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  1. EtaLasquera

    Zennoposter monitor size

    We use "Browser" in a standard 14'' 1360x768 monitor and project+variables+log+trafic+element tree into a 1920x1080 32'' TV.
  2. EtaLasquera

    How can I read/capture/view source of content that show only on mouseover?

    Thats is possible. I already do that in a job. Unfortunately I don't hava a store to sell templates. A tip, "Windows > Traffic"
  3. EtaLasquera

    How to make PM get long numbers from table

    You must to convert your excel column to text. At excel... =TEXT(A1,"#####################################################") For zenno, everything is string, remember that.
  4. EtaLasquera

    I scraped a big list with numbers, how to get avarage number? MATH Question

    You must write a c# code. var lst = project.lists["list1"]; decimal sum = 0; int i = 0; while (int < lst.count){ sum = sum + Convert.ToDecimal(lst[i]); i++; } return sum / i;
  5. EtaLasquera

    There is a way to stop a project due to no action for a long time?

    :( In other words I need to check if site comes down after every action. Thanks for answer.
  6. EtaLasquera

    We have "Post", "Get" there is a way to HTTP "Options"?

    Done, thanks!
  7. EtaLasquera

    We have "Post", "Get" there is a way to HTTP "Options"?

    I need to send http "Options" but for now we can send only "Post" or "Get" There is a chance to send "http options"?
  8. EtaLasquera

    Edit List path in runtime

    When you use C# you must to use... string path = "C:\\Folder\\File.txt";
  9. EtaLasquera

    What reference should I add for the namespace 'Keys'?

    Try start new project and search for namespace keys... I already got that problem in a project...
  10. EtaLasquera

    There is a way to stop a project due to no action for a long time?

    Example of project crash...
  11. EtaLasquera

    There is a way to stop a project due to no action for a long time?

    Sometimes I got problems due to internet connection comes down or website is in maintenance. There is a configuration to "end project if no action was executed in 10000 seconds?"
  12. EtaLasquera

    Convert CSV to XLS

    If you load table from file and set a empyt xls file and save data to a table who as loaded from file, that file will be saved into a xls format. As code example, look for table settings.
  13. EtaLasquera

    Bug with BotUI

    First you must add a input settings in project. This is not "general settings".
  14. EtaLasquera

    ZennoBox and "Project in project"

    Not need I already put 3 projects in only one for now. Thanks.
  15. EtaLasquera

    ZennoBox and "Project in project"

    No. Sometimes a project execute the same code a lot of times. In that situation we use "project in project". But I already get the answer in your question. Projects for zennobox cannot use project in project.
  16. EtaLasquera

    ZennoBox and "Project in project"

    Hi, I have a lot of projects in Zenno who use the funcion "project in project", as example, I need to acess a bank page and after every action I must check if the page was loaded or no. The log say's: 2017-07-31 09:06:18.3991|WARN|ZennoLab.LogLibrary.InternalError|Error occured in module...
  17. EtaLasquera

    Scraping to Table issues..

    ... since you are using regex, columns are not called by letters, you must use numbers. a=0 b=1 c=2 ...
  18. EtaLasquera

    HTML GET request with header attribute or authentication ?

    Learn more about post and get at https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp
  19. EtaLasquera

    Wait for elements to load

    Try this... Get this regex from page dom... {-page dom-} to variable html <div id="divOverlaySRA".*?display: none If... variable {-Variable.html-} != "" continue else, pause 1s... loop
  20. EtaLasquera

    HTML GET request with header attribute or authentication ?

    Since you are using get "you" already have passed that information... You can't send "parameters" in get, only in post. As example: https://apresentacao.eadbox.com/student/courses?auth_token=wNEGyV9PaYtkzoBgKuxF auth_token is part of cookie.
  21. EtaLasquera

    what's this error and why this happen

    You can try use google translator to receive a good answer. Just ctrl+c ctrl+v at http://translate.google.com
  22. EtaLasquera

    spintax from files ?

    Pay $50 and be happy.
  23. EtaLasquera

    what's this error and why this happen

    DNS problem... you don't have internet connection... or the website who you are trying to access is not acessible, etc...
  24. EtaLasquera

    C# click radio box

    Xpath is the god of zenno.
  25. EtaLasquera

    Unable to linebreak while posting content after reading from xlsx cell

    Have you tried \r\n ?
  26. EtaLasquera

    Help with Xpath

    Found error by my self.... fail in C#... ...[contains(.,"+str+")"; Done.
  27. EtaLasquera

    Help with Xpath

    I'm trying to use Xpath to do some tasks. This is my first time who I'm trying to use a variable mixed with Xpath code, my problem is... if I put a number direct in the Xpath code, the code returns "error" if I put the same number from a variable the code returns sucess... If I run that code on...
  28. EtaLasquera

    ZennoBox questions

    Argh :( If I want to sell a new project to myself I'll need to pay U$10,00. Solution: If I plan to sell anything I must to sell a lot of projects who will be updated in near future, or eles I'll need to pay U$10,00 for every sell.
  29. EtaLasquera

    passing objects between snippets/projects

    Writing lists / tables also you can use project in project and pass variables between projects.
  30. EtaLasquera

    zennoposter eats CPU like crazy!

