Результаты поиска

  1. H

    Project window disappeared. How to reset PM interface layout?

    You cant just use the windows tab at the top to get it back? I had another issue where the status bar at the top disappears and have to reinstall for that.
  2. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    i always look at resources i wouldnt post if it was that.
  3. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    Yup when i reverted back to rpevious version it didnt do it any more. edit agina: nope still happening...so confused :/
  4. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    I see whats happening now the instances are just hanging and crashing once they timeout. i thought this version was supposed to FIX that problem not make it! i never had that issue before and now it happens since the update. Time to revert back i think.
  5. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    Instace preparation timeout seems to have done the trick. Edit: no sitll not fixed still happening.
  6. H

    Why suddenly instance crashes 'active tab of instance is not found'

    I think it only jsut happened sicne i updated to latest version 5802. The instaces seem to timeout in aobut 10 seconds and i get that error active tba of instance not found. Do i need to change some settings? if so which?
  7. H

    Anyone know how to post to instagram in zenno?

    Oh ye just dawned on me...That should be think out the virtual box then :D
  8. H

    Anyone know how to post to instagram in zenno?

    can it be automated thru emulator and instagram directly?
  9. H

    Anyone know how to post to instagram in zenno?

    Why do you say for sure?
  10. H

    Anyone know how to post to instagram in zenno?

    I thought websta would be the answer but realise now it only views pictures; no uploading. All the other things Ive heard of are either stand alone guis so zenno couldnt control it afaik? or run thru emulators which again zenno wouldnt handle would it? Any ideas?
  11. H

    Router reset via zennoposter

    Yes i did it by going to router admin. Maybe rostonix way is better (perhaps cleaner) but didnt know aobut it before :) and mine worked still :P
  12. H

    How can I debug an error that only comes up in poster?

    Ive been baffled by this for ages now. There is a problem with my pinterst follow bot where sometimes it will end up on the wrong page and scroll down pins rather than pinners. I havent been able to replicate it in PM but it happens all the time in poster! I try to look at where its happening...
  13. H

    Threads in

    I have professional. You still want me to check?
  14. H

    Threads in

    Hope it gets fixed soon its really screwing with my workflow.
  15. H

    C# code error after copy pasting

    I cant get original code working now either since i deleted it and any new copy and paste gets above message.
  16. H

    C# code error after copy pasting

    I had copy and pasted the global variable test.xml stuff form rostonix already but i had refined linking porceses in another template so i copy and pasted it over again and deleted the first one. But now when i try and run it I get this c# error in log:
  17. H

    Threads in

    Not always no, seems to be no correlation there; although the ones that cause the stalling do now I think of it but not sure if its always the case. No I think I have other ones that stall it without having restart. The main factor for me is heavy ram projects with infinite scroll which cause it...
  18. H

    Unable to get email links to be clicked

    Ye someitmes the variable isnt made correctly. Mail can be very troublesome sometimes :D. Two main reasons for problems in my experience are pop wasnt set properly so it doesnt scrape the mail or variable wasnt made correcntly so it doesnt scrape the link.
  19. H

    How to record data into table for future use

    Yes, add line and then use ; between each as delimiter.
  20. H

    Unable to get email links to be clicked

    No prob :)
  21. H

    Unable to get email links to be clicked

    No. Look on the left side panel where all the processes are in project maker and you see the option 'gotopage' Use that and copy the variable from the mail process into that.
  22. H

    Unable to get email links to be clicked

    You need 'goto page' process for browser and put the variable in there if i understand you correctly
  23. H

    Why do all buttons dissappear on poster and pm sometimes?

    Seems like a bug where when i click on the start and stop record etc at the top they disappear and i cant get them back till i restart the program. It is a nuisance cos it happens alot and dont know why.
  24. H

    Threads in

    Interesting, so it sounds like the same issue as this? http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/why-wont-new-threads-load-if-only-one-is-over-1k-ram.19935/
  25. H

    Clear succeses on next run in task scheduler?

    Thanks. I was using the task manager which doesnt seem to have that. Whats the difference between schedule and task manager?
  26. H

    Clear succeses on next run in task scheduler?

