Результаты поиска

  1. Hungry Bulldozer

    Перестали пускать на сайты где лежат прокси

    Сторонний проксичекер работал через прокси собирая урожай с источников? Иначе каким образом там был доступ. Можно убрать все галочки чека из источника (того что лежит на компе) и все прокси по умолчанию станут живыми. В скайп напишите - посмотрим
  2. Hungry Bulldozer

    Cannot Use Catchall Email In Project Maker

    What version of ZP are you using?
  3. Hungry Bulldozer

    Is it possible to convert zenno template to C# format

    You can only create c# action now in your project, but I don't believe it will help with memory use. It is more about project logic.
  4. Hungry Bulldozer

    Project working perfect in ProjectMaker - not working in Zennoposter

    Does it happen with this specific project or with other projects as well
  5. Hungry Bulldozer

    anybody have the commandcenter chm ? help!

    You can find all CodeCreator help here: http://help.zennolab.com/en/v3/zennoposter/codecreator/webframe.html
  6. Hungry Bulldozer


    Send a sample project to support email please
  7. Hungry Bulldozer

    Logs in ZP

    Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUTUNUmUgX4
  8. Hungry Bulldozer

    Select multiple elements - Copy-->Paste

    May be I was not clear in expressions. We are working on it
  9. Hungry Bulldozer

    Select multiple elements - Copy-->Paste

    Copy/paste feature of multiple elements there is in TODO.
  10. Hungry Bulldozer

    Getting Variables from Single line in file

    I guess it was discussed many times already on the forum :) 1. Get a list line 2. With word processing and regexp option find the first part .*(?=:) 3. With word processing and regexp option find the second part (?<=:).*
  11. Hungry Bulldozer

    Why doesn't zenno work with adf.ly?

    Hi, I don't like fake ads views, so I'm noobie here, but try to play with useragent, http headers, referrers.
  12. Hungry Bulldozer

    IntelliSearch Boting - is this doable?

    Sure it is. In most cases we have to train it for a specific platform
  13. Hungry Bulldozer

    Add support for private proxies

    In source settings you can tick out everything to don't check this source
  14. Hungry Bulldozer

    Can not open template and run template!!

    That's strange. Are you trying to open zenno 3 templates in the 4th version? What error/message do you get when you are openning it?
  15. Hungry Bulldozer

    Assign different regex to a single variable?

    You can separate them by | that means 'or' in regexp syntax
  16. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZP V4.3.6 Multiple Emails Problem.

    It could be temporary ban of too often request of mail server connection
  17. Hungry Bulldozer

    Как заполнить формы веб-страницы из определенного файла

    Если есть название файла из запроса, то его просто остается добавить в конец пути. Например путь к папке с файлами лежит в переменной path. Её макрос соответственно {-Variable.path-} Пришел запрос text4.txt, который сохранен в переменной request, тогда просто в пути к файлу в действии взятия...
  18. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Виснут инстансы

    1. Избавиться от циклов 2. Перезагружать инстанс чаще (в настройках) 3. Смотреть логи 4. Изменить число инстансов на базу
  19. Hungry Bulldozer

    Variables in Click event value - Adding to catalogues

    It will work in execution stage
  20. Hungry Bulldozer

    Variables in Click event value - Adding to catalogues

    Yes, you can put there macro of variable. Like {-Variable.category-}
  21. Hungry Bulldozer

    IntelliSearch Boting - is this doable?

    Looks quite possible, you will have to train IntelliSearch first though to make it fill in contact forms better.
  22. Hungry Bulldozer

    Best VPS for zenno

  23. Hungry Bulldozer

    Best VPS for zenno

    It depends on prtoject. Reduce loops inside and release instance memory more often in settings. No way to run good multi-thread bot with 1 gb of RAM. How many threads do you run it in?
  24. Hungry Bulldozer

    Разбить одно предложение на несколько строк

    Если знакомы с c#, то сложную логику работы с текстом легко реализовать в соответствующем действии.
  25. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] {PGUP} and {PGDN} Keystroke Emulation

    down is the same like page down. Strange. Will be tested.
  26. Hungry Bulldozer

    Is my mind playing tricks on me?

