Попробовал такое сделать с soundcloud.com/settings, итог плачевный - загружает файл на сервер только 1 раз, потом нужно перезагружать ZP для того, что бы он снова регил нормально. Пробовал разные координаты - не находит окно(
Из того что сумел перевести, понял что человек столкнулся с такой же проблемой как и я, но не могу понять как он ее решил.Summary: Mouse click requires project instances to work in visible mode. I am pretty sure clicking on element by ID would not require this.
So yes - it works, but there were some errors (only with multithreading) because the dialog box from forms aren't properly locked. So if 2 threads are there it is overlaping is possible. Especially because there it takes 20-30 miliseconds for the dialog box from to become focused windows. Meanwhile, it could happen that something else pop-ups so the file patch is filled in another form.
I solved the problem by writing in a txt file that file dialog box is open and then I make all other thread except current waiting till the proccess finishes. When the process is finished i write in the txt file that process is finished and then all the other threads can start to work. I add a random pause in milliseconds to avoid the case when two thread get into process at the same time.
It is a bit slower but the success rate is 99.8% (923 of 925) per my testing.
instance.SetWindowSize(%ширина%, %высота%);
Summary: Mouse click requires project instances to work in visible mode. I am pretty sure clicking on element by ID would not require this.
So yes - it works, but there were some errors (only with multithreading) because the dialog box from forms aren't properly locked. So if 2 threads are there it is overlaping is possible. Especially because there it takes 20-30 miliseconds for the dialog box from to become focused windows. Meanwhile, it could happen that something else pop-ups so the file patch is filled in another form.
I solved the problem by writing in a txt file that file dialog box is open and then I make all other thread except current waiting till the proccess finishes. When the process is finished i write in the txt file that process is finished and then all the other threads can start to work. I add a random pause in milliseconds to avoid the case when two thread get into process at the same time.
It is a bit slower but the success rate is 99.8% (923 of 925) per my testing.
I need help uploading a file via flash
1. The testing url does not work anymore http://demo.swfupload.org/v220/simpledemo/index.php so I can figure out how things are done.
2. If the thread started in English why finish in Russian ?