Результаты поиска

  1. lokiys

    Creating templates using Chrome Browser Vs Mozilla

    Templates in chrome should work just the same way as in firefox. If something is different then You should post bug thread with more information. With making the diagnostic report and in the best way sending problem template with all file to support ticket.
  2. lokiys

    Best way to use Backconnected Rotating Proxies for Account Creation

    You are welcome @richardroe BTW if You found any posts helpful You are welcomed to engage with community by hitting that "Like" button. And If You have ZennoPoster license then write to http://support.zennolab.com request with your email address about changing Your forum status to the client...
  3. lokiys

    рекапча на textnow

    Tam nerabotaje re-captcha v standartnom vide, ne servisam ne capmonstram. Nada specaljnij javascript shtobi prinjimalji kaptchu.
  4. lokiys

    Start browser process bug

    Based on the previous thread, yes I had. https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/bugs-in-new-version-5-29-3-0.58118/#post-429467
  5. lokiys

    Start browser process bug

    This bug is there at least a couple versions already. Work with the template without browser some time, then open new project and start to work. After short while the browser goes down. The only way to get back is restarting PM
  6. lokiys

    Best way to use Backconnected Rotating Proxies for Account Creation

    Browser ==> Set Proxy this is action where You set proxy. There is no any tutorials about improving Your skills sorry. But your job is simple, check logs where Your template fails, and make a logic so it does not fail anymore there. And do that with each place You can see the problem. It is a...
  7. lokiys

    Best way to use Backconnected Rotating Proxies for Account Creation

    Different tasks require different proxies. I can not suggest anything. But if You are still using rotating proxies You have to develop much more quality bots with lots of logic into them so they do not fail after timeouts. Proxy checker is used for checking proxies, You do not need to check...
  8. lokiys

    2 email templates with good inbox

    Follow forum rules and everything will be all right. https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/pravila-foruma.16957/
  9. lokiys

    2 email templates with good inbox

    My personal opinion based on my experience. Is only my personal affair. I will no leave Eng side users in dark about Your past. Cheers
  10. lokiys

    2 email templates with good inbox

    Dude, You know that Your reputation is a mess. You have lost Your status Client here in zennoforum. I was one of who contacted you at the time I did not know You yet, and You had different username here. MoneyMaker Kiril or something like that, so this is one point, You have changed Your...
  11. lokiys

    [Bot Interface][textarea] New lines separator is wrong?

    No there should not be 3 lines. Textarea is for text block not for lines. If You want lines You have to split your text block into lines, with indicating what will be line separator, in Your case it is ENTER.
  12. lokiys

    Cannot open Spotify Web Player. Help!

    Should not this work out of the box already, and without putting any dlls anywhere ?
  13. lokiys

    Best way to use Backconnected Rotating Proxies for Account Creation

    You do not have to load rotation proxies in proxychecker at all. Save in file and use from the file. There is no way to control when a new proxy is assigned to your proxy port. You can try to test what proxy you have then wait while it changes and then start account creation. But proxies can...
  14. lokiys

    Topinbrowser and leftinbrowser not exist

    I think this topInTab is only one zenno made attribute. Everything else are HTML Tag Attributes
  15. lokiys

    Topinbrowser and leftinbrowser not exist

    Check https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/about-coordinate-in-zp.62006/
  16. lokiys

    How many differnt captcha types can it actually solve out of the box?

    Modules do not mean types. For example, Universal module can solve 10k captcha types. Well, to be honest, I do not think that this real number, because nobody can tell exactly how many captcha types each module can solve. Because everyone can make simple different captcha type images and use...
  17. lokiys

    Как реализовать в зенке drag&drop

    Eto https://help.zennolab.com/en/v5/zennoposter/
  18. lokiys

    Subproject xxx. Run HtmlElement Error accessing Instance.ActiveTab

    It's fine to use them, You just have to input more development work. Like checking if an element is loaded before clicking or entering anything in fields. and if something is not loaded then reload the page, or wait longer. Depending on the situation.
  19. lokiys

    Subproject xxx. Run HtmlElement Error accessing Instance.ActiveTab

    smartproxy and geosurf are residential proxies, and they are slow in general. You tried two providers, but Its possible that You tried the same proxies. Pick semi-dedicated proxies or in a best way dedicated, if You need speed.
  20. lokiys

    Where I can get good proxies for recaptcha module

    You can buy proxy lists at so many services just google it, I do not want to advertise just one service. NordVPN is not a proxy but VPN service, You can not add VPN services to capmonster.
  21. lokiys

    About coordinate in ZP

    No, you have to use exactly as I wrote. In dropdown select, there are not all parameters you can use just the most used. So you just write in topInTab and leftInTab and it will work.
  22. lokiys

    About coordinate in ZP

    there are always some search criteria what is unique. And to get correct coordinate points this is the only way. And it works very well. You even do not need to use the exact element You want. You can use some button what is near Your needed element and take coordinates from this element, then...
  23. lokiys

    About coordinate in ZP

    Hi. 1. first You find element what You want to do any action on. 2. Then You GET this element topInTab + leftInTab and this will be your coordinate points what you can use for this element further.
  24. lokiys

    Set proxy trouble

    It seems some old version bug. What version of zennoposter do You use ?
  25. lokiys

    Test about threads

    @aleksa77 Instance
  26. lokiys

    Новость ZennoPoster 7 - Грандиозное обновление. Бета-тест.

