Результаты поиска

  1. H

    critical errors

    No, i have not changed that. why do you need it, for hyperlinks? I just paste naked url in the description. Also im only posting images btw with link in desc. so dont need it i guess.
  2. H

    critical errors

    Im on version and been botting tumblr recently with no problems...not sure what your issue is?
  3. H

    How to set c# code to reset globvar to 0?

    no1 have any other suggestions? as i said before i wasnt able to use a global variable to set it to 0 because i need the global variable to be called form text file but i couldnt do that with set variables/variables procesing since it only works thru a drop down list and not call from text file...
  4. H

    Restart Instance leads to even more errors - HELP!

    Ye this sucks when you still need javascipt for the page to function like I just found out I did on another thread that was crashing.
  5. H

    How to set c# code to reset globvar to 0?

    didnt understand.
  6. H

    How to set c# code to reset globvar to 0?

    They work fine for me apart from that you have to reset the project to reset them, which is exactly why i want to make this template to reset them myself which would solve the problem. They dont have to be reset (deinitialised) just set back to 0.
  7. H

    How to set c# code to reset globvar to 0?

    I only know how to change it myself to +1 or -1 I get errors if I simply replace with 0 in the same code. I want a project that will reset the global variable to 0 in poster whatever number it was on. Using the example c# global variables c code from rostonix's posted test template. This is...
  8. H

    How do I search for multiple criteria to find single match when building actions?

    No, never tried that didnt know it was possible :) will try next time thanks.
  9. H

    How do I search for multiple criteria to find single match when building actions?

    Ok seems to be working now with width and height but id still like to know if theres an easier way to do multiple action builder searches when one isnt sufficient?
  10. H

    How do I search for multiple criteria to find single match when building actions?

    The action builder will only do one at a time wont it. When you record a step automatically it chooses lots of criteria to get a match when you look in the aciton with dbl click. I am having a terrible time getting some stupid plus button to work on tumblr. I want it so it isnt dependent on a...
  11. H

    Tumblr- Clicks only work when active browser is open

    Havent had it happen for a while. I will test more and report back with template if issue arises again.
  12. H

    Tumblr- Clicks only work when active browser is open

    Well that is in project maker so I dont see how that is the issue?
  13. H

    Restart Instance leads to even more errors - HELP!

    Hi, I had the same issues, disabling javascript on a certain part of my template fixed it for me.
  14. H

    Tumblr- Clicks only work when active browser is open

    Im clicking on the notes. It only works when the browser is open. For example in PM if i minimize it then the clicking fails as the notes dialog box closes. So it wouldnt work in poster either would it? So any work around to stop the dialog box from closing when the instance isnt in view?
  15. H

    Interaction between ZP and Winautomation

    Thanks :-) I dont need to have them interact with one another directly at the moment but gave me something to think about for sure for future :-) Opens up alot of possibilities.
  16. H

    Test build

    Well windows alone takes up around 1500meg alone so....
  17. H

    Test build

    How much ram do you have? when i moved from 8-16 gig that sorted alot of my problems.
  18. H

    Test build

    haha check my other threads. I feel you as it was really pissing me off too. I fixed mine (so far) by turning off java on a specific template that was causing the issue and turning it back on later in the template.
  19. H

    Cant see who Im following any more on pinterest?

    Do you guys have this too or something just on my end? Only happpened since the other. All of a sudden the profile rectangles for pinners are all gone and just a grey page. However followers show up like normal and boards etc. just following. Im trying to figure out what caused this cos if it...
  20. H

    Bind to file errors when moving down to lower version?

    Hey, its ok now thanks. As I said I moved back to latest version and removed java on one template and things seem to be running smooth now.
  21. H

    Bugs Bugs and Bugs gosh

    I seem to have gotten success with the instance crashing issue by turning off java on the first site my templates would go to and havent noticed it on other ones for a while.
  22. H

    Bind to file errors when moving down to lower version?

    This setting didnt even help Tehy just seem to get stuck in an infinite loop now instead of crashing.
  23. H

    Bind to file errors when moving down to lower version?

    Nope no better. same old shit.
  24. H

    Pinterest update preventing keystroke emulation/text input

    They have done an update and now the pasting of text from variables isnt working. It would only input one letter then nothing else for signing in. I slowed down the tpying and that worked then. But now im inside and using keywtorkes it wont work at all. It will only either do nothing or just...
  25. H

    Bind to file errors when moving down to lower version?

    Any other options in settings which I should use to prevent freezes? No idea what they all do and have them at defaults.
  26. H

    Bind to file errors when moving down to lower version?

