Результаты поиска

  1. Hungry Bulldozer

    Projekt maker- see variable change

    You can increase the height of variables control to get it better.
  2. Hungry Bulldozer

    Download Pictures

    I guess WebClient does it. To don't use them you can add this line: wc.Proxy = System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.GetEmptyWebProxy();
  3. Hungry Bulldozer

    Problem with Zennoposter

    Hit me in skype. There are individual issues that faster to solve via teamviewer.
  4. Hungry Bulldozer

    help me please..urgent!!!!

    there is no emulation in ZP 3
  5. Hungry Bulldozer

    Private proxies show as not working

    You can post it in http://zennolab.com/discussion/forumdisplay.php?111-Enhancements section.
  6. Hungry Bulldozer

    how to load random spun text

    The problem is to load random content or to make it spun?
  7. Hungry Bulldozer

    help me please..urgent!!!!

    1. Add keystroke emulation action 2. Write there {ENTER}
  8. Hungry Bulldozer

    Official Video Tutorials

    A few more video tutorials for today: Lists 1. What is a list? What is it for? How to create/rename a list watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JghCKr8X__Q 2. List's separator watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkOSxv_mfOE
  9. Hungry Bulldozer

    //PM Freeze

    what are email processing timeouts? tab timeout has no influence on email processing
  10. Hungry Bulldozer

    The enigma protector Internal protection error, please contact to author!

    It is likely happened not because of Zenno updates, but because of updates bases from Avira.
  11. Hungry Bulldozer

    Парсер, регулярные выражения

    1. Берешь текст страницы или того что парсишь, записываешь в переменную. 2. Действие обработки текста - парсишь данную переменную регулярным выражением. Значения кладешь в список. Выбираешь опции с указанием диапазона номеров, которые нужны. Там пишешь 1-54
  12. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Windows XP SP3 and ZP 4.3.5 Bug "CheckingProcessor.exe" keeps crashing.

    1. Check frameworks. 3.5 and 4 mus be installed. 2. Turn off firewall, antivirus. In some cases it is even necessary to uninstall. 3. Check that C++ redistributable installed 2008,2010
  13. Hungry Bulldozer

    Official Video Tutorials

    3 new video tutorials have just been uploaded. It is about ProjectMaker's editor. Lists are gonna be next theme. Any suggestions/feedbacks appreciated. ProjectMaker. Editor 1. How to create new project, save, open watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFGUkvzmnIA 2. Add actions, groups...
  14. Hungry Bulldozer

    Official Video Tutorials

    Hey there. I've added 3 more videos about local variables. Local variables category is finished. So if something still is not clear about them - please leave a feedback. I go ahead to Lists.
  15. Hungry Bulldozer

    Official Video Tutorials

    Thanks for feedback guys. We decided to do tutorials even more simple to explain every aspect of ZennoPoster use. Because of this I've added one new video about variables.
  16. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    Yes. I do very often when I use public proxies.
  17. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] KeyStroke Emulation Bug

    It means that there is no reason anymore to linger over this problem, since it was reproduced, fixed, and implemented for the coming build.
  18. Hungry Bulldozer

    Saving tekst using Regular expressions

    You can use logic action and check there '{-Variable.varname-}'!=''
  19. Hungry Bulldozer

    Executing Templates Multiple Times - Zp stops working after a while

    It can be related with proxies.
  20. Hungry Bulldozer

    Правила и технические подробности

    Владелец демо версии начинает получать проценты со второй продажи
  21. Hungry Bulldozer

    Any way to delete all message in mail inbox using email processing?

    It will be done with action own code (c#)
  22. Hungry Bulldozer

    code like ZP3.6.0.0701

    I can't say I got what you wanted to ask, but CodeCreator for version 4 is coming (developing currently)
  23. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to zip a directory?

