Результаты поиска

  1. ek3ekytop

    How to paste rich text or any solution for this ?

    Its not a problem at all .. they are easy detectable even without Action Designer .. The problem is how to create link with anchor text when html not works. When the text is highlighted (selected) then we can add url to it ... as I show in the first post.
  2. ek3ekytop

    How to paste rich text or any solution for this ?

    What to do with it? How to highlight the text where I want to be the link?
  3. ek3ekytop

    How to paste rich text or any solution for this ?

    @VladZen Is this possible?
  4. ek3ekytop

    How to paste rich text or any solution for this ?

    Hi to all. I'm creating tempate for a site where the only way to insert link with anchor is this way : or paste rich text. HTML not works at all. Any suggestions how can this be done?? Thanks in advance!
  5. ek3ekytop

    Run List Index was outside the bounds of the array. Error

    It was my own variable. In this project I replaced old login form with load profile instead login each time ... then I get this error to 1 of my variables ... Problem solved when I created other variable .
  6. ek3ekytop

    Run List Index was outside the bounds of the array. Error

    Problem solved! Created new variable and no problem after that but is strange at all!
  7. ek3ekytop

    Run List Index was outside the bounds of the array. Error

    In my template I asign value 0 to a variable then load profile and when load profile there no number (0) asigned to this variable and in log I get error [Run List Index was outside the bounds of the array.] Can someone explain me what is the problem ?
  8. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in version

    I have templates which works in loops and working perfect in 5.39 but in 5.40 freeze after few minutes and zenno must be closed in task manager.
  9. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in version

    Setting up proxy (socks5 - I dont know for others) bug still persist in when using chrome
  10. ek3ekytop

    Execute projects every x day(s) between xx:xx h and xx:xx h

    Can this feature be added for better randomization? Starting account actions at the same time every day can be very suspicious for nowadays algorithms .
  11. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in version

    Socks5 proxies socks5://username:pass@server:port Sometimes works without problem sometimes not work. (works fine with firefox)
  12. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in version

    For sure. Setting proxy is one of the most mandatory options for botting nowadays
  13. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in version

    Update: Chrome setting proxy bug is even worse ... sometimes it showing that proxy is setted up but when we check it on some site it shows our real IP . This way I lost lots of accounts again. @VladZen Do you aware and do you work on this issue?
  14. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in version

    Update: Firefox version is outdated and easily detected by reddit antibot algo ... I need Fix for this - updated Firefox browser or chrome without setting proxy issues
  15. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in version

    Setting proxy when using Chrome sometimes not work (I lost few reddit accounts because of this bug). It works on FireFox without problems
  16. ek3ekytop

    [Need help] Reddit parser

    I can't understand what you mean. Can you edit the template ?
  17. ek3ekytop

    [Need help] Reddit parser

    Hi to all. Im trying to create reddit scraper, which save results in 2 table columns. In first it save the urls of posts, in second (column B) i need to save the titles of the posts (posturl:post title) but it seems my skills are not enough to make it work correctly . If anyone can help will...
  18. ek3ekytop

    Can't clear cookies issue. Any ideas?

    I've found a solution 5 min after my post here: But it is strange at all ... If anyone can answer why it stop there will be fine. Greeting to all!
  19. ek3ekytop

    Can't clear cookies issue. Any ideas?

    Hi to all. I created a template which works in loops but sometimes before change account it can't clear cookies and just stop. Any ideas what can cause this ? Anyone? Thanks in andvance!
  20. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in ZennoPoster 7 beta

    Thanks for your answer .... now I'll buy update to use it. Version 7 run a way faster on my pc.
  21. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in ZennoPoster 7 beta

    Can't set socks5 proxy with authentication in project maker demo . I dont know if it works with other type proxies but these templates works fine in standard and all previous
  22. ek3ekytop

    Can't Able To Login Into Reddit From ZennoPoster

    Is it fixed in new versions. I'll buy update for this if is fixed. Im using chrome and it works but accounts are ghosted really fast. Maybe they can detect that it is a bot I don't know
  23. ek3ekytop

    How to use private proxy as system proxy for recaptcha?

    I plan to buy CapMonster, but I have few questions because some things are not clear for me. 1. Do I need to buy sitekey addon separately? 2. Will CapMonster take much system resources? 3. I have CapMonster installed with my zennoposter standart , what is the difference ? Thanks in advance !
  24. ek3ekytop

    Slow work

    Thank you
  25. ek3ekytop

    Slow work

    Hello. Can someone explain me why my templates often stop and I see this for more than 5 mins in some threads. The page is fully loaded and everything is ready for the next step, but zennoposter just staying and not doing anything . There no such huge delay when I run the templates in project...
  26. ek3ekytop

    [$0.06 PER PROXY] - Million HTTP/HTTPS & SOCKS4/5 Private Proxies - Proxy For Capmonter 2 Recaptcha

    I've paid $5 to test this service. Tested 3 proxies and they not work for 80% of the sites I've tried. Asked for refund. My msg on FB is seen but no responce. NOT RECOMMENDED!
  27. ek3ekytop

    How to use private proxy as system proxy for recaptcha?

