Результаты поиска

  1. C

    Will looping in C# faster than looping using actions in template?

    I am building a looping operation for a list. For example, to delete some lines and add some random strings to some other lines. Is it faster to run everything in C# or use action and a counter in the template? How about memory usage? Thanks.
  2. C

    C# code to delete a line in a list?

    What is the C# code to delete a line in a list? (like .DeleteRow(i) for a table, but for a list) Thanks.
  3. C

    Is there a system variable that returns if the project is currently running in PM or ZP

    Is there a system variable that returns whether the project is currently running in PM or ZP? For example, if the project is being run in PM, that variable returns "Project Maker" or 1, while in ZP it returns "Zennoposter" or 0. Thanks.
  4. C

    Dislocated Input Settings

    Some text in the input settings form is enlarged, pushing the text boxes off the form.
  5. C

    Instance windows keeps appearing for a very short moment

    I have ZP running in the background, minimized to task bar. I always hide all instance windows because I am running many threads. However, every 10 minutes also, some the instance windows pop up for a very short time (1/2 seconds), then they disappear. This is very annoying because sometimes...
  6. C

    Unchecked "Run unfinished project at startup" but ZP still automatically launches all my projects.

    When I close ZP I always select "No" in the pop up window asking whether to continue the unfinished projects. However, if there are still projects running, ZP sometimes (about 50% of time) will still launch those projects when it restarts. I have unchecked "Run unfinished project at startup" in...
  7. C extremely slow

    I purchased an update from to and found that the new version is so slow that it's close to not usable. It's mainly the ZP interface that gets much slower. After ZP runs a few hours with multithread, it becomes NOT responsive when I try to navigate between tasks and logs. Even...
  8. C

    How to Update

    To update Pro to a newer version, do I need to first uninstall the existing ZP? Or can I simply run the installation file to overwrite the existing one? Thanks.
  9. C

    Run WebBrowserSettings Error saving/loading profile to the temporary file.

    After running ZP for a few hours, my projects (ALL projects in ZP) will start getting "Run WebBrowserSettings Error saving profile to the temporary file." and "Run WebBrowserSettings Error loading profile to the temporary file." error at Reset the Instance action (NOT saving/loading profile...
  10. C

    Is this "Inspect Element"/"Follow the Cursor" bug fixed yet?

    I am using ZP 5.7.1, and i am not able to use "Inspect Element" or "Follow the Cursor" when my Windows 7 font size is set to 125%. It always follows/points to the wrong element. "Inspect Element" and "Follow the Cursor" only work correctly when font size is at 100%. I reported this bug 2 years...
  11. C

    Linkedin - Browser Not Supported

    I am getting this error message while using PM on linkedin after logging in. How can I solve this problem? Thanks.
  12. C

    "return System.DateTime.Now.Day;" gives different results in ZP and PM

    I am trying to use C# code "return System.DateTime.Now.Day;" to get the current day number of the month. In PM it assigned a current value to a variable (such as 7), but in ZP, it gives something like 169260. How do we get the correct day number in ZP? Thanks.
  13. C

    ZP Crashes After A Few Hours on XP

    After a few hours of running, ZP becomes like this.
  14. C

    Linkedin: Jumped to Next Action without Loading Page

    I am testing to ZP to scrape linkedin profiles. However, ZP jumps to the next action without fully loading the profile page. For example http://www.linkedin.com/in/nunomotapinto (to see profile page log-in is required), ZP does not wait for the page to load but goes to the next action...
  15. C

    Selected Mute Instance but sound in instance still plays

    I have selected Mute Instance but sound in instance (such as a video) still plays. By the way, part of this setting page is hidden when I selected larger system fonts.
  16. C

    What is "change values of variables of the same name"?

    What is "change values of variables of the same name"? In previous versions, was it Yes or No by default?
  17. C

    Error when updating to 5.5

    received this when "trying to execute a test project" PM and ZP were able to start manually after that. Would my settings be corrupted by this?
  18. C

    Do not auto restart projects when ZP restarts after unexpected shutdown

    When my computer lost power, ZP shuts down. When I restart the computer and ZP, it automatically restarts all the projects. Can you make it not like this? (i.e can you make unexpected shutdown to choose "NOT continue projects at next start" by default?) Thanks.
  19. C

    Can you make Regex Designer window larger?

    The code section is too small to see a larger block of code. Can you make the window maximizable? Thanks.
  20. C

    Advanced Editor Blocking Shorcuts

    Showing only 4 shortcuts in Advanced Editor. Can you move that "Editor" thing to the right so that it won't block the rest of the shortcuts?
  21. C

    choosing image file to upload crashing PM

    When there's a "choose file" button to choose file to upload, sometimes PM (not ZP) will crash. The files I tested were images.
  22. C

    Right click to copy log content in ZP/PM log

    In addition to copying id, can you add a right button menu button to copy the content of a log item in to clipboard? Thanks.
  23. C

    Right Click to Copy URL of Link in PM

    Hi, Can you add a menu item to copy the url of a link in PM's browser? It will also be very helpful if you can show the url somewhere in the foot bar of browser when mouse is over the link.
  24. C

    Bought memory for PC, but ZP memory usage increased

    I had a 8G machine running ZP, using about 5 to 6 G. Yesterday I upgraded the PC to 32G, but I found that for the same projects, the total memory usage increased to 11G. Most of the base.exe usage got larger. Why is that?
  25. C

