Результаты поиска

  1. 455919946

    who can give me a c# code for getting The length of a string

    string stringToCount = project.Variables["tem"].Value; return stringToCount.Length.ToString(); 还是下面的代码 string stringToCount = project.Variables["{-Variable.tem-}"].Value; return stringToCount.Length.ToString(); 我运行都不行呀
  2. 455919946


    比如我在ZP 里面定义一个变量为tem,tem="123456" 我想求这个字符串长度 string stringToCount = project.Variables["tem"].Value; return stringToCount.Length.ToString(); 还是下面的代码 string stringToCount = project.Variables["{-Variable.tem-}"].Value; return stringToCount.Length.ToString(); 我运行都不行呀
  3. 455919946

    who can give me a c# code for getting The length of a string

    I have a string suce as "123456" It's length is 6.So I need get The length of a string into zp!who can give me a c# code for getting The length of a string
  4. 455919946

    I do not know why i can not be into my zp5

    I spend about 80$ buy zp5.my account is [email protected]. please check it.
  5. 455919946

    How to get Previous Directory such as ../ in DOS SYSTEM

    I do not understand the project variable "path" should contain your directory.I copy this code to my script.and run it,but I am not sucess.Do I need dim path?
  6. 455919946

    How to get Previous Directory such as ../ in DOS SYSTEM

    How to get Previous Directory such as ../ in DOS SYSTEM?I know {-Project.Directory-} .but I need other {-Project.XXX-} means Previous Directory such as ../ in DOS SYSTEM
  7. 455919946

    how to use this proxy IP for my script

  8. 455919946

    how to use this proxy IP for my script

    I bought some proxy IP from EBAY.But I do not know how to use this proxy IP for my script.I download a sample script please look at next photos! I do not know how to put my proxy IP list into alive list!
  9. 455919946

    why I can not read data more than 20 records by list or table.

    I put my data into a file 1.txt .but I can not read data more than 20 records by list or table.Why?
  10. 455919946

    how to find a way .we can know how much post links in forum

    I try to make a script for any forum.this script can automatic open the post link in forum main web and then automatic write comments,if there are 20 posts link in NAME-A forum main web .so this script will automatic write comments from 20th link post to first link post!if there are 10 posts...
  11. 455919946

    who can introduce intelli search

    I do not understand what is can helo us do by intelli search
  12. 455919946

    what can we do by "Stick to Captcha"

    what can we do by "Stick to Captcha"?I do not understand this "Stick to Captcha" who can introduce some thing about "Stick to Captcha"?
  13. 455919946

    how to use "search by picture"

    I only want to judge if there is a pic such as the next photo,I do not want to left click it or right click it! if exists this pic then else end if how to do?
  14. 455919946

    how to get A newline

    thank u my friend thank u my friend :p
  15. 455919946

    how to get A newline

    I do not want to use list.I use '\n',but It is not sucess.
  16. 455919946

    I need all Internal variables and their describe

    I need all Internal variables and their describe,such as {-TimeNow.Date-} :get system time
  17. 455919946

    how to get system time

    I am running a script.I need write system time into a txt in script.how to get system time.who give me a c# code.
  18. 455919946

    How to set profile.LOGIN

    I just know! if I set bridal[RndNum|1970|1990] It will be sucess!
  19. 455919946

    How to set profile.LOGIN

    The default is [Eng|4][RndNum|1970|1990]! I can understand [RndNum|1970|1990] but I want to get profile.LOGIN such as bridal1989,bridal1977,bridal1978,I set [bridal][RndNum|1970|1990] but It is not sucess!
  20. 455919946

    why I can not set value here?

    I want to write a script to set a checkbox.value=ture!I can do it by "recording and use click" but I want to do it by "To actions designer" how to do?
  21. 455919946


    It seem not your problem
  22. 455919946

    Ii this a bug?

    my system is chinese win xp.
  23. 455919946


    !YOUR server IP HAS BE blockade by chinese great firewall. I am from china!I can not open your website http://zennolab.com and can not go into soft if I do not use VPN! SO I can make sure YOUR server IP HAS BE blockade by chinese great firewall.
  24. 455919946

    why is only 0 and -1 document

    i open some websie such as http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=document or http://www.sharonbridals.es/,why is only 0 and -1 document ,now I understand -1 means through all documents,why i can set 0 not 1,I do not understand concept of documents,I think there is only 1 documents[ in one page,why you say...
  25. 455919946

    who can tell me how to use "To actions desigener"

