодарностей 104 Баллы 43 23.01.2021 #1 Making a request;json Website receives - "GET /% 3Bcsv
Yuriy Zymlex Moderator Команда форума Регистрация 24.10.2016 Сообщения 6 532 Благодарностей 3 377 Баллы 113 24.01.2021 #2 The problem arises from the chilkat. Try alternative http method in project settings.
myndeswx Client Регистрация 15.05.2017 Сообщения 436 Благодарностей 104 Баллы 43 24.01.2021 #3 Did not find another way, tried running HTTPGET in C # code, same results, solution for now -
Did not find another way, tried running HTTPGET in C # code, same results, solution for now -
VladZen Administrator Команда форума Регистрация 05.11.2014 Сообщения 22 505 Благодарностей 5 923 Баллы 113 25.01.2021 #4 myndeswx сказал(а): Did not find another way, tried running HTTPGET in C # code, same results, solution for now - Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Just try selecting this in project settings: Реакции: myndeswx
myndeswx сказал(а): Did not find another way, tried running HTTPGET in C # code, same results, solution for now - Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Just try selecting this in project settings: