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  1. lokiys

    Иконка Свой код/Own code icon

    It is an icon of Own code. It tells me that I will be using Javascript as prime code. But it is not suggested
  2. lokiys

    News ZennoPoster 7 - grandiose update! (Beta testing)

    Small thing. JS is not correct symbol there:
  3. lokiys

    Иконка Свой код/Own code icon

    Small thing. JS is not correct symbol there:
  4. lokiys

    Can I create a project to be "all in one" to sell?

    Yes, if you have 6 projects then you have to sell 6 projects. Or re-develop it all in one.
  5. lokiys

    Bot Continues to Next Block After Login Failure

    Highlight any text you want to check. Right click - Check Text presence - works not always you will have to dig deeper because not all texts on the page are as texts. UPD: Should cover basic
  6. lokiys

    Bot Continues to Next Block After Login Failure

    1. There are action Check for text presence 2. I would use a much simpler way. Just make one action after log in where bot should Click let's say user profile button what is available only after you are logged in. So if bot will not be able to find that profile button means its not logged in...
  7. lokiys

    Bot Continues to Next Block After Login Failure

    Login page asks the user to try again. --- Then you have to make logical action to check that message. Many ways how to do that.
  8. lokiys

    How to Use "FileName" to Input Settings

    Do not use the variable in List path. Instead, use action Bind to file. where You put list path.
  9. lokiys


    Da ladna. Ja i skazal shto budjet probjemi jeslji dva odinakovie elementi budjet v spisok. To ze samoe sho ty skazal ВАЖНО
  10. lokiys


    Eto budjet iskakj index of element. Jeslji budjet dva odinakovie elementi v spiske togda error.
  11. lokiys


    Net nemozno. Usay for loop ilji svoj index
  12. lokiys

    Video Screenshot or picture capture

    I remember not so long ago there was a thread about something like that. You can try to search. But also You can go and post in buy sell section.
  13. lokiys

    Video Screenshot or picture capture

    Video editing and managing are well known with the help of ffmpeg there are no default zenno options for that.
  14. lokiys

    project.Variables are all string, how to declare it as int?

    If this option does not help: https://i.imgur.com/M1YZHCl.png Also, make sure Your excel columns are number style Then You will have to use some C# libraries for managing excel data formats. There are article for managing excel files in full...
  15. lokiys

    Project Maker - Type Text

    Any enter action will have this tab MORE Play with Emulation and you wil see difference.
  16. lokiys

    project.Variables are all string, how to declare it as int?

    Numbers are automatically int. In classic way, you do not handle variable types. It's all var You record number in the table and thats number. What issues do you have?
  17. lokiys

    Problems on Youtube

    Hey. Thank for trust guys. Unfortunately, there are no classes available for such a subject. In general, I'm always declining any requests related to hacking youtube views system, because this is not what I offer. I always say to my customers, generating fake views from Youtube is more of a...
  18. lokiys

    Too slow work

    One thing different in long working execution log You get like twice what You have usually. Even if You see longer executed file shows 3 seconds, You can compare time in my gif that it is not 3 seconds for every 7 execution.
  19. lokiys

    Too slow work

    WOW checking today. 70K lines processed after 10 hours. UPD: If all this happens because of locking list to get line then common it worked a hundred times faster before. UPD2: No its not because of lock. Testing with one thread. I can see it worked like one success in second until 7 success...
  20. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Not possible to click any option from dropdown: Confirmed on another site as well.
  21. lokiys

    Too slow work

    Is this really how fast 100 threads should work ? https://i.imgur.com/f3I9Qu3.gifv Tested on 3 Pcs. The template is totally simple. No browser. Just take the random line from file - run through dll and save in output. That's it. Works extremely slow Wait after 101 there are 25 seconds delay to...
  22. lokiys

    Delayed drawing

    Is this feature taken away from us? I can not find this button anymore.
  23. lokiys

    Putting Random Number to Variable Issues

    0-10 will generate 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 0-1 will generate 0 That's how it works. The last number in range will not be generated.
  24. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    This old bug still there. Noticed that my clipboard on my workstation stops working when I connect to the server with zenno what gives me this error...
  25. lokiys

    Element tree as separate window v7

    As I said not a really big problem for me, just keeping the discussion and saying my opinion. To me as developer and others will definitely agree that I feel more compact and easier to handle if I can change in the best way, all and every detail I'm working with, that does apply in any...
  26. lokiys

