Результаты поиска

  1. VladZen

    Task Manager : I can't get the right settings

    It seems you don't need to set repeat. Only how to execute - Everyday. By the way, why don't you use Schedule option?
  2. VladZen

    failed to run visual studio

    We need some more info to solve this problem. Please do the following: 1. Close all VisualStudio instances, make sure devenv.exe didn't left in processes. 2. Run ProjectMaker and create Visual Studio solution, then run Visual studio and make diagnostic report (run Diagnostic.exe). Also make a...
  3. VladZen

    Problems using "Set value from variable" and creating variables

    Are you sure that Email processing action is actualy saves value to the variable? I suppose not.
  4. VladZen

    Set proxy https not working (IPv6)

    You should set proxy with http:// prefix, not httpS:// If the proxy supports https protocol, the program detects it and allows to load pages by https.
  5. VladZen

    failed to run visual studio

    VS 22 is supported only in version
  6. VladZen

    failed to run visual studio

    Do you have Visual Studio 2019 or 2022?
  7. VladZen

    Is my VPS too weak?

    This is the bug in interface control. Usually happens when memory is running out. What us your server config - OS, CPU, Memory?
  8. VladZen


    Можно фидлером снифать запросы с Memu.
  9. VladZen

    New rotating capcha solution?

    Is this new captcha on TikTok?
  10. VladZen

    Canvas/WebGL SuperEmulation - When is it needed?

    New Canvas/WebGL SuperEmulation feature is adaptive algorithm It analyzes webpages visited in your project and if the pages detect canvas, it emulates real canvas for them. Canvas presets are loaded at project start, not stored in browser or profile. For better emulation, you should execute...
  11. VladZen

    ZP Can't Make Full Screenshot for Long Web Pages

    Selecting CaptchaSaver.dll module in action properties of Recognize captcha action block.
  12. VladZen

    How to solve normal captcha image

    you should check logs in your soft and find out what is exact error message most probably zero file size which means wrong base64 file encoding
  13. VladZen

    problem with refund

    i didn't delete :-) You probably mean this thread.
  14. VladZen

    problem with refund

    Refunded couple days ago, as far as I know.
  15. VladZen

    How to solve normal captcha image

    what exact error do you get?
  16. VladZen

    Geetest 4 + Capmonster.cloud

    Да, узнал, GeeTest4 пока не решается в клауде.
  17. VladZen

    Geetest 4 + Capmonster.cloud

    Насколько я могу судить, это единственный способ получить challenge с этого сайта. значение qt удается получить?
  18. VladZen

    What is the best way to scrape content from many different websites ?

    I would advise you to use Parse data feature in zennoposter, to scrape sites. Here are the details.
  19. VladZen

    Network Error

    Then it is ban, I guess, if you are signing in.
  20. VladZen

    how to connect MailKit or SMTPClient to zenno C#

    If you are newbie in C#, why would not you use built-in Send emals functionality?
  21. VladZen

    How to add a line break to each HTML tag closure?

    You should use TextProcessing>Replace and replace </.*?> with </.*?><br> something like that
  22. VladZen

    Geetest 4 + Capmonster.cloud

    В API сказано, что нужно выдергивать параметр challenge из запросов
  23. VladZen

    Low support.zenno service

    It's done and now you have client status. Sorry for the confusion with it and for the delay with the refund.
  24. VladZen

    Low support.zenno service

    This is not real linking account if you just type forum nickname in that form. Sorry if there is some misleading Unfortunately, by forum rules client status can't be provided to the account registered with email where is no software. We can change the email for your forum account if you wish.
  25. VladZen

    Low support.zenno service

    Client status is given to forum account with the same email where you have purchased software. Currently you writing from the account with another email.
  26. VladZen

    Low support.zenno service

    I'm sure there is just some technical issue returning your money. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. I'll ask support to deal with this situation shortly.
  27. VladZen

    Network Error

    I would say this is proxy issue. You should find good proxies for telegram.
  28. VladZen

    Релиз CapMonster Cloud — запуск распознавания hCaptcha

    Насколько я знаю, в планах стоит, но не приоритетных.
  29. VladZen

    Релиз CapMonster Cloud — запуск распознавания hCaptcha

    хоть что-то он должен возвращать хотя бы сетевую ошибку какуюто
  30. VladZen

    Релиз CapMonster Cloud — запуск распознавания hCaptcha

    такого метода нет
  31. VladZen

    Релиз CapMonster Cloud — запуск распознавания hCaptcha

    в ответ приходит какая-нибудь ошибка?
  32. VladZen

    Не запускается ВМ zennodroid

    Поставьте более новую версию ZD.
  33. VladZen

    Релиз CapMonster Cloud — запуск распознавания hCaptcha

    блок по IP вероятно. посмотрите историю банов в аккаунте. TaskID живет не более 5 минут, дальнейшие запросы результата по просроченному ID просто досят наш сервис.
  34. VladZen

    Individual thread management

    These .Net methods can be used to manage threads in zennoposter. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.thread.currentthread?view=net-6.0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.thread.abort?view=net-6.0...
  35. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    @FINDME do you still need assistance with this issue?
  36. VladZen

    Any Instagram templates to buy please?

    You can get such template even for free. Check free templates in Userful articles.
  37. VladZen

    Individual thread management

    ZennoDroid is another program. C# APi from zennoposter does not work in it.
  38. VladZen

    Individual thread management

    Ok, I see what thread management is needed. I'll discuss this functionality with developers. Meanwhile, I suggest you read this topic: https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/lovim-zavisshie-instansy.72949/
  39. VladZen

    How to make a screen of a URL in desktop mode?

    1) you should enable Screen and ScreenMaximize emulations 2) what url do you open? isn't it actually mobile version of the website? 3) how do you make a screenshot?
  40. VladZen

    Keyboard emulation : click on 2 keys at the same time

    Try this: instance.ActiveTab.KeyEvent("Enter", "press", "ctrl");
  41. VladZen

    Chromium Project Not Acting right.

    You should search the element by another attributes - id, name. class, not coordinates which changes every time. you can also even try xpath
  42. VladZen

    How can I run ZennoPoster on Linux (ubuntu)

    If you run virtual machine with Windows on it))
  43. VladZen

    Chromium Project Not Acting right.

    You should get line with deleting, then add line to the end of the list by next step. Or you can add it in the end of your project whet it's completed. Thus, every thread will be getting next account.
  44. VladZen

    Chromium Project Not Acting right.

    Load list of account, get line with accounts one by one from the list to variable, then load from variable to website.
  45. VladZen

    Chromium Project Not Acting right.

    You should create 1 project and run it in 50 threads loading accounts via lists/tables.
  46. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Если разово не сработала супер-эмуляция на важном сайте, лучше перезапустить проект и попробовать снова перейти на сайт с суперэмуляцией. Если регулярно не срабатывает на сайте, тогда использовать эмуляцию канвас шумом.
  47. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    please send me in pm
  48. VladZen

    Обсуждение версии

    Просили, я заводил таску. Но разработчики считают, что текущая логика правильная. Шум надо эмулировать до перехода на сайт. повторный переход с шумом после ошибки суперэмуляции не спасет ситуацию.
  49. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    This solution is for working with MySQL. You reported zennobox crash.... I asked to make diagnostic report.
  50. VladZen

    Bugs in version

    Have you updated ODBC connection driver in your system - - https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/ Our software uses this driver to connect to MY SQL.