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  1. VladZen

    How do I submit CapMonster2 captchas using Python code?I didn't find any API interfaces

    API is the same as captcha services API. Send captchas to antigate, 2captcha or other and run CapMonster. CapMonster will be emulating service and solve captcha instead of captcha-service.
  2. M

    Block all images but recaptcha

    I am referring to https://angular.io/ It is a javascript framework to create web applications. It has an internal storage and I'm not sure how to access it from the outside.
  3. VladZen

    Block all images but recaptcha

    Not sure what is angular app... Please read about recaptcha callback - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#callback maybe this is the case.
  4. J

    Buying Checker for Hilton

    Looking for project for zennoposter or zennodroid. I have accounts i need checked for member nr and points available, need bot bypass and 2captcha support. input will be user:pass Payment will be in btc
  5. Go@

    Новость CapMonster Cloud - новый сервис автоматического распознавания капч!

    Пост обновлён 30.07.2021 Встречайте - CapMonster Cloud! Сегодня мы запускаем новый онлайн сервис CapMonster.Cloud, который позволит сэкономить до 90% бюджета на распознавании капч в сравнении с другими сервисами. Всё ещё платите по 30-40 рублей за медленное решение 1000 капч...
  6. VladZen

    I need tutorials to get started with CapMonster

    There is nothing hard in using CapMonster. You should just send captchas to recognizing by captcha service API and run CapMonster, the program will be solving captchas instead of service. Please read help docs - https://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:work-with-other
  7. S

    I need tutorials to get started with CapMonster

    Could you please tell me the steps on how can i add 2captcha API to capmonster > it's very confusing and there is no guide on how to do it
  8. VladZen

    Recaptcha3 how to solve?

    https://2captcha.com/newapi-recaptcha-en Where do I get and where do I input the data? Browse HTML-code of the page, where you've encountered the captcha: 1. Find this parameter data-sitekey= This is site's key, it is constant and unique for each site (unless admin changes it manually) Return...
  9. M

    Recaptcha3 how to solve?

    VladZen trust me I read your manual 10 times befor post here. First sentence: "Website admin integrates special script into webpage, which processes user data and generates a token." I have no Idea how to get sitekey. I read documentation: https://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:sitekey...
  10. M

    Recaptcha3 how to solve?

    I saw similar topic on BHW. I read your article, now I know that 2captcha can resolve recaptcha3 but how to set project in project maker? What settings I should chose to solve?
  11. Vvafel

    Recaptcha3 how to solve?

    https://2captcha.com/blog/solving_recaptcha_v3 what page did you find it on?
  12. I

    Unrecognized captcha not sent to service

    Yes, I do have accounts with both of them. I don't use CapMonster with ZennoPoster, I use it with my custom python program, maybe that's the problem? If I disable emulation captchas get send correctly to both 2captcha or anticaptcha. CapMonster is working fine, it's just that it doesn't send the...
  13. I

    Unrecognized captcha not sent to service

    Hi, I'm trying to solve a captcha which fails with the universal module. I'm expecting CapMonster to send it to a paid captcha service to get it solved, but I don't see the captcha going thru. I tried both with 2captcha and Antigate api. This is what I see in the log: 2019-04-09...
  14. VladZen

    Two Captcha | Wrong Token | Credentials

    Just enter some Random API key for 2captcha, but you should run CapMonster and enable 2captcha emulation in it.
  15. KitKat21

    Capmoster Sitekey: Where to Get it From?

    After getting the token and entering it in the field, you need to click your form's submit button. I've been using Capmonster for a long time to solve the captchas (with in the tab method) and it was working nicely until Capmonster started not getting the images right. I tried solving...
  16. VladZen

    Capmoster Sitekey: Where to Get it From?

    Do you think captcha service writes non-workable things n their API for all users?) Here is what I can advise you: You should select to solve ReCaptcha2 in zennoposter via anti-gate or 2captcha/rucaptcha, method - In tab and enable autosubmit. Then run CapMonster and enable antigate or...
  17. Aronax

    Capmoster Sitekey: Where to Get it From?

