Результаты поиска

  1. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] possible onclick to click bug

    One question: when you debug it doesn't click work or it does? click contains onclick
  2. Hungry Bulldozer

    Ability to add own dlls

    Since it is more necessary for c# buddies it will be in CodeCreator. Currently you can add a dll from GAC.
  3. Hungry Bulldozer

    A-Parser - продвинутый парсер поисковых систем, WordStat, YouTube, Suggest, PR, etc

    Прекрасный парсер. Рекомендую.
  4. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] possible onclick to click bug

    Confirmed. Will be fixed.
  5. Hungry Bulldozer

    captcha related features

    Vote for that one
  6. Hungry Bulldozer

    Помогите с шаблоном

    Попробуйте прогнать в отладке (ProjectMaker), возможно не успевает прогрузиться или меняется чтото на странице. Нужно отлаживать.
  7. Hungry Bulldozer

    Regex work in regex desginer, but in PM not?

    Could you attach/sent pm with sample data and regexp
  8. Hungry Bulldozer

    I don't get this button pressed

    It does work fine this way for me: Hit me in skype.
  9. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZP stick in taskbar

    I'd recommend you to start from all logs and attach their entries to the bug threads you create. Otherwise there is no clue why it could happen. All reports are pretty much welcome, but not in this thread (only if it is related). Every bug has to be posted in the own thread to let things be...
  10. Hungry Bulldozer

    jumptags.com posting error

    It could be due to proxy, too fast running, and some events may be not called properly.
  11. Hungry Bulldozer

    FREE templates for learning

    Hi, check form number and document
  12. Hungry Bulldozer

    Setting the search preference in Google?

    Yes, it has to work fine with click by picture.
  13. Hungry Bulldozer

    Проект не содержит входных настроек

    Напишите Ваш email в личные сообщения или опишите там саму проблему
  14. Hungry Bulldozer

    Проект не содержит входных настроек

    Двойным кликом не проект запускается а открываются те самые входные настройки
  15. Hungry Bulldozer

    Подстановка USER AGENT

    По умолчанию так и есть. Можно настраивать через профиль
  16. Hungry Bulldozer

    How to put data with line breaks and ; seperators from a txt file to variables?

    Use {-String.Enter-};{-String.Enter-} as list/table separator
  17. Hungry Bulldozer

    Why Zennoposter4 has moved from XML format?

    1. Now projects are encrypted. 2. Either have ZP license or go with ZennoBox
  18. Hungry Bulldozer

    Бесплатные шаблоны для обучения

    Шаблон посмотрел. Проблема в том, что Welcome и Check\ your\ email на разных строках. Можно поменять регвыр. Например оставить только Check\ your\ email
  19. Hungry Bulldozer

    Бесплатные шаблоны для обучения

    Не могли бы Вы выслать Ваш текущий проект нам на почту
  20. Hungry Bulldozer

    screenshot from this site

    Btw it does work pretty fine even with step = 20000;
  21. Hungry Bulldozer

    screenshot from this site

    HtmlElement he = instance.ActiveTab.FindElementByAttribute("body","fulltag","body","text",0); int heHeight = Convert.ToInt32(he.GetAttribute("height")); int heWidth = Convert.ToInt32(he.GetAttribute("width")); int step =1000; int countOfIterations = heHeight/step; var bitmaps = new...
  22. Hungry Bulldozer

    posting all the links in a URL? any help?

    You should use some parsers to find drupal sites. like hrefer. There you can specify footprints of drupal sites.
  23. Hungry Bulldozer

    posting all the links in a URL? any help?

    Try to google it: https://www.google.ru/search?q=drupal+footprints
  24. Hungry Bulldozer

    Mr.HB i need ur help?

    I do that with c# and first I find login field then I'm able to get form number of this filed. Login button will have the same form number as login field. So that's how I do that. You can do that w/o code. Start formNumber from 0 and try to find login field if there is error - > increase form...
  25. Hungry Bulldozer

    complex math captcha found! any help?

  26. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZP file updates bug

    Not a bug again. You have to bind list to a file if you set path during execution process.
  27. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZP file updates bug

    Checked. With list it is not bug. List checks if there is such a position in list. If no - an error happens
  28. Hungry Bulldozer

    Delete a random proxy?

    Not delete after taking it, but take with removing.
  29. Hungry Bulldozer

    screenshot from this site

    Hi, It is too big. The only way to that is with c# code.
  30. Hungry Bulldozer

    ZP file updates bug

    Reproduced, will be checked.
  31. Hungry Bulldozer

    when web page loading time too long, what can I do?

    In loading settings ignore get/post
  32. Hungry Bulldozer

    Delete a random proxy?

    That's not what I mean. 1. Take a random line from proxy list with removing and put it to variable proxy: {-Varible.proxy-} 2. According to some logic decide if it is good proxy or bad, if good add {-Varible.proxy-} to the list of proxy.
  33. Hungry Bulldozer

    Delete a random proxy?

    Take proxy with removing and put it back to the list if it is good.
  34. Hungry Bulldozer

    Poor detection of the proxy type

    When you check them in ProxyChecker do they have elite characteristics?
  35. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Use proxy several times then delete?

    Yes, like that, but use == to compare instaead of =
  36. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Эмуляция клавиатуры в textarea

    Вообще странно что кликает в PM но не кликает в ZP. Сколько стоит инстансов на базу? Можно паузы поставить еще.
  37. Hungry Bulldozer

    Помогите разобраться с ПроксиЧекером

    Тогда проще тянуть из файла. Есть подозрение, что прокси socks. В этом случае нужно пере проксей поставить socks://login:pass@ip:port
  38. Hungry Bulldozer

    Can i add proxy direct in project maker

    Hi, Browser->Settings->Set up proxy, before that you take random line from a list of proxy. How to create loop
  39. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Use proxy several times then delete?

    keep proxy in file: ip:port:count of use like when count of use is 0 remove proxy from a file
  40. Hungry Bulldozer

    Оптимизация проекта при работе с socks/proxy

    Это уже зависит от проекта. Можно по определенному не найденному элементу брать новый сокс. Чтобы не было бесконечного цикла можно ограничить количество таких обращений за новой проксей логическим действием.
  41. Hungry Bulldozer

    Оптимизация проекта при работе с socks/proxy

    Есть действие взять прокси по правилу в PM. Его можно использовать в таких случаях.
  42. Hungry Bulldozer

    Лаки вконтакте

    Из того, что Вы написали к сожалению выводов никаких сделать не могу. Присылайте шаблон или его кусок на почту - потестим.
  43. Hungry Bulldozer

    click on submit button? any help?

    I guess even if you click preview you are able then clicking save. So in case they have the same id, name etc you can try click it twice.
  44. Hungry Bulldozer

    [SOLVED] Match male or female name to gender?

    Add own logic if '{-Profile.Sex-}'=='True' then set selecteditem of drop-down to male, otherwise female
  45. Hungry Bulldozer

    many useragent repeat

    You can set your own headers. But I think it is more important to have popular ones not rare ones. Try to set all browser types http://clip2net.com/s/2LXMX for more random
  46. Hungry Bulldozer

    Help me understanding table creation

    Could you try that with the latest demo if it works for you there. Since it does work fine for me
  47. Hungry Bulldozer

    Flash Cookie и другие неубиваемые кукисы ?

    Все чистится в соответствии с http://samy.pl/evercookie/
  48. Hungry Bulldozer

    Save all settings in ZP

    The file you sent us (Tasks.dat) has unusual format of data serialization. Please check in Regional and Language Options. Attach/send us a screenshot. Try to set it to English. ZennoPoster can't read you format, it seems something was changed.