    I know "To actions desigener" must be very important!BUT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND AND DO NOT KNOW HOW TO USE! who can tell me the means from 1 to 10 in photo! I am sorry!My english is very poor!
  26. 455919946

    The difference between interhtml and outerhtml

    The difference between interhtml and outerhtml,who can tell me
  27. 455919946

    i do not understand executed here

    if i set executed here,what willl happend?
  28. 455919946

    I do not understand "optional action"

    IF I SET "optional action" what will happend?
  29. 455919946

    who can give me a The most simple CASE ABOUT USEUBF C# IN ProjectMaker

    I COPY C# CODE FROM CodeCreator TO ProjectMaker C#.BUT WHEN I RUN THIS C#.IT IS NOT SUCESS! who can give me a The most simple CASE ABOUT USEUBF C# IN ProjectMaker,SUCH AS OPEN A WEBSITE!
  30. 455919946

    Mr. bigcajones,Can you write a Regular expressions for seaching pinterest.com activat

    my emial is : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport"...
  31. 455919946

    Please change my account to senior

    I have pay 87$ to buy zp soft!my account is [email protected] please check it!
  32. 455919946

    Mr. bigcajones,Can you help me?

    I introduce the script I need!I want to registered more than 50 Different types of websites in one script.So It is very hard to write Different Regular expressions for searching activation link of Each site.I have a good way! first I find the unique KEYWORD IN activation link of Each site BY MY...
  33. 455919946

    there are many wrong in my c#

    I copy it from http://help.zennolab.com/en/v4/zennoposter/macros/4.3.5/ZennoLab.CommandCenter~ZennoLab.CommandCenter.IZennoCustomCode.html but there are many wrong in my c#. who can give us a most simple c# code,sucess as printf "hello world".it can run sucess and no wrong
  34. 455919946

    why i can not open link http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?10001-Learning-

    I NEED USE C# CODE IN MY script!SO I need how to use C# CODE !But i CAN not open link http://zennolab.com/discussion/showthread.php?10001-Learning-who can help me?
  35. 455919946

    Is this a zp5 bug?

    thank u very much.i see your means,and i do it,It is sucess.谢谢
  36. 455919946

    Is this a zp5 bug?

    thank u very much.i see your means,and i do it,It is sucess.谢谢
  37. 455919946

    Is this a zp5 bug?

    we do not understand your means?
  38. 455919946

    Is this a zp5 bug?

    pllease read this iink http://wiki.zennolab.com/doku.php?id=en:email-verification
  39. 455919946

    Is this a zp5 bug?

    My dear frined !Thank you help!but you do not understand my means!your script WP Confirm.xmlz and my script run results are all right!but I do not kwon why there is no link appear the red circle.Do you think this is a buy! my PC operating system IS XP!IS YOUR WIN7?
  40. 455919946

    Is this a zp5 bug?

  41. 455919946

    Is this a zp5 bug?

  42. 455919946

    zp5 a bug

    please download it and check it. http://mandyblog8.com/tellgoogle.zip
  43. 455919946

    why receive email can not work

    change it from hotmail to yahoo,it is ok
  44. 455919946

    why receive email can not work

  45. 455919946

    why receive email can not work

    still can not work
  46. 455919946

    why receive email can not work

    It still appear LOGIN ON SERVER.it seem that it is not .. I change to hotmail .it is not sucess too! WHY?
  47. 455919946

    how to set Variable type

    MY Variable is zhucefalg ,how to set it as integer. I need a integer 1 ,not a string "1" because when I write it to my xml file.IT appear
  48. 455919946

    zp5 a bug

    I want to make a script to submit my blog url to google first open https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url?hl=en&mesd=eyJtdCI6IlJFUVVFU1RfUkVDRUlWRUQiLCJjdCI6MTMzNTM0NDM5ODk5NCwicHMiOltdfQ%3D%3D&pli=1 please look at this photo when you input captcha code by manual. there are...
  49. 455919946

    why this is not sucess

    i will spend 88$ to buy zp soft by your link,please give me your email.and tell us how to get 3 free tep
  50. 455919946

    why this is not sucess

    if '{-Variable.tem-}'='13' {-Variable.tem-'='13' {-Variable.tem-}="13" '{-Variable.tem-}'=13 {-Variable.tem-}=13 are all fail,why