Результаты поиска

  1. H

    Suggested way to use instagram through zenno?

    Bluestacks is standalone so no good. I hear websta(gram) is web based but i still need iphone number to create account and i dont have. Any other solution where i won't need to use phone number and web based?
  2. H

    How do I make the subsequent threads pause when using global vars

    Its because i dont understand these global vars properly and they confuse me. how woud i program it into to decrease by one? Same way as with set variables and decrease counter or different? When i tried using set variables it says that thread active is not initialised but all variables the...
  3. H

    How do I make the subsequent threads pause when using global vars

    Awesome! I had been using global vars for the list but after reading your last sentecne I tried the local var and it works now. So thanks :-) Yes I had been doing your second sggestion but bad end most times didn't write the files back to the file since I had to shut down the post or delete the...
  4. H

    How do I make the subsequent threads pause when using global vars

    The errors happened when only using your one which is why i added things and still the same problem. It was still taking from the same line with only your steps. Im just wanting to take line from table of account details then move to next line etc etc.
  5. H

    How do I make the subsequent threads pause when using global vars

    It still doesnt work. I put pauses all over the place including an incremental pause which is 3 seocnd + count of global var but still it pulls the same line more than once. Why is this?
  6. H

    How to accurately click pins in sequence on pinterest?

    that could work. thanks for the idea :-)
  7. H

    How to accurately click pins in sequence on pinterest?

    I do that already but pinterest uses roatating search criteria alot of the time so a pin that was one number may not be the same the next time. so im looking for the most accurate way to get around the moving search criteria :D trying to find somethign that wont change.
  8. H

    How to accurately click pins in sequence on pinterest?

    I need to be able to click every pin one by one in order including when starting again from a certain point. Currently I was using dimoverlay with a counter as search criteria but sometimes it seems to just go random and picks pins willy nilly. What else could I use? I think it needs to be...
  9. H

    Leave empty file unticked but still doesnt remove file?

    Sorry yes just edited to say for tables processing I have take line and remove after getting.
  10. H

    Leave empty file unticked but still doesnt remove file?

    Any idea why it doesnt remove the file? never had that issue before. This is for tables processing if it makes a difference.
  11. H

    How to click the 'view image' button on google images?

    awesome! Your template didnt work for me (errors for some reason and didnt understand the russian :P) but I plugged your regex into my template and it worked a treat. So thanks :)
  12. H

    How to click the 'view image' button on google images?

    How do you mean? I am scraping images to download them yes but the full size image 'src' i was only fidning once i clicked view image.
  13. H

    How to click the 'view image' button on google images?

    when you do image search and click the inital image then view image to show the bigger one. I just cant figure out how to catch it with action builder or anyhting else i tried because they have one huge page and i cant get the right button cos there are several otehr buttons hidden which are...
  14. H


    yes i made an autoresponder bot on pof. submit recorded no trouble from my experience. getting banned every 12 hours was my problem so i stopped bothering.
  15. H

    How do I make the subsequent threads pause when using global vars

    I have c# setup using global variable on a counter to take line form subsequent lines of an accounts file. It works when i run the poster on one thread, then manually add another thread after a certain time. But when I setup 2 threads to run right away for some reason it takes the same data...
  16. H

    What is the regex to remove time form date and time?

    using: {-TimeNow.Date-} which gives date and time. but i only want the date. What is regex to remove everything after the date? Never mind found a post on here for it using C#.
  17. H

    REcord table cell is making an extra column every time i record

    How can i stop this? Every time I record a cell below even though i tell it to record to cell 2 for example in the file it will record to that cell but also put an extra ; in the file. So since Im record line by line each subsequent line gets an extra ; so by the end the final one could look...
  18. H

    How to make a (preferably silent) popup dialog box?

    Ok, there was my problem. A schoolboy error :P! Cheers.
  19. H

    How to make a (preferably silent) popup dialog box?

    Hmm ok now i have an issue showing the result of the variable in the c# code Can someone see what the problem with my code is? The dialog opens but it wont show the variable reuslts. string result = project.Variables["result"].Value; System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(result);
  20. H

    How to make a (preferably silent) popup dialog box?

    nm i did it. My very first c# programming yay :P!
  21. H

    How to make a (preferably silent) popup dialog box?

    darkwiz gave me a preparejava process to make an alert but it makes the windows 'bong!' noise :P. I would prefer no noise- i guess its a small thing but its a preference id like if its easy enough to do :). Im making a template to check youtube rankings and i want it to display them all in a...
  22. H

    how to handle multiple pinterest accounts/multithreading

    I think im getting the diea now i read it a few times nad wathcing a vid on global vars :) Yea your last line idea was what i initially thought of and when i realised it could cause conflicts that is what inspired the post :P
  23. H

    how to handle multiple pinterest accounts/multithreading

    Thanks. Hmm ill have to do some studying on glbal varibles then since i have never touched them before :P
  24. H

    how to handle multiple pinterest accounts/multithreading

    I had previoulsy been just copying the template to a new folder with new user details and running seperately. but now i want to make more and more accounts i want to somehow be able to multithread using the same template and tables. I thought of using a switch on each line of the users of...
  25. H

