Результаты поиска

  1. bigcajones

    Using same branch over and over?

    Global storage macro.
  2. bigcajones

    "What is 2 + 2" - How to Solve ?

    Papy You have to grab the page text and then do a regex to get the 2+2. Then you can solve it with the javascript macro. put the execution result of the regex branch into the javascript macro and it will solve it for you.
  3. bigcajones


    Why not delete it in the first branch where you are pulling the url from the file. You can use the execution result of that branch wherever and whenever you need it again. Remember that zenno holds the value of the branch until the template is executed successfully or fails. You could also put...
  4. bigcajones

    How come zennoposter will record some clicks but not others?

    Use the branch builder to see what the element involves. Then look for the outertext or outerhtml. Try to narrow the search down to where you only get the element you are looking at after you click the search button. Then choose Rize=>Click and see if the link is actually clicked. If not, try...
  5. bigcajones

    How to convert this code in my Project maker?

    Why not just navigate back to the page you were on? Get the page url, click on whatever you are clicking on to leave the page and then use the execution result of the Get=>Webrowser=>Get page url and go to that page. Have you tried it with the javascript macro?
  6. bigcajones

    Is there a way to type a word letter by letter, like if it was an human?

    You have to use Code Creator with the emulations module supplied here on the forum. Here's where the info can be found... http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?2844-Simulation-keyboard-mouse-events
  7. bigcajones

    I Really Need Help !!

    Try puttinng some pauses in your template to allow elements to load. Either that or you are running into dynamic document addresses which can be a pain. If you can't get it figured out, hit me up on skype and I'll help you out.
  8. bigcajones

    regarding comparaison elements

    Ben '{-FieldData.FieldData-|-●6●9●3●9●6●3●-|-≡1≡7≡7≡8≡1≡7≡5≡1≡6≡5≡-}'!='' when you do the selected text presence check or regex means that 'it does NOT return an empty string'. So in the branch I put in your template yesterday, I am checking that the regular expression is NOT returning an...
  9. bigcajones

    How to loop till 10 a regex match #

    Why not just use -|-all for your regex match bambam and that will take all the matches no matter how many you have instead of making a loop.
  10. bigcajones

    [HELP] Regex to scrap hidden input

    Use the pipe(|) for your regex to get multiple matches and you can also use the ?i: to get upper or lowercase.
  11. bigcajones

    Zennoposter just doest want to stop!

    If you have a loop in your template then this is going to happen. best to take the loop out or set the template up with a counter to only run a certain number of times. With zenno, if you don't have a way for the template to end, it will continue even if you press stop threads or delete the...
  12. bigcajones

    Is there a tutorial to explain this

    Few things. The first thing that was causing the problem of it not progressing is the fact that you cleared the cookie after hitting the signup link. Hotmail establishes a random signup id when you click the link and you are deleting it from your cookies. Hotmail, as well as most sites don't...
  13. bigcajones

    Take specific REGEX MATCHES

    If you are trying to get the match values for all of the checkboxes and save them to file then you will have to use the Get=>Webrowser=>Get dom text and then do a regular expression to pull out all of the results. If you are trying to check one of the checkboxes in a random fashion then you can...
  14. bigcajones

    Take specific REGEX MATCHES

    Lazlink if you want to pull all matches in your regex, substitute -|-all for -|-0.
  15. bigcajones

    Is there a tutorial to explain this

    Don't know if you used the one that I shared but Hotmail has changed in the last week. As if that wasn't anything new. You need to learn how to use the branch constructor in your template. This will help you narrow down the elements that the template is looking for on the page. Also, remember...
  16. bigcajones

    Path to cookies and cache

    I looked Mike and didn't see anything in there. But I do believe that is the path to the cookies.
  17. bigcajones

    How do I scrape this?

    You can do this with javascript. Google it and I'm sure you will find what you are looking for. Check on the w3school site, they have lots of examples of javascript.
  18. bigcajones

    How To Hide That I am Using A Proxy?

    Mark, the best thing to do is to shut down the program and restart it again. Sometimes you will get a bug in the machine. Hopefully, V4 will take care of this because it's a big pain in the ass.
  19. bigcajones

    Excuting MSDOS Commands from within a template.

    The best way is to use a batch file with the MOV command inside of it. You can call the bat file from the 'own code' step.
  20. bigcajones

    What is with zenno and private proxies? (pulling from list in template) still no work

    Do you have them in the form of user:pass@ip:port? It's different than scrapebox Mark.
  21. bigcajones

    Hidden field driving me mad (drop down field after check not dropping in debug)

    If you are having troubles with a site, tell us what it is. If you don't want to share it, send it to me in PM and I can take a look and see what's going on. If it can't be done in PM then I can probably do it in Code Creator with emulations and send it to you.
  22. bigcajones

    Help regarding "How to change the file name?"

    I don't think that you can do this with the macros that are available, but you might be able to do it in a command line tool such as QuickFileRename or if you are using a command line tool to upload the vids, they usually give you the option to do that.
  23. bigcajones

    How to make template for similar platform sites? [Like Pligg or PhpDug]

    You would just make a template for one site. Have all of your pligg urls that you want to post to in a text file. In the Set-Webrowser branch where you go to the page, put a macro in there to pull a line from your pligg url file. Most of use use line 0 and delete to delete the lines as they are...
  24. bigcajones

    Random 'How many are needed'

    That would be cool.
  25. bigcajones

    Private proxy usage?

