Результаты поиска

  1. ek3ekytop

    How to write parsed content into new table column?

    Hello. I trying to create simple reddit scraper which save results in 2 table columns. In first it save the urls of posts, in second (column B) i need to save the titles of the posts (posturl:post title) I can't make it working correctly. (always save results in first column or not works at all)...
  2. ek3ekytop

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Hey Morgan thank you very much for your help and templates man! I wish you merry christmas and happy new year !
  3. ek3ekytop

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Thank you very much for your responce. I'm newbie in Zennoposter and i can't understand how to do this correctly. I have 2captcha account also. Can you create sample template for me - how to use 2captcha for solving this type of captchas? Thank you again.
  4. ek3ekytop

    Is there a way to use only female or male names?

    Thank you very much! It works!
  5. ek3ekytop

    Is there a way to use only female or male names?

    Hello. Is there a way to use only female names? I try {-Profile.Name.Female-} but it return male names also.
  6. ek3ekytop

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    Yes Recaptcha v2
  7. ek3ekytop

    How to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) for Google recaptcha?

    I try to use anti-captcha (antigate.com) service for Google recaptchas in zenno without success. I tried without setting module settings, also with id_constructor=21 and with id_constructor=23 Every time image is uploaded money are taken but recaptchas are not solved. I tried also...
  8. ek3ekytop

    How to create wait for text to appears then continue script

    Finally it workinig this way but there is another problem .... Submit button not works untill thumbnails are not generated and "Ready for thumbnail choice" text/link not appers on the page. I tried to modify the template to check for this phrase using your method , but it not works again. Please...
  9. ek3ekytop

    How to create wait for text to appears then continue script

    No i'm not sure it isn't javascript/jquery. Here is short version of my template with test login details. You will need a mp4 video file named 1 in project directory in order to start uploading process. Thank you very much for your time and help! Warning: It is adult tube website!
  10. ek3ekytop

    How to create wait for text to appears then continue script

    Thanks for you answers. Tobbe i made it just like your example and not works for me on the website i trying to do it. It is flash uploading form and i don't know from where it parse the text but it continues every single time even without text appearing on the page. I tested to do it with...
  11. ek3ekytop

    How to create wait for text to appears then continue script

    Hello. I try to create video upload automation script. When upload button is pressed i need to wait untill "successfully uploaded' text appears on page then continue the script. I tried this way: But not works .... script continues even before text appears on the page. Please show me how to...