    не звучит хорошо и быстро :D
  27. lokiys

    Does ZennoPoster use a new User Agent each time it runs?

    https://www.whatsmyua.info/ And many other pages in google
  28. lokiys

    Multithreading and element html

    You can send any files directly to support with help of tickets: https://support.zennolab.com/ And add this thread url in the message.
  29. lokiys

    Mouse Emulation Clicks Based on Element Search

    In this example, You should change HTML element search attributes to get it to work.
  30. lokiys

    simulate surfing on a domain name after a Google search

    Hi. You can do all options you listed. Lite version has only one restriction, - You can not run more than one thread. What means If One visiting will take 5 minutes then 300 visits per day will take 1500 minutes what is 25 hours. :) This is the only limitation You have to think of.
  31. lokiys

    ★★★ Order ZennoPoster templates ★★★

    Hi. Please see my skype in profile: https://zennolab.com/discussion/members/lokiys.2941/ Tab Information Thanks
  32. lokiys

    Is there any way I can receive websockets without using a browser

    If You ask if there are default options for zennoposter especially for websocket then no. But You can always develop in C# and get what You want.
  33. lokiys

    Run HtmlElement | HTML element is not found by search criteria

    You are a half way right. In ZennoPoster copy ID of action. Then go to Project Maker press CTRL+F and paste the ID of action. You will then see what action made this error. It won't be the one you marked as optional.
  34. lokiys

    Environment variables from within C# code?

    Next time just open a new thread with your question. No need to look for some old threads. JSON: https://help.zennolab.com/en/v5/zennoposter/ Environmental variables are just for those who do not use C# for developing. If You use C# then You have to use...
  35. lokiys

    Schematic to Select Random URL from List

    List processing action will just take url from list and set it to variable then you can use that variable in Go to Url action. Do same with referer take from other list and set to a variable then use in Go to action referer field. Check other things in wiki, maybe You decide to use Tables and...
  36. lokiys

    Multithread & Duplicate Actions

    It is your logic after that, you can make as You need. If You want to take all and work with all files in one thread then You can do that. I'm totally blind here as I do not know what is your requirements. If You want to work with one file in one thread then take just one random file from that...
  37. lokiys

    Multithread & Duplicate Actions

    Hi. You can delete the file after taken.
  38. lokiys

    .csv Table Bug still there

    If You have problems with using such files then I assume You have to take care of them yourself. Your link already states: You need to be careful about transferring files between Windows machines and Unix machines to make sure the line endings are translated properly. ZennoPoster is windows...
  39. lokiys

    How websites detect ZennoPoster

    Ah sorry, it's already in bugs section posted. Anyway please make a new thread and give information about how it is detected and do not make some quests there lol :)
  40. lokiys

    How websites detect ZennoPoster

    Post in bugs section I guess. If You find a way how sites detect zennoposter then post that information in Bugs thread. Keep it active while somebody solves it. Cheers
  41. lokiys

    Using simultaneous VPN connections in ZP

    Hi. One PC = One connection. VPN = Virtual Private Network. You could use more than one connection on the same PC only if You would have two Network cards + Two internet connections.
  42. lokiys

    How to get Page Source Code in C# Snippet? | Как получить Source code в C# сниппете?

    Please do not bump 3 year old threads. Thanks
  43. lokiys

    Bugs in new version

    ZennoPost freeze. Like 40 threads are running, and then suddenly nothing happens. All 40 instances are opened and the web page is displayed. But that's it. Sent a report in the ticket as well. Exactly in time, it was freezing UPD: My stupidity this time I guess. Found one infinite loop in my...
  44. lokiys

    Why is the installation file is so much bigger now?

    Check https://zennolab.com/wiki/en:changelog
  45. lokiys

    Emulate login in ZP without browser?

    Hi. Assembly
  46. lokiys

    Sometimes it is unable to edit in C# code

    Maybe You enable Executed?
  47. lokiys

    Please help with engine

    Facebook pixel: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-pixel/advanced/
  48. lokiys

    How to work with this API ?

    What are you talking about? This is API service what You can talk to using GET/POST requests. OP I have already answered to a similar question of yours.
  49. lokiys

    How to run CURL and get json response ?

    Hello, Check HTTP Request - Get request will be similar to curl. =requests']Requests