    Element tree as separate window v7

    1. window instead of 2 is just what I told and asked why in new versions to include limitations. ? My point was that new windows are NOT - more compact it is less compact, it is NOT shorter it is longer. It is really not that big problem, but I would like to hear the honest and proper arguments.
  27. lokiys

    template from version to 5 .31.0.0

    Here You are: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/phd8pr56qmfee0o/AABjCD6SMscOm_7h9YP6pmKIa?dl=0
  28. lokiys

    Element tree as separate window v7

    About what space are you talking about? If look carefully I can see that toolbars for new window are even bigger than in the old window.
  29. lokiys

    Element tree as separate window v7

    Well, that's maybe true that they are used together, I would say I use all windows together as this is part of the program complex and helps me. But why include limitations? I usually used element properties closer to the browser as those are used working with almost any element, in opposite...
  30. lokiys

    Make a switch logic with percent chance of execution

    Switch checks what values You have in variable and compare with switch options if any option match it will go by that output. In Your case better add 3 IF actions with logic in them.
  31. lokiys

    Element tree as separate window v7

    How can I split element properties from the element tree?
  32. lokiys

    How to move windows v7

    I want them to be another way around. How can I move ?
  33. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    I do not understand what You ask. this is how my toolbox area looks like. but when opened PM it was like in the previous post.
  34. lokiys

    Best Way to Create Blacklist for Account Creation?

    It all depends on the amount of data. If you have a couple of millions blacklist then its easy. Save Blacked logins to file. and foreach file when new login is taken for checking if its not used before.
  35. lokiys

    Bugs in version

    Just got removed my buttons. I had all them in small format. All layout did not broke but buttons disappeared.
  36. lokiys

    Who makes $16,000 a day by selling accounts ?! Get the statistics of sales of online stores!

    I did not read all carefully, but is not all this misleading? What if proxies and developer cost is 17k per day? then you are short for 1k No business.
  37. lokiys

    Default email Confirmation Snippet

    @noname007 If You have identical emails in the box then you have to use Bulk email download feature. https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/bulk-email-processing.7053/page-2#post-93340
  38. lokiys

    Loading templates from cloud storage

    Well, first of all, you are missing a big point if you do not use ZennoPoster for running projects. I suggest changing that. Not sure what is the reason You do that? You can load templates to cloud, BUT you will have big trouble if you will try to use files what is changed in dropbox for example.
  39. lokiys

    Looking for Capmonster Module Maker

    @7make offered such service some time ago.
  40. lokiys

    SQL Server Client returning wrong format of datetime

    To be honest I'm also not always understand how those DateTime formats are generated. It seems that on different computers You can get different formats based on PC language settings. I have played a lot with CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat but there are always sometimes some...
  41. lokiys

    FFmpeg and zennobox

    You are welcome to do research on what is what. You mix all in one kettle. Cheers
  42. lokiys

    FFmpeg and zennobox

    .exe file is developed by coding libraries and merging all them in exe. This is what software is about. ZennoPoster also is a group of libraries. :)
  43. lokiys

    FFmpeg and zennobox

    Hi. It is not a library. It is separate software. .exe file. You can make it just like any other software making that. With manual or automatic download when started or maybe once a month now sure what is your needs.
  44. lokiys

    Do I need to save the profiles each time to preserve cookies?

    You definitely have to save cookies if you will use them later again. In stand-alone browser happens the same. Cookies get replaced with new cookies.
  45. lokiys

    Bugs in new version

    I work only with FF64bit, as it works stable and this is what I'm interested in. Have not disabled firewall or defender. Open the non-browser template and then close and work with only browser-based and I'm getting this again.
  46. lokiys

    Zennodroid, when next?

    I did, and I have opened many threads in the past. But sorry I did not have time for extensive debugging. There are many users who could not get it run as well.
  47. lokiys

    Zennodroid, when next?

    I hope everybody who bought the currect version will get update extension for free. As I bought it and did not succeed to run it.
  48. lokiys

    How to do an infinite captcha control?

    After each action You have to check if there is captcha, if yes then solve if not then continue. This is the only way.
  49. lokiys

    Does ZennoPoster use a new User Agent each time it runs?

    ZennoPoster will generate random user-agents from their list, so you can get an old agent once and new agent next time. So if it is very important to use only new user-agents then use Your own list of them, if the site does not care what agent You use, then use zenno autogenerated agents.
  50. lokiys

    running templates in project maker

    Project maker is not meant to run any templates, so there are not any tools what would help you. You have to run templates in ZennoPoster, and if the template is HQ as You say then You should make HQ logic to run it, this is how it should work.