    You can try with c#: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms404280.aspx
  24. Hungry Bulldozer

    Executing Templates Multiple Times - Zp stops working after a while

    As far as I get it has loops inside, doesn't it? If so remove them or at least reduce count of iterations.
  25. Hungry Bulldozer

    Black Friday (важно для участников партнерской программы)

    Актуально для двух языков. Скоро будут скидки и на русскую версию
  26. Hungry Bulldozer

    Black Friday (важно для участников партнерской программы)

    Как вы, возможно, уже прочитали здесь: http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?8008-Black-Friday-sale Мы начинаем Black Friday распродажу. В соответствии с правилами партнерской программы: Мы уменьшаем партнерский доход до 10%. Во всех последующих распродажах партнерский процент будет...
  27. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Stops writing collected urls

    I'm sure it is gonna do the trick
  28. Hungry Bulldozer

    Best server specs for ZP4

    CPU and RAM are most important. 32 gb and i7 would be killer server. Don't forget about connection, since it has to be appropriate
  29. Hungry Bulldozer

    private proxies dont work on zp Y_Y

    If you use socks proxy it has to be specified, like socks4://login:pass@ip:port or socks5://login:pass@ip:port
  30. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    It is the same as for previous ones. You put them into file and then speicify a path in the input settings. Hit me in skype. We see the decrease of success rate and we are checking where it comes from. Either proxy or from registration process. We will keep you guys updated.
  31. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Stops writing collected urls

    You should remove loop from the project and execute it in ZennoPoster with as many iterations as want to be in your loop. This way it will have opportunity to free up memory.
  32. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    Sorry for delay guys. I thought it has been sent successfully already. Now I see in admin panel there was error with sending. Today we will send newsletter with updates once again. Thanks for understanding.
  33. Hungry Bulldozer

    Выполнение шаблона (проскакивает)

    Копать нужно в логах. Warning работы с файлом появляется при многопоточной работе с одним и тем же файлом. Какой способ работы с файлами используется? Таблицы, списки или же классическая запись, чтение из файла?
  34. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to solve this captcha ?

    Please find an attachment
  35. Hungry Bulldozer

    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    You are pretty much welcome!
  36. Hungry Bulldozer

    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    Got 1000 alive ones. Hit me in skype. Will check via teamviewer, since they work fine on my side
  37. Hungry Bulldozer

    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    Ok, I'm checking them
  38. Hungry Bulldozer

    Сохранить список прокси.

    Можно шаблоном прогонять. Два шага - взять прокси, добавить в список/файл.
  39. Hungry Bulldozer

    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    could you provide that source for test or show that via a teamviewer
  40. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Match numbers not going into a variable?

    Select one match from these options
  41. Hungry Bulldozer

    Сохранить список прокси.

    Данная функция есть только в ZPC как отдельном продукте.
  42. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    Hey guys. Last copies will be sent soon. Now all copies are sold out and we are temporary suspend sales to keep top level success rate of the pack. Be first notified by subscribing here. Also today-tomorrow we will send links for Gmail pack license owners with the new version of this...
  43. Hungry Bulldozer

    Official Video Tutorials

    Hey guys This is the thread where I'm posting new video tutorials for ZennoPoster Mental Power. I'll try to capture all main and specific features of ZennoPoster Mental Power starting from the very beginning. BASIC LEVEL ProjectMaker. Editor 1. How to create new project, save, open watch...
  44. Hungry Bulldozer

    Proxy Checker not showing anylive proxy

    It has 10 seconds timout for reply from proxy. Due to some reasons (may be because of virtual machine, or slow connection) this reply won't get back during timeout. That's why proxy is marked like dead. Could you please try do that not under virtual machine
  45. Hungry Bulldozer

    Can't take a full page screenshot?

    It can be done with c# code. If you want an example, I'll do one
  46. Hungry Bulldozer

    GMAIL & YouTube регистраторы с верификацией по телеф. [Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    Внимание: остались (11) 2 последние копии Gmail+YouTube PVA пака, до того как продажа будет закрыта на неопределенный срок. Мы вынуждены сдерживать продажи для поддержания актуальности данной схемы регистрации аккаунтов.
  47. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    Warning: (11) 2 last copies left of Gmail + YouTube PVA pack. After that sale will be closed indefinitely. We are forced to curb sales to maintain the relevance of this scheme of registration.
  48. Hungry Bulldozer

    Javascript - take url of largest image on page

    How do you measure the size? Count of bytes or width*height?