    I was trying to find a stable version which didnt cause random instance freezes. I thought id found a good one (5.3) -no freezing- but then I notice im getting loads of errors in my templates. I look in pm and the older versions were saying index outside of bounds of array when i was doing...
  27. H

    Interaction between ZP and Winautomation

    Very interesting thread this is pretty much exactly what ive been looking into recently. Hope I can somehow understand it :D. Morpheus how are you getting on with it- do you think its gonna be better to use winauto or sir cahones's template? I also have winauto and was just about to do the very...
  28. H

    How to completly stop zenno from continue finishing the project

    Are you talking about within the project or outside of it?
  29. H

    How do I cancel last run of scheduler?

    not sure you are following what i meant nick. doesnt matter it isnt a big deal.
  30. H

    Bugs Bugs and Bugs gosh

    No I havent tried the test build yet.
  31. H

    How do I cancel last run of scheduler?

    If I load zenno sometimes the last run will be half way thru but if I interrupt the threads and then hit play again they wont stop and keep retrying. I want the last run to stop so that it doesnt repeat so close to the new run. When i close the poster previously i dont want to hit 'no' to run...
  32. H

    Bugs Bugs and Bugs gosh

    I notice the problem seems related to keyboard strokes. Cos i changed it in the toehr template where i thought there were issues and seemed to stop. but i jsut loaded a different one and as soon as keystrokes started the instace crashes
  33. H

    Really wierd issue with zenno using old copies of files in folder?

    Think it was my error related to bind to file and project maker. I didnt realise that when pm is open even if it recopies the file it will still yuse the bound file since its still the same instance in active pm project.
  34. H

    Bugs Bugs and Bugs gosh

    Im currently on and sitll haivng thread crash issues Im thinking then my problems might be to do with the keyboard emulation since it seems to happen only with these specfiic templates whcih all use kb emulation at the start to type. Ill try again using some other action.
  35. H

    Important! Decaptcha isnt working

    I think they are just busy with the new build. Sounds like its gonna be big with the new browser implementation so I give them the benefit of the doubt :)
  36. H

    how to click youtube comment box and post my comment?

    action designer to search it and add value/input text to enter the text. Test it first to see. It usually innertext or innerhtml i think if its not clickable.
  37. H

    Really wierd issue with zenno using old copies of files in folder?

    I have it set on bind to file and take line and delete and put back for errors. multipthreaded with global var. It works fine most of the time but sometimes I look in the folder and it copies the new file across but somehow it will take lines from the old file from previous run and the new...
  38. H

    Bugs Bugs and Bugs gosh

    I am afraid i have to agree. I actually just came on here to see if anyone else was complaining :D and saw your new thread. I know they are working hard to implement new browser so hope they release soon altho im gonna have to pay for new sub :( so will wait and see what others say to make...
  39. H

    Important! Decaptcha isnt working

    Lol that is an expensive debugging solution.
  40. H

    About new version

    Ok, i get you.
  41. H

    About new version

    How were you using instagram with zenno, as it is what i have been looking into this past week or two.
  42. H

    Threads in

    Just wanted to update that I got another 8gigs of ram today taking me to 16gb total and it seems to have solved the issues I was having. Zenno seems to be running like a dream now :)
  43. H

    How do I use proxies with auth ip?

    Well I need dynamic for making accounts. I always need to switch IPs. It worked when i changed the auth ip. This isnt very conveneient then cos i need dynamic but will also have to constantly be changing the auth ip.
  44. H

    How do I use proxies with auth ip?

    Yes. I tried and it didnt work with these new ones. ah they arent wroking in sb eitehr. Maybe since i have a dynamic ip and so it changed since resetting.
  45. H

    Click based on image type

    Not sure what you mean. You need to exaplin further. Do you mean you want it to click the same one on the website as in your sample?
  46. H

    How do I use proxies with auth ip?

    They didnt have a user:pass like usual. I asked them why and they said they use auth ip instead. When I only put proxy:port into text file the templates just fail and dont load. So not sure how to format? I have an auth ip as well in my account proxy settings but i dont know where to place...
  47. H

    Important! Decaptcha isnt working

    Had this issue for several months so gave up and gone back to monkey enter :( since i dont do heavy captcha solving these days only for the odd batch of emails.
  48. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    Well the instances only just start, it only happens right at the beginning before they have chance to even load. 4 threads then they freeze and close. Diag sent.
  49. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    Maybe its a ram thing again. Could lack of ram cause such problems? Like i said with the otehr issue its never at full but still instaces hang
  50. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    If it helps to explain matters i notice that the tabs all popup down in the windows start bar before crashing.