Результаты поиска

  1. VladZen

    ProjectMaker How To Set click events

    You should select the element, click right mouse button on it, select -To Actions Designer>Rise>Click
  2. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    координально билды из тестовой темы не отличаются между собой возможно нужно начисто поставить, с очисткой AppData и ProgramFiles если проблема остается, то сделать диагностику с подробным логом и отправить репорт в поддержку
  3. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    был на дропбоксе, в паблик не успели выложить
  4. VladZen

    Discussion - new version (Enterprise)

    Module is installed automatically. The applications are configured manually to use it. There more details on our help docs (english help is not ready yet).
  5. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Что-то правили, что-то отложили на 7.11, 7.12 последний билд был #50384 , он показал себя наиболее стабильным.
  6. VladZen

    Is the Simulate a pageview action available as C# command?

    There is no C# equivalent method for this cube. You may use FullMouseEmulation methods instead.
  7. VladZen

    Discussion - new version (Enterprise)

    We don't have Xposed module, only LSposed.
  8. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    Please prove. I've checked and It works normally.
  9. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    I guess it searches for dublicates by column A, but deletes the full row (line), no bug here.
  10. VladZen

    version error login gmail no proxy

    Try different browser types on old version. Also, Chrome profile on Windows desktop platform
  11. VladZen

    version error login gmail no proxy

    There is just old browser in older version.
  12. VladZen

    Новость Анонс ZennoPoster 8

    Насколько мне известно, схема продаж не изменится.
  13. VladZen

    Новость Анонс ZennoPoster 8

    Постараюсь развеять ваши подозрения и опасения. Разработка 8-ой версии не остановилась, она продолжается. Сейчас, насколько я знаю, софт доводится до ума по качеству. Разработчики не хотели бы делиться конкретными подробностями до выхода версии, чтобы не обмануть ожиданий. Ждите новостей и...
  14. VladZen

    Recurring Zenno Poster Update Issues

    Hello Please contact support about this issue - https://helpdesk.zennolab.com/ Don't share info about your personal licenses in public on forum.
  15. VladZen

    Interrupt individual threads - without browser

    Need some more details. What actions are executed in non-browser project? Do you need to interrupt it when it's freezed?
  16. VladZen

    Interrupt individual threads - without browser

    This interrupts. Sorry, I misled it.
  17. VladZen

    Interrupt individual threads - without browser

    It's even not interrupted actually when you click browser window to close . You are just closing preview, thread is not stopped.
  18. VladZen

    Посоветуйте связку ipv6 + Capmonster2

    Я обычно такие прокси для рекапчи советую - https://cutt.ly/kCCZki6 вроде неплохие по качеству
  19. VladZen

    ZD 2.3.7 поломался шаблон

    Наверное откатиться пока стоит, чтобы вернуть как было.
  20. VladZen

    garbled browser text bug

    Unfortunately, CEF browser won't be updated. You should use Chromium to display websites correctly.
  21. VladZen

    Пожалуйста, помогите. Спасибо.

    You should add the font Consolas>Regular style to your OS.
  22. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    You complained about recaptcha. Is it solved now?
  23. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    Please check CapMonster again now. Does it solve captchas from GSA?
  24. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    We are sorry if there is no full info. But, it is mentioned on our website that sitekey addon is needed for solving recaptcha.
  25. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    please give more details What font sets do you use and how do you specify them in the argument?
  26. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    In ZennoLab account, see Buy Products.
  27. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    GSA software solves recaptcha via sitekey method. For this method, recaptcha sitekey addon is required additionally to CapMonster.
  28. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    You should purchase Recaptcha Sitekey addon additionaly to CapMonster to be able to solve recaptcha.
  29. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    what error do you get in CapMonster program? please attach the screenshot
  30. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    Please give more details. What errors do you get? You probably need to purchase recaptcha sitekey addon to solve recaptcha.
  31. VladZen

    Помогите решить беду с прокси и Зеннопостером.

    Уточните, в чем именно выражается, что прокси не работают? какие ошибки возникают?
  32. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    Unfortunately, I don't know which version stopped supporting Windows 7. Please try installing version 2.11.
  33. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    Windows 10 is supported
  34. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    Unfortunately, Windows 7 is not supported anymore. You should upgrade OS.
  35. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    According to report, platform not supported. We recommend you to upgrade OS.
  36. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    Please make diagnostic report, see the instructions here.
  37. VladZen

    Capmonster Error

    Is it ZennoPoster not starting? Could you please attach the screenshot of the error?
  38. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    Would be nice if you send me the template.
  39. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    Looks like I need to test chatGPT in ZennoPoster to find out how to deal with this issue.
  40. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    When you manually copy text by selection, it copies to Windows clipboard, not clipboard inside zennoposter. Please copy my C# cube into your project, run it after pressing the button in ChatGPT and check copied content in the variable from C# cube. That is how clipboard works inside zenno.
  41. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    When you press copy button in GPT, the content is copied to clipboard actually. Now, you should use my code to get it.
  42. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    I explained it from the beginning - clipboard does not work this way in zennoposter. Windows operations won't work with it.
  43. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    How do you check that clipboard is empty?
  44. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    You should run this code after you copied the content to clipboard from your GPT. The code saves content from clipboard to the variable. Look into the variable value.
  45. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    It seems you don't know how to use clipboard in zennoposter. You pressed the button and copied the conten to clipboard. Then you should save it to variable to be able to work with the content.
  46. VladZen

    Retrieving Content from GPT "Copy" Button with ZennoPoster

    Check this thread to work with clipboard.
  47. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    сначала надо проверить, почему может не запускаться. Шаблон безбраузерный, инстанс CEF или Chromium? В логах нет ошибок?
  48. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    похоже что не запускается инстанс
  49. VladZen

    Что мне делать?

    Используйте парсинг данных (Parse data), см. подробнее в справке -Parse Data
  50. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Да, видимо пропустили, извините. Ответили в теме.