Результаты поиска

  1. M

    Set new source, without refreshing content

    Hi, im trying to change parts of the source code in a page, when i do so the page refresh and changes the unique key i stored from before. Can i tell zennoposter to update source but not refresh content? Thanks
  2. M

    Solving google recaptchas

    Hi, just an update, I was following 2captcha guide and managed to do it, the only thing i need to do is to remove something from the source. Which was described in another thread. Thanks alot for this forum. This method is a killer also, so good but twice the price
  3. M

    Solving google recaptchas

    Hi. First I found a template here in the russian forum that solves the captcha clicking the right images, after a while I was getting more and more dynamic captchas which updated the pictures. Then I found a template solving it by using audio in the russian forum, now and then my ip gets...
  4. M

    Strange, browser takes a while to load pages

    Thanks for your reply, it is slightly faster.
  5. M

    Strange, browser takes a while to load pages

    Hi, the loading sign in the left upper corner are in progress for over 10 seconds every page, even when the page seems fully loaded, this causes my web automation to be very slow.
  6. M

    Strange, browser takes a while to load pages

    That is correct
  7. M

    Strange, browser takes a while to load pages

    I even tried not loading CSS and images with no luck
  8. M

    Strange, browser takes a while to load pages

    Hi. Zennoposter are using exraordinary time to fully load page, when I use the site in my ordinary browser it is way more quick. Also seems quick on my stationary pc before it crashed, only difference is the version update and that im on a laptop now. Is there anything I can to to optimize...
  9. M

    Recaptcha audio solve 2captcha

    Hi. Recently i noticed 90% of the captchas has the click until none are left dynamic template, this are causing 2captcha to fail LOADS. I recently recived an email where 2captcha said they could solve recaptchas by audio. I wonder if anyone got an sample template for this? Many thanks
  10. M

    Project maker insane lag

    It speeded up zennoposter as well, god knows why, but before i did this tweaking it was freezing and lagge allot, seems fine after this little tweak
  11. M

    Project maker insane lag

    Thank you it worked, and was easy to find in control panel :)
  12. M

    Project maker insane lag

    Thank you for you reply, maybe a short word on how to do this? thanks
  13. M

    Project maker insane lag

    Hi, recently my stationary pc crashed. So I went ahead and installed zennoposter on my lenovo yoga 2 pro. What I found out is it was really really laggy, also when i left click and action designer it chooses the wrong element. Can I do anything to solve this? what is the requirements for...
  14. M

    How to post a code snippet to perform a series of action

    Thanks allot!
  15. M

    How to post a code snippet to perform a series of action

    Hi. From time to time i am using the console in my browser to post a series of javascript to perform series of action pretty quickly. Can i do so from my zennoposter also? how should I apprpach that?
  16. M

    Google recapatcha 2

    OK. Thank you :)
  17. M

    Google recapatcha 2

    Hi. I found a template on the forum which solves it using 2captcha, I´m very thankful for it. However there are minior issues, when the images are 4x4 instead of 3x3 there seems to be a problem and the list will return empty. I also register that you will be required to solve multiple to...
  18. M

    DBC stopped working

    NVM, works again now. Tried to fix this for several hours yesterday, even contacted DBC support who comfirmed nothing with their servers. Im sorry I bothered you guys.
  19. M

    DBC stopped working

    for some reason it returns SORBE :s
  20. M

    DBC stopped working

    Hi. All of a sudden DBC stopped working in my project, everytime the result returns SOBRE. I have checked my balance, i have checked my login detail but the image dosent come thru to DBC, its not even registred on statistics page. 2Captcha still work. I have tried 2 DBC accounts, same result...
  21. M

    Email processing, take only message text.

    Oh the characters I used to filter out was in all my test messages encryption so i changed it, working now but not optimal way to filter out the text i reckon
  22. M

    Email processing, take only message text.

    Hi. I wonder how I can set an regular expression to take whatever the message contains and leave the header and all the codes ect. I will be sending those message myself and tried to start them with a "start" word to filter out whatever is over. This works for the first message, but when I...
  23. M

    Complex regex, good sources available?

    Hi. Im looking to extract a value based on several criteria. I have been trying back and forth but without luck. Somehow I feel like im on the right path. I know this isnt a forum for such questions but if anyone knows a good source to search for clues I am happy to be advised...
  24. M

    Putting information to table, and sorting

    Thanks, make sence hence my results. I was not aware of this since i ticked the sort by number if possible. Have a good day :)
  25. M

    Putting information to table, and sorting

    Thanks makes sense, ill just use regex on all variables before putting to table then. Have a good day sir
  26. M

    Putting information to table, and sorting

    Also Im looking for a way to use regexp for the whole table at the same time, is that possible?
  27. M

    Putting information to table, and sorting

    Hi. I have been making a small template where i collect a series of information, im using regexp to filter the integers and putting them into a table. I then want to sort them from smallest to largest but when I do that im not getting the smallest in top since it sort only by the very first...
  28. M

    Mouse simulation.