    When Im using my project proxies recaptchas can't be solved (maybe they aren't good enough). I need some software which will allow me to change my entire system IP with some private proxy.
  28. ek3ekytop

    How to use private proxy as system proxy for recaptcha?

    Im using templates with recaptcha 2 which is solved by anti-captcha and rucaptcha modules but it only works when im not using my project proxies (maybe they are not good enough and recaptchas are too comlicated) I need to set up clean private proxies to be used only for solving recaptchas. How...
  29. ek3ekytop

    Increase hour ... how to work with date and time ?

    Thanks for your suggestion, but I need to input day , hour etc in different places so I think I need to create variables for them and increase variable number on every loop.
  30. ek3ekytop

    Increase hour ... how to work with date and time ?

    Yes just like this, but i need to fill up website queue. For this purpose I need to have external texts like this : 02/20/2019 3:55PM 02/20/2019 6:55PM 02/20/2019 9:55PM ..... 02/21/2019 3:55PM 02/21/2019 6:55PM ........ Is there some way to start from local time and then to increase hours and...
  31. ek3ekytop

    Increase hour ... how to work with date and time ?

    Anyone? Is there some easy way to do it or I need create variables for hour, minute ... so on and increase them on every loop .... If this is the only one solution how it will work correctly for the days of the current month ???
  32. ek3ekytop

    Increase hour ... how to work with date and time ?

    HI to all. I need to create post scheduling bot and need to schedule posts in this format 02/20/2019 3:55PM and adding post in 3 hours interval. Is there easy way this to be done?
  33. ek3ekytop

    Copy to clipboard problem - need solution

    Thank you very much lokiys. I don't know how i miss it the first time when trying to do it. Now after I created RegEx to parse it, the script works just fine ... even no need to reload the page. Thanks again!
  34. ek3ekytop

    Copy to clipboard problem - need solution

    It paste my previously copied text from the clipboard on every loop and create repeating lines in my txt file (if this matters) I still need a solution. Now I work with the script with a breakpoint to click on "copy link" manually, but it is really annoying ...
  35. ek3ekytop

    Problem with the list

    1 Make sure you have checked all boxes in list options 2 Convert your text file to utf-8
  36. ek3ekytop

    Copy to clipboard problem - need solution

    Yes, this is what I use to write copied link to text file, but it only works when I click manually. When the script click on it, there no copied data to clipboard. Page showing copied link (as it is in the gif above) but no copied data to clipboard ... Really weird
  37. ek3ekytop

    Copy to clipboard problem - need solution

    Hi. I'm working on reddit comment poster, but I have a little problem. I need to get the url of my comment after it is been posted. Everything works and even reddit shows that the link is been copied to the clipboard - see this But nothing is copied at all. It works when i click manually...
  38. ek3ekytop

    [ZennoDroid] Can't run virtual machine

    I'm not using any VM. Just instaled Zennodroid and try to run its VM but without success...
  39. ek3ekytop

    [ZennoDroid] Can't run virtual machine

    Hello. I decided to test zennodroid demo but, it can't run the android virtual machine. I tested it to my PC and laptop where i run zennoposter without problems. Both are with 8gb ram and good processor and windows 8. Where can be the problem? I get this error
  40. ek3ekytop

    How to use botUI ?

    I thought that we can export the bots in any way to use through the interface. Thank you for the answer!
  41. ek3ekytop

    How to use botUI ?

    Hello. I noticed that a few versions ago we already have bot interface module. But still can't understand how to execute and use the bot through this interface. Can anyone explain ? Thanks in advance!
  42. ek3ekytop

    Bugs in new version

    Sometimes right mouse button not works in ProjectMaker EN when click over the page to open this menu and need to be restarted to works again. I rollback to previous version.
  43. ek3ekytop

    How to prevent duplicate text entry?

    Edit: Actually i found that I made a mistake in one of my variables that causes this issue, but thank you for suggestions guys !
  44. ek3ekytop

    How to prevent duplicate text entry?

    This way working correctly ... thank you very much!
  45. ek3ekytop

    How to prevent duplicate text entry?

    Yes. In some cases setting it for best quality helps. But not in this. I already think that this is some bug in zenno, , I played a lot with this issue and cannot find some solution. Anyway thanks for the answer. Greetings!
  46. ek3ekytop

    How to prevent duplicate text entry?

    Hello everyone. I noticed that sometimes zennoposter fill the text in forms twice. Especially this happens when the form cannot be recorded from the recorder and must be added with the actions designer. In most cases this is not big problem because it delete first text input and write the same...
  47. ek3ekytop

    Why this can't be clicked (choosed) and not works in zennoposter project maker browser?

    Hello. I'm working over Tumblr automation template but i'm faced a problem. I can't change post type using zennoposter. Look at this HTML or Markdown can't be selected in zennoposter browser. I want to know why this not work and is there any solution? I'm using version (latest) not...
  48. ek3ekytop

    How to write parsed content into new table column?

    Very clever solution thank you very much!
  49. ek3ekytop

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    First Dom in Morgan's template capture Google site key, but you can skip this step, find site key using page source and hardcode this key directly in the url of the first GET request without using any variables.