ZP developers, why are you placing website tracking code in the about:startpage for Project Maker MP?!
Clicked on page text button to see the source code and was surprised to see hidden tracking code!
Everytime we open up Project Maker we are getting tracked by these three websites:
google analytics
Why are you doing this????!!!
What's the point of proxies when you are revealing ZP customer IP address and your AnalyticsID number to Google. You do not have permission to track your customers in your product. You need our consent.
This is serious mistake that needs to be fixed immediately.
Clicked on page text button to see the source code and was surprised to see hidden tracking code!
Everytime we open up Project Maker we are getting tracked by these three websites:
google analytics
Why are you doing this????!!!
What's the point of proxies when you are revealing ZP customer IP address and your AnalyticsID number to Google. You do not have permission to track your customers in your product. You need our consent.
This is serious mistake that needs to be fixed immediately.
<table border="0" height="100%" width="100%">
<td valign="top"><img src="/i/up_48.png" alt="see above"></td>
<td valign="top" width="100%"><br><font size="+1">
To start work type URL </font></td>
<tr height="20px">
<td> </td>
<td align="right" width="100%">
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