    The best way to use private proxies is to put them in a text file and then pull them in your template with a macro File.GetString in the Set=>Webrowser=>Setup proxy branch. That way you don't have to waste bandwidth on the ProxyChecker.
  26. bigcajones

    Новость Четвёрочка

    Damn that Google translate. Yes, I meant sockets.
  27. bigcajones

    Новость Четвёрочка

    Будет ли она использовать розетки? I hope that came out okay.
  28. bigcajones

    My BIG resource of XML PROJECTS - for those new to ZennoPoster

    Updated Hotmail Template due to revisions in Hotmail...
  29. bigcajones

    "Call Event" in Zennoposter - Please see

    You can if the click is recorded. Sometimes it is, sometimes not. That's when you would use the Call Event.
  30. bigcajones

    Variable used inside regex???

    Did you try \r\n together? If I remember correctly this was the solution. Maybe this will help.... http://www.regular-expressions.info/charclass.html#shorthand
  31. bigcajones

    Variable used inside regex???

    Have you tried putting \r\n as the look ahead in the regex? There's another way too that I can't remember off the top of my head. I think it's like \s or something like that which will remove the carriage return. Let me know if it doesn't work and I'll see if I can find where I found the answer.
  32. bigcajones

    "Call Event" in Zennoposter - Please see

    You will need these when you are working with certain sites that have JS functions where you need to mouseover a username or link in order for the link you are working on to show up. OnClick does this also, so for instance on a site like the forum here where there is a dropdown (Notifications)...
  33. bigcajones

    Looking for a Tutor

    You've been added. I will answer any questions you have about the templates.
  34. bigcajones

    17 Years Old and Really Need Help.. Please:)

    Hey Robert, Let's hook you up here. First, when you are in action recording, after you have put in the macro for the password in the first box, click in the second box and hover over the field where the first password went in. Make sure your element properties box is open and when you hover...
  35. bigcajones

    Wordpress "insert into post"

    Don't know what you guys are talking about. If you are talking about uploading images into your post, I don't have that problem. JPG file is upload to Media library and the JPG is inserted into the post. Maybe it's an IE issue.
  36. bigcajones

    How to reduce the steps of a template

    Plus, using JS in Zenno has already proven to be memory intensive. Hopefully in V4 they will get it to where the memory is dumped and more JS can be used.
  37. bigcajones

    How to Pause in CC?

    Is the error that you are getting on the line with the pause? Probably there is something else wrong in your code. The debug window will tell you what line the error is on, usually.
  38. bigcajones

    How to Pause in CC?

    Take out the var result = part of it. Works when you have it like this: instance.RiseMacros("Pause", new [] {"30"}); or do what HB says!
  39. bigcajones

    No Correct Uri Address

    put your urls in a text file and import it that way. Works better.
  40. bigcajones

    Problem with running code in zennoposter any throttling mechanism

    instance.RiseMacros("Pause", new[] { "3" }); That is C# but you get the idea.
  41. bigcajones

    Social bookmarking list?

    In your branch where you go to the webpage it will be a SET=>Webrowser=> with parameter name of Go to page and Parameter's value of http://google.com-|-page or whatever you recorded the template on, you will need to change the url in the Parameter's value with the...
  42. bigcajones

    C# and php captcher error errorInCaptchaRecognition

    You have to call the DeathByCaptcha.dll in the beginning of the step that you are using it. First, right click on References in the Project Explorer window. Then click 'add reference' which will bring up a popup window. Click the browse button and then go to the Progs folder. Click on the...
  43. bigcajones

    Working with tabs to keep sessions ?

    You have to name the tab either page1 or page2..etc. or popup. I have included the 'with tab' template below so that you can see that it works. Zennoposter won't recognize a tab called aol and if it did, in your template where you have the Set=>Html element for putting text in the search box...
  44. bigcajones

    Working with tabs to keep sessions ?

    You have to change the branches in your template to match the tab # in order to get it to work. So if you recorded the template, the default will be 'page' in the Tab box of the HTML Element. You need to change this to 'page1' or 'page2' so that the tab the template is on will recognize it.
  45. bigcajones

    Document number differences?

    On unsuccessful exit of finding the element. I you were clicking on a link or more likely, filling in a tinymce editor, if the element isn't found you would put an unsuccessful branch exit to the counter, add 1, and then loop back into the branch where the element wasn't found.
  46. bigcajones

    Document number differences?

    you must call out the proper document address in order for the element to be found. It could be 0...1...2...0;0....0;0;0...0;1. The value -1 can only be used for the form number to find any element. In order to handle the dynamic document addresses is to set up a counter and use the counter...
  47. bigcajones

    Error handling or loops and search for elements

    If you have changing elements that have the same element attributes but are in another language, then add another search element to the branch and put the word in the other language in there.
  48. bigcajones

    How to parsed all results with a regex?

    Instead of match number 0 at the end of regex, use 'all'...... -|-all
  49. bigcajones

    How would you build a youtube video downloader with ZP?

    Okay JP, I may have found a solution to the problem. Searched around and found this. Maybe this will help you out. http://www.himili.com/blog/downloads/youtube-video-downloader/
  50. bigcajones

    Mass unfollow twitter

    Then change your logic to '{-FieldData.FieldData-|-●6●7●3●1●3●0●-|-tp-7540-}'==''. Which means that the branch result IS an empty field.