in changelog.txt is:
From now on if there is no articles added for currently active project in ZenBLOG application, poster templates will search for "articles" folder in "Results/project_name" and use articles from that directory. "articles" folder need to be created manualy for each project. Inside the folder user can place articles in different *.txt files. name of the file is not important since poster templates will read content of directory and choose random *.txt file to use. Used texts will be moved to "usedarticles" folder which is created automatically.
!STRUCTURE OF SAMPLE *.txt article in "articles" directory(each line separated with ENTER):
1.FIRST LINE - Article title (no spintax implemented yet, one title for article).
2-X. SECOND TO X LINES - post content, text can be formatted into paragraphs with ENTER (no spintax implemented yet), bbcode (url, img) tags are still valid.
LAST LINE - tags separated with comma (, ); (no spintax implemented yet).
Another feature added is that urls to posts and article names now will be saved into "Results/project_name/urls_articles.txt", each line contains: post_url;article_title.