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  1. PHaRTnONu

    Running projects in ZP5

    right... well idk... add pauses based on image searches? my recomendation time a full loop and applie timers as you see fit
  2. PHaRTnONu

    Running projects in ZP5

    yeh if your nested project are on a infinite loops your bound to run out of memory but im wondeering why your nesting project infinitly?
  3. PHaRTnONu

    Running projects in ZP5

    it is also very hard to tell why your slowing down in a hour...? what are you saving project to? take out the infinite loop and make the project run multiple executions every minute? there are a number of reasons you could be crashing its hard to tell with out specifics
  4. PHaRTnONu

    Running projects in ZP5

    you can add a pause 1 second to the end or beginning of loop so 1 loop will always take 1 second? but it should slow down for page loading regardless?
  5. PHaRTnONu

    communicate or activate actions between projects?

    Global variables needs c# right?
  6. PHaRTnONu

    communicate or activate actions between projects?

    how would you communicate between threads? or from one bot to the next?
  7. PHaRTnONu

    Proxy experiences anyone

    No don't do that. Look in the market place. You better off there. There are a lot of proxy people selling here for this specific issue
  8. PHaRTnONu

    Proxy experiences anyone

    Get private residential ips then...?
  9. PHaRTnONu

    Proxy experiences anyone

    you can run a proxie check BEFORE and during you conection with a if statement to terminate if connection is dead if that is your concern
  10. PHaRTnONu

    Can Zennoposter make this kind of email script?

    You shouldgo to the marketplace for template request. I recomend lokiys for any job fyi
  11. PHaRTnONu

    Zennoposter Went Blank

    He has the schedualed tab selected and there are no schedualed jobs...... it will remain blank till he adds schedualed jobs.... i rember when the same thing happened to me :(
  12. PHaRTnONu

    Zennoposter Went Blank

    when you actualy schedual them they will show up there untill then expect nothing in that area.... (0) means nothing and a big red x across any screen that has nothing runnin it
  13. PHaRTnONu

    Zennoposter Went Blank

    there is a big fat 0 in the scheduled section :ax::be:
  14. PHaRTnONu

    Can Zennoposter make this kind of email script?

    easily done.
  15. PHaRTnONu

    way to set thread count based on variable?

    is there a way to set thread count based on variable inside the instance?
  16. PHaRTnONu

    Error loading project

    that is what i ment you should put a ticket in if valdz doesnt answer here first... i couldnt find the issue but im still new to that aspect
  17. PHaRTnONu

    Error loading project

    Need the "detailed debug log" look in setting in zp load project put log in here
  18. PHaRTnONu

    sms verification tools

    I've found 10$ a month for text and number per month... but the call service is 2$ a month but no text
  19. PHaRTnONu

    sms verification tools

    Damn... thats gay... i found a provider that works for calls with face book but not with text verification.....
  20. PHaRTnONu

    sms verification tools

    rocket you have a skype?
  21. PHaRTnONu

    sms verification tools

    not what im looking for. i already have accounts i want to add phone number verifications to avoid getting them flaged when using proxys. so i want to buy numbers so that i can get the text verifcation code if need be
  22. PHaRTnONu

    sms verification tools

    i know there are some russinones but im realy lost on those sites. do we keep those numbers? so we can use them later ? and the pricing is confusing me too. i cant tell the price break down. dose any one know of a english version? cause i needs a service where i can buy sms number and keepit for...
  23. PHaRTnONu

    would like to use the scheduler in zennoposter

    You can have a if argument to check system time and if it meets criteria do a good end...?
  24. PHaRTnONu

    Examples of Get/Post/Put for Zenno?

    I would love that information too.
  25. PHaRTnONu

    How to scrape data from website <td> by <td>

    Text processing page source to list or table? regex it for td's then return all add separator as you see fit?
  26. PHaRTnONu

    IS there a way to hide Open Ports 80, 3128, 8080 and Avoid Proxy detection?

    Port fowarding...??
  27. PHaRTnONu

    Page sorce.

    Will provide when I get home. but yessssssss several named tabs are opened in project maker. only source that appears is first tab.
  28. PHaRTnONu

    get last (defined number) matches add to list

    yeh so i just have to remove it with take out first line untill line count equals what i want?
  29. PHaRTnONu

    Page sorce.

    noticed that in the lastest build if i have multiple pages open i can only see the sorce for the first page if i hit the page sorce button no matter witch page im actualy on....
  30. PHaRTnONu

    How do i click the link matching a varible?

    im trying to click the right link here... how would i chose the link with the unique id of 021210 this would be in a varible to be searched or matched for.... how do i do this? ?? thank you <table class="MessageDataGrid" rules="all" id="ctl00_mainContentPlaceHolder_inboxGridView"...
  31. PHaRTnONu

    get last (defined number) matches add to list

    wont that just take all the lines AFTER the 5th one? i just need the LAST 5
  32. PHaRTnONu

    get last (defined number) matches add to list

    So I'm parsing out some information. i can reg ex the information but i really only need to get the last 5 matches (actual matches are defined by a variable), but i will always have extra crap before it but i only need the last defined matches and add them to the list for temp info in the match...
  33. PHaRTnONu

    Need to match real zipcode, town and street address.

    yeah i use google maps to pull zip and gps coordinates for a city lookup.... zipcodes for {variable.Citylookup} just google it
  34. PHaRTnONu

    Save random file name with ZennoPoster.HttpGet ?

    Well let us know for future people
  35. PHaRTnONu

    ZP 5 proxifier dns settings

    deselect, take the check mark off
  36. PHaRTnONu


    please be very specific... what doesnt register it would be much easier if you show instance and show the hang up and upload the lastest build you have too
  37. PHaRTnONu

    ZP 5 proxifier dns settings

    turn off automatic detect
  38. PHaRTnONu

    what captchais this? and what is the solution?

    yes, and crap!
  39. PHaRTnONu

    what captchais this? and what is the solution?

    what captcha is this and what service would recognize it? solutions would be great guys
  40. PHaRTnONu

    From zennoposter, right click open in project maker does not work

    Actualy... no I'm not... after I did a reinstall it is no longer associated....
  41. PHaRTnONu

    From zennoposter, right click open in project maker does not work

    I've tried both ways and yes it's the latest version
  42. PHaRTnONu


    that will also save the info you set it to.... in the email and pass area and the names and phone numbers if you want to add difrent phone number list d the same as the email listing... sorry this was such a long process... learning myself still works fine for me though. let me know
  43. PHaRTnONu


    Never mind found the answer emulate a enter key :P LOL
  44. PHaRTnONu


    wow.... i honestly have NO answer for this... i cant get anything to work! even tried loading with out css invloved .... would love to see tobbe answer this though
  45. PHaRTnONu


    I can when I get back. You want to load a list and list process from a file. If no one else handles it in the next 5 hours I'll show you how to when I get back
  46. PHaRTnONu


    be sure to set outer html too
  47. PHaRTnONu


    well load from list? save list afer wards load from text file do get first line delete first line in list processing and load varible, set feild clear varilbe
  48. PHaRTnONu


    o evert tiem the instance restart you set it from profile it regenerates new one :P just have to restart instance and new generation comes in to place new name new surname all that
  49. PHaRTnONu


    wait maby not... cant seem to figure out how to regenerate profile randomness