    Hi. I have tried searching in the forum, I just wonder if there is anyway to make it faster. Thanks
  29. M

    Sending images in chat

    Thanks. Will try to hire a freelancer :)
  30. M

    Sending images in chat

    The main issue is that zennoposter post multiple duplicates entries when im using this path {-Project.Directory-}{-Variable.Random-}.JPG
  31. M

    Sending images in chat

    Hi. I wonder if I can send a picture on either facebook chat or trought skype with zennoposter. I am using CaptchaSaver.dll to save the image and would love to know if it is possible to send that picture :) Thanks
  32. M

    Restart if process stop

    Hi. Is there possible to make the template restart if the failure is not connected to any box? Or do I have to draw all the false lines back to start?
  33. M

    Solving Recaptcha2 With 2captcha.com

    Thank you very much for this project my friend!
  34. M

    After trying to crate module zennoposter fails to use DBC

    Yes, i can do that but i don´t think much are done right, I will keep on trying tonight to see if i can manage to make a working module. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwZjPKe8F_MkM2JYNmZ5ejd4bms/view?usp=sharing And you were right, when i closed CM2 it works like normal, Thanks
  35. M

    After trying to crate module zennoposter fails to use DBC

    Hi. I used to use DBC to solve my captchas, then i installed CM2 and tried to make a module but failed to, but still the captchas are sent to CM2 even if i use DBC.dll The captchas are not recognized and zennoposter will hang for several minutes before receiving the result sorry. What is...
  36. M

    [SOLVED] Filters and center off mass

    Hi. I´m trying to make a module in capmonster2, according to zennolab wiki I shall use filters to eliminate all the noise and sit left with black letters. I have played around with filters for quite while and aint able to get anything better then whats shown in the image. Also the text is not...
  37. M

    Snippet to determinate what variable got the lowest value

    Ok, I will try as good as i can. There is 5 rows of text i am getting which all contains an area along with a timer, i have stored the timer in seconds to a variable named the area, and then i want to check which are has the lowest timer at this given point so i can set the pause and interact...
  38. M

    Snippet to determinate what variable got the lowest value

    Thanks, but that will return the integer, i would like the variable name to be returne :)
  39. M

    Using the action designer - click another element

    Just an update in case any other will wonder the same. I managed to do this by searching the star element and getting the X,Y cordinates and then using javascript adding how many pixles away the desired button is and then using mouse emulation :)
  40. M

    Snippet to determinate what variable got the lowest value

    Hi. I have been making a template in zennoposter were i get 5 values, I have converted those values into the correct integer format using reg exp. and javascript. I do now look to return the variable with the lowest value, just like the Math.min(varA,VarB,varC) Except that i want to return the...
  41. M

    Using the action designer - click another element

    Thanks for you reply. Im not going to post the link for a couple of reasons the first and most important are that i do not want google to link to this thread as it might get me banned faster then necessary. The second is that it wouldnt feel right to just put my project on other peoples...
  42. M

    Using the action designer - click another element

    Hi. Im looking to automate yet another process and as usual I have to ask here, Im sincerely thankful for all the help I have gotten here but honestly it gets embarrassing asking so much also. but after trying to figure out this one for a while I decided to ask here again, i think this might...
  43. M

    Solve captcha manually, push possible?

    Hi and thanks for checking back :) I do solve captchas using DBC this was to remotely be able to answer messages, but figured its to much stuff involved so i just run the risk not answering them until im at my pc. Have a nice day :)
  44. M

    Solve captcha manually, push possible?

    That sound like the way to go, You got me right. Will look into it even if it sounded a bit over my qualification :p Thanks m8 :)
  45. M

    Solve captcha manually, push possible?

    Hi. I want to use the captcha solving module to detect and possibly reply to messages, Im looking to do this remotely from my phone processing the captcha image "message" in this case trough email service. Also i wonder how i get the captcha window to auto popup when captcha is recognized with...
  46. M

    Most common ways to detect a robot

    Ok, thanks :) Was just curios about the most common things that will get you banned.
  47. M

    Most common ways to detect a robot

    Hi. Im trying to figure out if I can protect my account on a game being banned for using a robot. Recently I saw a couple of players being banned for doing so. So far I have not been flagged and think that is because zennoposter runs javascript, plugins and other stuff that mostly hard coded...
  48. M

    Solving image captcha using DBC

    Thank you so much for your answer. They told me in chat i could just by using their API for image processing APIs. However I have not been satisfying with DBC lately waiting 30sec-1 minute for 3letters very easy to read by human captchas and the other day they took 2h15m to get back to me in...
  49. M

    Solving image captcha using DBC

    Hi. Now and then i require to solve an image captcha like this: So far I have been doing it by chances and guessed the result an will solve it within 40 tries as the probability would be 1/6*1/5=1/30 But i would love to send this to death by captcha, they told me they can solve it but i...
  50. M

    Veiw the pause