    I notice that some succeses are left over if the last run didnt complete fully to total success count in scheduler. How can i reset the succeses to 0 'clear succeses' for each run?
  27. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    Thanks thats pretty much exactly what i do currently. Though my thread count logic check is at the start rather than the end, yet still having issues. I guess i have to keep analysing with a toothcomb till i figure it out.
  28. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    Still not working correctly. It still copies the files over sometimes before run is complete. Im thinking maybe its because if there are 3 threads running for example and counter is on 3, if they all complete at a similar time then the counter would return to 0 and thus copy the file over...
  29. H

    Why won't new threads load if only one is over 1k ram?

    I already have you on there but dont see you online.
  30. H

    Why won't new threads load if only one is over 1k ram?

    Updated today yes and still the same.
  31. H

    Why won't new threads load if only one is over 1k ram?

    PRocessor hardly uses any, I have 8 core amd and never goes beyond 20-50%
  32. H

    Why won't new threads load if only one is over 1k ram?

    I still have over 50% ram free yet if one instance shows over 1k ram usage in task manager then other thread won't load till it completes/restarts. So Im thinking buying more ram might be a waste of money since it happens when I still have 50% ram free.
  33. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    Im having this problem agian but now with the c# version as well. I copy and pasted it from the other project and notice the thread active is 'declared within project' whereas in the original one which works it is declared outside project. I tried to click the little arrow at the side to delete...
  34. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    I see, Well it went there on its own when i made the process, where should it be? Doesnt matter now but for future reference.
  35. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    Yes I already had that and just used it and is working. Works with c# example not with the global variable options in project maker.
  36. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    The native global variable for zenno dont seem to work properly. I made it so it initialises then increases by one with each subsequent thread and -1 on completion. But I made anotehr glob var checker so i can look in the poster at where they are at and the global variable never goes above 0...
  37. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    I presume with global variables I dont have to worry about binding and two threads using them at once like i do with files? since they are made to be run simultaneously?
  38. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    Yes but likewise what would be the trigger to tell the global variable that all threads are done.
  39. H

    How do I stop file being recopied on tasks with multiple retries?

    So i have tasks which will tweet every 40 mins going thru the lists of accounts and i do extra repitions for retries. The template is made to proceed- if accounts temp file doesnt exist- copy and take line. So first thread does that and others wait and then take. The problem is tho im...
  40. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Finally figured it out. :) I feel like a weight is lifted off my shoudlers :)
  41. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    How can I stop more threads from running if I want to stop after X successes? Because say i make 50 tries total if i want 33 succeses to account for errrors. I am doing take line and write back if fail with binding to file. But what is happening is i find that looking back at the run when...
  42. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Ok the accounts seem to be tkaing more accurately now but sitll haivng an issue with the succes register. I have it bound to list and on success it will take form theis list read the number and use java to +1 then overwrite and delete empty lines. But im sitll finding that often it will not add...
  43. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Ye i saw recently, ill try again with those/
  44. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    I'm using write text action for that.
  45. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Also currently if there is an error then for bad end i have it write the line back using write text to put the line of the table back with ; for each. Do i have to change this now im using bind to file? to synch it with the bind to file command?
  46. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Thats what i am using but since i now have unticked the save changes to file so that bind to file would work the changes do not save to the original file which the other threads will be taking from? Edit: i see i also had to untick load from file.
  47. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Ok if I was using 'remove line after getting' before in file actions what should i do now instead? because it now binds to file but the original line isnt removed from the main file which they all take form, so subsequent thread will jsut take line 0 each time.
  48. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Ok so I turned off save to file and it no longer gave an error. Now let me debug and see if it does what i want :D
  49. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    Unfortunately, this doesnt help since i never use path to file settings either...
  50. H

    Ideas for how to reset multithread projects in task manager?

    I jsut found this old example by rostonix: http://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/simple-example-actions.6628/#post-37478 But i ran it and dont see ow it shows anything :(. I put a text file into the folder and did correct path but dont see how the merging did anything? No explanation either as...