Результаты поиска

  1. C

    How to break gmail and hotmail Captcha

    Hello people, I have a problem, I would like to create a bot to register Hotmail and gmail, and it wasn't useful to buy these emails, I need something specific but I saw that it's using Funcaptcha, can someone help me on how to break it? with Zennoposter using some company that breaks captchas...
  2. C

    How to break Funcaptcha for Outlook or Hotmail?

  3. C

    How to break Funcaptcha for Outlook or Hotmail?

    Hello people, I have a problem, I would like to create a bot to register Hotmail, and it wasn't useful to buy these emails, I need something specific but I saw that it's using Funcaptcha, can someone help me on how to break it? with Zennoposter using some company that breaks captchas? because I...
  4. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    Could you create a scroll bar for this type of issue, as those without monitors above this size are unable to use it
  5. C

    Compare row (A) with row (B)

    I managed to set it up, I did a bit of a workaround but it worked out. I'll leave the template for anyone who needs it.
  6. C

    Compare row (A) with row (B)

    I don't know how to set this up in practice, could you help me?
  7. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    I can't move the edge, at the moment I'm using a resolution of 1366 x 768, but I've used much larger resolutions above 2000 and it still didn't work. And the bottom bar can't be stretched.
  8. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    I've already done that, and I've changed monitors and PCs several times, but it never appeared. I'll create everything based on the template you gave me. Thank you.
  9. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    Thank you for the help, here on my PC, and on others I've tested, this part doesn't appear in the bot even if I drag and try to minimize it. Could you please look at my screenshot? Do I need to activate this option somewhere?
  10. C

    Compare row (A) with row (B)

    Hello, could you help me? I have a list with 100 URLs in column (A), and another with 12 URLs in column (B). I would like to compare column (B) with column (A), like this: it takes the first URL from column (B) and checks among those 100 in column (A) if that URL doesn't exist in column (A)...
  11. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    No matter if the bot is brand new or old, if I choose the Android system, it doesn't work."
  12. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

  13. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    It didn't work... I deleted all versions and all folders of Zennoposter. I also created another bot with only one function and set it as Android, but the error persisted.
  14. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    Friend, as I mentioned, I'm not updating any profile, and even if I remove the function to create a profile, update a profile, or anything else, the bot doesn't even run. It doesn't even move past the beginning, doesn't even run the first function and already throws an error. But whenever I...
  15. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

  16. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

  17. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    Hello, I'm using the latest version, 7 7 11, and when I try to create a bot and run it on Android, it always gives an error. Whether it's with newly created bots or old ones, it always fails and can't create the Android profile to start running.
  18. C

    The error when selecting Android in Zennoposter

    My Zennoposter, when selecting the Android profile, is giving errors when creating the profiles, and the bot doesn't run. I would like some help on how to resolve this because I want to run Android profiles.
  19. C

    Ещё раз про Мобильные прокси , от THE FARMER

    Извините за возрождение статьи, я тоже новичок в этом, но каково преимущество создания нескольких из них? 2. Стоимость покупки интернет-пакетов не сделает систему (дорогой)? Еще одно, 3. не лучше ли приобрести домашний прокси и платить за гигабайт? 4. IP-адреса этих прокси не будут находиться в...
  20. C

    How to run one bot after another bot has succeeded?

    I would like to have several bots running in the task manager, and after one succeeds, have another specific one start running, and then after that succeeds, have another one start running. Is this possible? If yes, how can I do it?
  21. C

    Retrieve random data from the table and output it to a TXT file

    I have a CSV file with hundreds of data entries, and I would like to take Table A from this list, randomize it, and output it into a TXT file. How can I do this?
  22. C

    How to make the bot achieve x successes and stop, and x consecutive errors and stop?

    Is there a way to make the bot run until it reaches a certain number of successes that I specify, and to completely stop it if it encounters a certain number of consecutive errors?
  23. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    With this method, it doesn't work in any regular browser, neither in Google Chrome nor in Firefox
  24. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    No, you misunderstood. It works in Chrome, Firefox, and many other browsers, and also within ZennoPoster. It just doesn't work, meaning it doesn't trigger the pixel, only when I use the URL from the method you provided.
  25. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    Yes, the website belongs to one of our clients. Using the regular method, going through the iframe, the pixel fires as expected, and it also works in Google Chrome or any other browser. However, when I use your method, it doesn't fire
  26. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    So if I register normally, the pixels jump and work, but if I go to the method you provided, it doesn't work. I've captured part of the URL that contains information, but it still doesn't work the same way. I've also analyzed the cookies by doing a regular registration and then using the method...
  27. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    Could you help me again? I saw here that now I can register, but at the end of the registration, the conversion pixel doesn't fire, meaning it's not activated, and it doesn't record what I did. I've tried copying part of the code and pasting it into the registration URL, but it still doesn't...
  28. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

  29. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    Solve Tnaks
  30. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    code Html source https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/37oj2sgckm05dx0gyvavr/source.txt?rlkey=mwto11k3fjk1bb4topsix5cgk&dl=0 Image site, Id random the website does not give other values and the image system does not work, it says that the site has more than 6 thousand pixels...
  31. C

    How to generate or find ZIP codes for specific countries and cities

    I use proxies for some services, and it's from X city. However, when I check within an analysis system, it shows this proxy or IP in another city or neighborhood. The question is, with this location, can I manipulate this proxy to show the location where I want it to?"
  32. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    "Thank you for the help. But I didn't understand absolutely anything, I tried to use regex here and couldn't get any data. I apologize for being a noob, could you explain a little better if possible? Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  33. C

    How to generate or find ZIP codes for specific countries and cities

    Would it be possible to change the city location of a proxy with this method?
  34. C

    Extracting data from a website that can't be extracted

    I have a website where I perform a query, and it displays information to me. The entire structure of the website is the same for all parts, and I can't scrape them one by one. Could someone shed some light on how to do this? Please see the images. Remember that in all attribute names and values...
  35. C

    Delete file contents every 24 hours

    So I researched, didn't see anything that fits, I understood what you said well, I just didn't understand the last part. What function would I have to use for it to analyze and see that the current day has more than 24 hours than the file name
  36. C

    How to generate or find ZIP codes for specific countries and cities

    Hello, I'm asking for help again. Is there any code or function that can give me the ZIP code for a specific country and city in that specific country? It's like a ZIP code generator for that country and city, pulling this information from somewhere without Zennо having to go to a website or me...
  37. C

    Delete file contents every 24 hours

    I didn't understand this second part. How would one create a function that compares and checks if it has been more than 24 hours? Could you explain it to me more clearly?"
  38. C

    Delete file contents every 24 hours

    "Is there a way for the bot to delete the contents of a file every 24 hours, and if it hasn't been 24 hours, it checks and doesn't delete the file's content? Is this possible, and if so, how can I do it?"
  39. C

    How to run multiple bots one after the other

    Hello, I have 5 bots, and I would like to run them one after the other, with each bot running for a specific amount of time and a specific number of times. For example, Bot 1 will run 5 times consecutively, then it will move to Bot 2 and run 5 times with a 10-minute gap between each run. Bot 3...
  40. C

    input settings enabling and disabling Options

    In the input settings, is there an option that, when selecting a value, such as true or false, it hides other fields in the input settings or adds new fields to be filled out?
  41. C

    To hide or show fields in the input settings

    hy hy
  42. C

    To hide or show fields in the input settings

  43. C

    How to use multi-selection? Please help.