    I sugest to you close instance after run, if you open browser and stay getting data from a dinamic object or trying to parse a dinamic content, the browser will consume more and more cpu and memmory.
  31. EtaLasquera

    how to have multiple download by different proxies in one template

    Create a text file with your proxy list. In your project, after start, call a list binded to a file and select your text file. Get a line from this list and delete line after take. Start Zenno Poster, now every thread will take a different line and will start a instance with different proxy.
  32. EtaLasquera

    Bugs in new version

    Sorry about that, I think it's a problem in my computer, I do a new instalation of .net framework and everything it's ok now.
  33. EtaLasquera

    Help, click into element inside a specific div

    Work like a charm! Thank you! You don't save my life but turn it more happyness :)
  34. EtaLasquera

    Help, click into element inside a specific div

    Up :)
  35. EtaLasquera

    Load java applet

    Hello! Can anyone help me to load a java applet in browser? I already do: instance.UsePlugins = true; instance.UseJavaApplets = true; instance.UseJavaScripts = true; instance.UsePluginsForceWmode = true; But the applet stay like a "grey block" in my browser.
  36. EtaLasquera

    Number variable -1

    You must use c# code to do mathematic operations. To simple variables you can use "set value, increase counter, decrease counter". To use mathematic operations in c# you will need: int i = projetc.Variables["myvariable"].Value; return i -1;
  37. EtaLasquera

    Thanks for full mouse emulation!!!!!

    Yesterday I found a site who don't allow me to use events like rise click, full mouse emulation works like a charm! Thanks Zenno Developers!
  38. EtaLasquera

    HTTP requests and cookies

    You must use browser to generate cookie, you can use http get or http post to do requests.
  39. EtaLasquera

    Help, click into element inside a specific div

    Up! As attached example.... There is a easy way to rise click in... tag: div Element page: transactionPage sub tag: a Element innertext: 2 The attachment example is mine current action to find match....
  40. EtaLasquera

    HTTP requests and cookies

    Well, sometimes I use regex inside cookie to take specific element... Cookie: lumUserLocale=pt_BR; lumUserSessionId=lCCGc_D8Q1dwhKhlTfsZpPqo8YyhkkBK; lumUserName=LUIS+CARLOS; accessToken=lCCGc_D8Q1dwhKhlTfsZpPqo8YyhkkBK; lumUserLogin="VRPAT#[email protected]"...
  41. EtaLasquera

    HTTP requests and cookies

    The token a part of the cookie?
  42. EtaLasquera

    HTTP requests and cookies

    Have you tried to pick browser cookie with c# code? instance.ActiveTab.Navigate("http://google.com/"); instance.ActiveTab.WaitDownloading(); // get cookie by domain // to do this you must have a variable with name "cookie" project.Variables["cookie"].Value = instance.GetCookie("google.com"...
  43. EtaLasquera

    How to look up source code of a website ?

    Variables > Environement > page.source or page.dom or page.text
  44. EtaLasquera

    Picture upload failure

    Well zenno "walk" in html code, check your html codes, it is the only one thing who can help you.
  45. EtaLasquera

    Parse list then use If

    If you are using regex, use combobox and set "all" after this, to list.
  46. EtaLasquera

    Picture upload failure

    Try this....
  47. EtaLasquera

    How to extract only emails from bio?

    If you take a text from html I sugest to use regex over html code (?<=mailto:).*(?=\ ) Sometimes you can take something who have '@' in text :p imagetypers regext will work fine but consider grab html content.
  48. EtaLasquera

    Exists a way to "force close" a task?

    Sometimes my projects crash in c# action due to a DNS error. When this occours I must close Zenno Poster and reopen tasks. In some projects I use comunication with SQL server and in all projects I put in a bad end a request to rollback database but when project crash I must to do some SQL...
  49. EtaLasquera

    Help, click into element inside a specific div

    Argh... it's hard to explain :S I have too many... "<a class="ng-binding" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="changePage(item.page)" ng-class="{'active':item.page === page}">2</a>" I must click in that link inside the... <div....page="transacoesPage"...> The problem is the page order,sometimes...
  50. EtaLasquera

    Help, click into element inside a specific div

    I must click into a element inside a div, sometimes the page have "1~10 links" with the same name but I need to rise click inside a specific div: <div class="ng-isolate-scope" vr-pagination="" page="transacoesPage" page-quantity="transacoesPageQuantity" page-limit="pageLimit"...