    The support will tell you to read paragraphs 7-9 from here: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_new But it won't work!!! I tried to delete display:none in the g-recaptcha-response element, I got a field where I can input the captchaID received from the captcha solver, but...
  18. Mahno

    Обсуждение версии

    Присоединяюсь к вопросу
  19. zortexx

    Как работать с Recaptcha sitekey?

    Если вам будет понятнее инструкция на английском: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api
  20. VladZen

    Recaptcha Sitekey addons Error code

    Here you can find the list of most errors and descriptions: https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#error_handling
  21. E

    Обсуждение версии

    • Исправлен прием по протоколу RuCaptcha/2Captcha. А можете уточнить, что конкретно там исправлено? Я как раз им пользуюсь - все работает (были нестыковки с api, подшаманил и все норм). Не хотелось бы после обновления чтобы что-то слетело.
  22. ZennoLab Team

    Release CapMonster 2 new version (13 March 2019) Captcha complaints processing

    Improved captcha response processing algorithm Previously, we focused only on the internal “confidence in response” metric, which allowed us to quickly detect changes in captchas and update modules timely. In this version, we implemented functionality for processing complaints to bad captchas...
  23. ZennoLab Team

    Релиз CapMonster 2 новая версия (13.03.2019) Обработка жалоб на каптчи

    Улучшен механизм отслеживания корректности ответов Ранее мы ориентировались только на внутреннюю метрику «уверенность в ответе», что позволяло нам оперативно узнавать об изменениях каптч и своевременно обновлять модули. Начиная с этой версии, будет работать функционал приёма жалоб на плохие...
  24. A

    Answering Recaptcha2 in ZP with CapMonster2 + SiteKey

    The link is down i can not access the url. please give me an example
  25. VladZen

    Capmonster low success rate. Always Captcha Failing.

    Always say there on forum - you should select Chrome method of solving for ReCaptcha2, not httprequest.
  26. T

    Capmonster low success rate. Always Captcha Failing.

    I'm trying to solve captchas with 2captcha module. Tried both desktop and mobile. Nothing changed.
  27. T

    Capmonster low success rate. Always Captcha Failing.

    I'm using capmonster lite version with my reddit bot. Capmonster solving recaptcha v2, token was obtaining successfully. The problem is token is not correct and my bot gives captcha failed error. I tried my bot with 2captcha api. They are working fine. Could you try capmonster with Reddit?
  28. VladZen

    Answering Recaptcha2 in ZP with CapMonster2 + SiteKey

    You can read how to send answer here (paragraph 7) - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_new
  29. I

    Capmonster + 2captcha

    So I am having issues and its starting to piss me off. I am on the latest update did something change within a month for intercepting from 2captcha? I am getting this error I have already went to this page https://2captcha.com/support/faq/46/ so I can add to hosts.txt and intercept captcha but...
  30. V


    Здравствуйте, не могу понять в чем проблема: 1) с одним сайтом работает все хорошо. 2) с другим сайтом (домен в кирилице, но я отдаю его уже в нормализованном виде) http://x.x.x.x:port/in.php?key=mykey&method=userrecaptcha&googlekey=sitekey&pageurl=.....какой-то урл Array ( [0] => OK|290 )...
  31. lokiys

    Problem with token verification

    Hi. I have tried to do registration in Chrome as well as in ProjectMaker using Firefox. In both cases I could not get this captcha. So my suggestion is to look on Your proxies, maybe they are overused and site gives You captcha because of that. In anyway 2captcha claim they have api for solving...
  32. W

    Rotating proxies using CM and firefox add on question....

    Hi qizu, I can tell you that iam using rotating proxy service with CM and it works really nice. BUT my services changes IP every 5 minutes, not every request, not sure how if this works with Google servers (assuming you like to use ReCaptcha2 Sitekey Addon in CM, otherwise you dont need proxy)...
  33. Q

    Rotating proxies using CM and firefox add on question....