    Tumblr follow question

    I've got it so that zenno clicks on notes button on posts to bring up users. That brings up a popup of the users and then zenno pressed the + buttons thru a loop to add everyone who left a note. This works when the page is active but if I click away then it fails once it gets to the bottom...
  26. H

    What would be action builder search criteria for a pin on pinterest?

    edit. fixed issue.
  27. H

    How can i setup proxy for all templates without editing each one?

    glad im not the only one :D and lol yes most people get my typos i type stream of consciousness style.
  28. H

    Options for if button gets stuck clicking over an over?

    guess i misunderstood then, my bad.
  29. H

    Options for if button gets stuck clicking over an over?

    Im not gonna bite at that marketing attempt- i believe in open source information on forums, i don't think thats unreasonable as its the status quo in programming. ---- Is there a way to set a logic step to the instance timeout? So if the instance has been going for more than x time then move...
  30. H

    Options for if button gets stuck clicking over an over?

    The situation: I have the pinterest button set so it finds the button by regex and will only click on the follow button so it searches the page for follow buttons and clicking them ignoring the unfollow button. All fine however recently i noticed it keeps getting stuck on certian follow...
  31. H

    Blank page on tumblr when I do the search function?

    All good I gathered my coppers and upadted to latest version and was pleased to see that solved it :)
  32. H

    What would be action builder search criteria for a pin on pinterest?

    It's ok dont need it now anyhow :D
  33. H

    What would be action builder search criteria for a pin on pinterest?

    Thats nice but Where did you get the idea i was talking about instagram :D?
  34. H

    What would be action builder search criteria for a pin on pinterest?

    Ok i sorted that out but when the image saves it will chop off half of the image and save the other half as the background of the webpage. any idea why?
  35. H

    What would be action builder search criteria for a pin on pinterest?

    Thanks il have a fiddle aorund.
  36. H

    What would be action builder search criteria for a pin on pinterest?

    When you click on the pin and it shows a bigger view. I need a way to grab that picture. I already know how to save the picture but i need to know how to find the picture when the url criteria will always be changing between pictures. Not had any luck with action builder so far.
  37. H

    Blank page on tumblr when I do the search function?

    Alright. Well ive been broke for a long time so havnet been able to upgrade so maybe its fixed in newer versions. Im stuck on version
  38. H

    Blank page on tumblr when I do the search function?

    It works in normal firefox, just not in zenno for some reason if that helps.
  39. H

    Blank page on tumblr when I do the search function?

    No answer for this?
  40. H

    Blank page on tumblr when I do the search function?

    Im wanitng to make a follow bot for tumblr but when I saearch and the peoples pictures/usernames would normally come up in the slideshow type thing at the top its jsut a blank page. How to fix?
  41. H

    Is it possible to do screen capture recordings with zenno?

    No not screenshot videos. i need to record streaming video. It is going to be best to use other software for this right? I htink it will be best to use a desktop conrtolling software to controll the other programs then let zenno deal with submission.
  42. H

    Is it possible to do screen capture recordings with zenno?

    I know not with zenno itself but somehow use an online screen recorder? the web based screen recorders seem to sucks form what ive seen so far. i havent been able to get one to work so far plus they are all java based. Im thinking this may be one task zenno is unabe to deal with :P and ill...
  43. H

    How do I make the pinterest follow button only click when it is on follow?

    I have to change the action now since it stopped working for some reason. I am trying to use ^Follow$ to catch the case sentitivity but its not working? Using it in aciton builder it just causes an error. I fixed that, they had just changed the code. but id sitll like to know for future...
  44. H

    Ctrl + A with keystrokes emulation?

    To highlight all text in a text region can keysrtokes emulaiton somehow do the ctrl + A function?
  45. H

    Is there a way to keep the instance open in poster?

    Working on it :-) By the end of the day I realised scraping fomr one user isnt viable :D really slowed down resources.
  46. H

    Whats wrong with this c# code?

    Can anyone explain this to me please. I still have no idea how to put in my own variables into c# code because whenever i try i get errors. I just want to add mouse click with get coordinates. Anyone can make an example for me pretty please? I guess the problem is the get coordinates would...
  47. H

    Is there a way to keep the instance open in poster?

    well the issue is not aobut speed since you get blocked after 300 per hour so you cant go beyond that. I just pick one user who has hundreds of thousands and mine it.
  48. H

    Is there a way to keep the instance open in poster?

    Rostonix i have to do it due to infinite scroll. Yes i did it the way lookys suggested using pause we will see how it turns out. im thinking the resources might go through the roof after a few hours tho due to that damn infinite scorl on pinterest :/. its for following ppl on pinterest and...