    ZP slows down computer a lot when only using 15% CPU

    I purchased a new i7-4790 computer dedicated for running ZP. Now it's running total of 30 threads, using less than 20% of CPU. However, the whole computer is getting very slow. Opening other applications like notepad, chrome, or even a folder takes forever. Is there something wrong with my...
  26. C

    Chose "not to continue at next start" when closing ZP,but ZP still starts the projects when starting

    Chose "not to continue at next start" when closing ZP,but ZP still starts the projects when starting.
  27. C

    After GoTo URL, Instance Still at Blank

    Sometimes after a GoTo URL action, the instance is still at "blank" address. This doesn't happen all the time, but when it happens it's causing errors for subsequent actions. How do I solve this problem in an efficient way? Thanks.
  28. C

    Project completed, but base.exe still exists, using memory

    When my project completes, the base.exe is still in the task manager for a while, using memory. Is there a way to shut down that process as soon as project completes, releasing memory immediately without delay?
  29. C

    Server down?

  30. C

    Log Doesn't Stay in Auto Scroll

    Whenever I press 'Auto Scroll' in log, in a few minutes, that button is off, and doesn't stay in auto scroll. This happens especially when mouse hovers over log panel after clicking Auto Scroll.
  31. C

    Option in Alert to Play a Sound

    The recent addition of 'showing in log" in Alerts is great. Can you add a check box option to play a sound? It can be any sound, such as any windows system sound or a bird sing. It will be very helpful to signal to the user that a particular template goes to a bad end, or an important project...
  32. C

    Can you increase DOM and {-page.source-} limit to 1GB?

    Currently DOM and {-page.source-} are limited to 10MB which is way too small for today's websites which use infinite auto scrolls (meaning they infinitely expand pages when page down is pressed, e.g Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Facebook, all the big guys). This problem was mentioned by other...
  33. C

    Maybe the file has encoding different from UTF-8?

    I keep getting this error message when linking txt file to lists, even for txt as simple as this bbb aaa ccc A new thing in 5.4?
  34. C

    interrupt to stop pause as well

    Can you make "interrupt" to stop a running pause action? Now it appears that it needs to wait for it to complete. Thanks.
  35. C

    Many webpages can't finish loading in 5.4

    Sometimes they stay on Loading forever. This didn't happen in 5.3.1, where the same website is always able to load completely. This is my main website and the hardware side is stable. Setting timeout is the last thing I want to do, as I never needed that in 5.3.1.
  36. C clicking .xmlz file doesn't open it in PM

    while it did in 5.3.
  37. C

    How to Stop/Interrupt Template from within Template?

    Is there any action/C# code to stop or interrupt the template so that it doesn't run the remaining executions? Thanks.
  38. C

    How to reduce Maximum Thread by 1 in template?

    Is it possible to reduce Maximum Thread by 1 using C# or actions in a template? Thanks.
  39. C

    Is there a way to return the current thread number?

    Is there a way to return the current thread number?
  40. C

    Change template in the middle of project

    I am running the project at 100 executions. If I change and save the template when it is at, say, 50. Will the remaining 50 executions reflect the change I have made? Or do I need to remove the project and add it back to rerun?
  41. C

    Will interrupt go to Bad End actions?

    Will interrupt go to Bad End actions?
  42. C

    How to Restart Project?

    When I clicked interrupt, then clicked start, the project became a star icon and sit there forever. I had to remove the project and add it back then click +1 to do a restart. Is there a faster way?
  43. C

    What action to show text in log but not pop up window like Alert?

    I wan't to show some text in ZP log but I don't want a pop up window like Alert. What action can do that? Thanks.
  44. C

    The "Start" button starts from last step or beginning?

    In ZP, does the "Start" button start from the last step (if I interrupted it) or the beginning of project? Thanks.
  45. C

    Best Practice for Multithread Where One Account in Each Thread?

    I want to design a project where many accounts post at the same time, each in its own thread. Is there a way to return the thread number in ZP, so that I can link account 1 to thread 1, account 2 to thread 2 and so on? (i e. thread 1 always logs in with account 1 and thread 2 always logs in...
  46. C

    How to Get All Variable Names and Values into a List or Table?

    Is there a way to get all variable names and values into a list or table? Thanks.
  47. C

    Set Proxy Before or After Clearing Cookie/Cache?

    My project loops through a list of accountname;proxies combination to post on those accounts. To minimize track for each account, should I put Set Proxy before or after the Clearing Cookie/Cache actions before logging in each account? Thanks.
  48. C

    Detailed Log in ZP Like in MP?

    Is there a way to show the detailed step by step log and variable values in ZP when running a project like in MP? Thanks.
  49. C

    Can You Keep the Instance Window Open When in Error

    I am running a project in ZP with the Instance window shown. I wanted to monitor if there is any error. However, when there's an error such as HTML element not found, the Instance window shuts down immediately, and I didn't get a chance to see what page that was. Can you make it so that the...
  50. C

    How to Show More than 2 Alerts in ZP Log?

    My ZP log only shows the last 2 Alerts in the log. The earlier ones are always gone. How to show more than 2 Alerts in the log? There is enough space for 50 Alerts.