    Arabic style :cool:
  27. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] {PGUP} and {PGDN} Keystroke Emulation

    Just check and it moves shorter than in firefox, but if you put just a few together like {PGDN}{PGDN}{PGDN}{PGDN} it is quite the same
  28. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZP - Issues with setting cookie?

    Where does it happen?
  29. Hungry Bulldozer

    Как сохранить страницу полностью.

    "c:\program files\internet exploder\iexplore.exe 'http://www.yahoo.com'" в действии запуске своей программы
  30. Hungry Bulldozer

    Is it just me that thinks this?

    I handle emails while sleeping and my ZennoPoster template communicates with you guys in Skype:) Yeah, I did. Lack of demand. Never try.
  31. Hungry Bulldozer

    Is it just me that thinks this?

    I'd better learn by clear text on the BHW or blogs than trying to understand a heap arrows connected in a clear logic to the author only. I do love ZennoLab forum, but that is not the only place where I spend time online :) Btw, if you care about the guy who sold gmail. Never seen his project...
  32. Hungry Bulldozer

    Is it just me that thinks this?

    We first were thinking about providing a service, but then it took to much time and I decided to sell it. So stop scolding Anton about selling it. It was my decision. If it was the fault then mine. That's cool - Earth revolving around ZennoPoster. Look outside:) It was shared on the BHW a few...
  33. Hungry Bulldozer

    Is it just me that thinks this?

    Guys, we started selling our projects since there was lack of it. New customers come here to start using the software and there is not too many good stuff on the marketplace to pick up. Not everybody likes doing templates by themselves. Btw, look at this perfect example how any user of the...
  34. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZennoPoster MP do not work

    Does ProjectMaker work? What frameworks installed?
  35. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    What is country where proxy from? Since it sets number of country where is proxy from.
  36. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to post on ggl +?

    How to reproduce th issue you had?
  37. Hungry Bulldozer

    Заказать шаблон

    С помощью по установке можете в скайп постучать
  38. Hungry Bulldozer

    Red Box In Zenno Poster

    How many free RAM do you have when it happens?
  39. Hungry Bulldozer

    Загрузить список ссылок.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFT9DkzEoq8 видео на данную тему. Правда на англ
  40. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Ready status but still can't click "Next"

    Try to set ignore get/post option of the browser
  41. Hungry Bulldozer

    Difficulties with security when filling in a form

    http://clip2net.com/s/2Deni you can try that way
  42. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to post on ggl +?

    Havent' tried really. What is the problem there?
  43. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    Hey guys, emails to all customers have been just sent. There was a new project -Gmail Not PVA. It is still on beta testing, so we would appreciate your feedbacks to
  44. Hungry Bulldozer

    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    I can't say it is perfect right now. It will be released today, success rate is low currently, but still way to do non PVA account. I've been informed about one new scheme to do PVA, but seems really complex even for us.
  45. Hungry Bulldozer


    All emails replied. You can hit me in skype
  46. Hungry Bulldozer

    Can't Load Profile

    Works fine. Any more? p.s.: don't forget to tick "remember me" when you sign up and wait page loading before saving a profile. Just checked. Works.
  47. Hungry Bulldozer

    Как сохранить страницу полностью.

    Можно сохранять DOM текст страницы в html файл.
  48. Hungry Bulldozer

    Optimization of debugging and recording project.

    I know I could tell it personally, but since it is discussed openly I would do that here. The most beneficial addon would be a possibility to add actions during debug, like it was in CodeCreator. At least feature to get element properties (Selected element properties tab and action designer). So...
  49. Hungry Bulldozer

    Can't Load Profile

    Only with more details and site list
  50. Hungry Bulldozer


    I've removed transaction details from the top post. You should email us to [email protected] with such problems or hit in skype