    I have a couple of questions regarding Capmonster before I take the plunge and buy. I usually use imacros with firefox , together with a proxy switcher add on . The proxy switcher has one static ip that is used as a gateway for rotating proxies that change upon every http request . How would I...
  34. VladZen

    Discussion - version

    You should create such profile by yourself in zennoposter. Then, after gaining required cookes, history, etc, save it and load into CapMonster2. I hope you've read this - https://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:rc3#working-with-token You should perform special work with token using C#...
  35. I

    Discussion - version

    :an::am: don't know after solving recaptcha version 3. Capmonster always give the wrong token, I tested with the 2captcha and it gives correct one, so its not the site URL and site key false :bc:
  36. lokiys

    Confused about threads possible for lite package....

    Hi. with Capmonster lite you can solve ONE captcha at the same time. Although You can send 5 captchas one after another and it will solve that in queue. Recptcha2 is included. There are more info: https://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:about
  37. Q

    Confused about threads possible for lite package....

    Hi guys, I usually deal with my captchas via 2captcha and use imacros with Firefox.... I noticed on the sales page for CapMonster that it says "one thread of CapMonster allows to process captchas from 5 threads of another program". So am I right in assuming that it can do up to 5 captchas...
  38. T

    Capmonster + 2Captcha Bot

    Can I buy only Capmonster Module Creator Studio? I dont have much money to buy package but I can training some captcha!
  39. B

    multiple recaptchas on one page

    i need to solve multiple recaptchas on one page, but zennoposter only ever solves one of them obviously they have the same sitekey. any idea on how i can get zenno to solve the 2nd recaptcha? note: i'm using 2captcha/rucaptcha, anti-gate and deatchbycaptcha for solving recaptchas
  40. A

    Discussion - version

  41. I

    Discussion - version

    [+] ReCaptcha v3 solving by rucaptcha.com/2captcha.com API. So now capmonster is supporting the Recaptcha v3 ???
  42. darkdiver

    Release CapMonster 2 new version (18 December 2018) reCAPTCHA v3

    Ready for solving reCAPTCHA v3 New powerful hit to bypass reCAPTCHA v3 is now available for all CapMonster owners Module included into SitekeyAddon. How does this captcha work? New recaptcha does not require any action from user. It monitors website visitor behavior and other parameters, then...
  43. darkdiver

    Релиз CapMonster 2 новая версия (18.12.2018) reCAPTCHA v3

    Готов к разгадыванию reCAPTCHA v3 Новый сокрушительный модуль для прохождения reCAPTCHA v3 теперь доступен всем владельцам CapMonster Модуль поставляется в комплектации с SitekeyAddon. Как она устроена? Новая рекаптча не требует от пользователей никаких действий. Она анализирует поведение...
  44. VladZen

    How to integration with C#?

    And what about C# there? What steps are not decsribed here - http://zennolab.com/wiki/en:addons:capmonster:work-with-other where is said to modify hosts file and send captchas to recognizing by captcha-service API?
  45. VladZen

    Capmonster: works, but not sending key to url?

    You should submit answer to recaptcha in special way - https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#solving_recaptchav2_new Read paragraphs 7-9 about response to recaptcha2.
  46. VladZen

    Capmonster + 2Captcha Bot

    If you are going to use CapMonster to earn money on solving captchas for 2captcha, it is not possible.
  47. T

    Capmonster + 2Captcha Bot

    Hi guys, I want to apply my Capmonster to 2captcha bot, so i tried put IP Capmonster server in proxy settings in 2captchabot but not working!! I will appreciate if someone knows it!!
  48. M

    Capmonster: works, but not sending key to url?

    Alright so i'm on the 3-day trial period for this program and unfortunately i'm spending a lot of time figuring out how it works instead of trying it out. So i'm hoping to get some help here if possible. So first, i'm using this code without proxies: https://github.com/2captcha/2captch...Python...
  49. T

    How to integration with C#?

    Final report on how to use capmonster with external c# program : 1. Add 2captcha.com to your host file 2. Run capmonster on default mode which is 3. send GET request as you would do for solving recaptcha with 2captcha.com ( watch their reference API page ) 4. send...