E Evgeniya Новичок Регистрация 16.09.2019 Сообщения 5 Благодарностей 0 Баллы 1 20.09.2019 #1 There is a project on automation using zennodroid. The cost of the project is 100k. Phased payment according to the Technical task write https://t.me/EvgeniyaZenno
There is a project on automation using zennodroid. The cost of the project is 100k. Phased payment according to the Technical task write https://t.me/EvgeniyaZenno
fri-lancer Client Регистрация 01.10.2013 Сообщения 419 Благодарностей 160 Баллы 43 24.09.2019 #2 $100k ?