Hi, I'm trying to solve a captcha which fails with the universal module. I'm expecting CapMonster to send it to a paid captcha service to get it solved, but I don't see the captcha going thru. I tried both with 2captcha and Antigate api.
This is what I see in the log:
2captcha and AntiGate are both enabled on the "Emulate captcha-services" tab.
I've set "Recognize automatically if probability is not less than 100%" (to see if that was the problem) and "Send captcha to service if it has not been recognized" is checked.
The captcha is submitted to Capmonster, who tries to solve with the universal module and just returns an empty answer.
This is my code:
What am I missing / doing wrong?
This is what I see in the log:
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5071|CaptchaWebService: ToInterceptionQueue put it to the interception queue. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5071|CaptchaWebService: Antigate API request was parsed and was sent to the interception queue|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5227|CaptchaWebService: MainAnalysis get the descriptor from the interception queue. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5227|CaptchaWebService: IdentifyTypeOfCaptcha are deteting type of module|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5227|CaptchaWebService: ToRecognizeQueue put it to the recognize queue. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5227|CaptchaWebService: TypeDetector type was detected: ZennoLab.universal, put it to the recognize queue. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5383|CaptchaWebService: MainRecognize get the descriptor and recognize via "ZennoLab.universal" module. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5383|CaptchaWebService: ToProcessingQueue put it to the processing queue. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5539|CaptchaWebService: Try to send to the "" service for recognize the captcha. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5539|CaptchaWebService: SendToServiceUnsolvableCaptcha unknown service "", put it to the results queue. ID = 22|
2019-04-09 01:44:06.5539|CaptchaWebService: MainProcessing get the descriptor and recognize via "" service. ID = 22|
I've set "Recognize automatically if probability is not less than 100%" (to see if that was the problem) and "Send captcha to service if it has not been recognized" is checked.
The captcha is submitted to Capmonster, who tries to solve with the universal module and just returns an empty answer.
This is my code:
post_fields = {'key': 'xxx', 'method': 'base64', 'body': encoded_img}
response = r.post('http://2captcha.com/in.php', data=post_fields)