Результаты поиска

  1. C

    "No connection to the authorization server or your IP was blocked"

    Can't open ZP even after switching to userarea-hk, -us, or userarea.zennolab.com in the .config files.
  2. C

    Can't Launch PM, with Error

    Since last week I am not able to launch PM, with the following error. I tried multiple versions (7.7.3 and 7.5), but neither of them worked. Please let me know how to solve the problem. Thanks.
  3. C

    Remove from Toolbar Doesn't Work for Proxy Icons

    After I removed them, when I restart ZP, they always come back. This issue only happens on the Proxy Checker buttons, other buttons can be removed without issue. I mis-click that Play button so many times because of this.
  4. C

    Auto click Cancel for "Do you allow to send notifications?"

    Is there a way to disable/auto click Cancel for "Do you allow to send notifications?" by default in PM? It pops up all the time, stopping my actions. Thanks.
  5. C

    Can't Turn On PM, "Cannot get the intial profile" Errors

  6. C

    How to "Run/Restart Device" only when Necessary?

    Is there a way to test if the device is already open and available for ZD? If the test fails then it can perform the "Select Device" and "Run/Restart Device" action. If it is true then it doesn't need to do anything. The reason I want this test is that sometimes I have manually closed the...
  7. C

    How to schedule a project to run every hour?

    I want my projects (take 10 mins to finish) to run every hour, infinitely. How can I set that? There is no Hour or Minute option in Scheduling tab. Thanks.
  8. C

    Log not updating

    Same bug as ZP. The log ZD does not refresh unless I click on another tab (such as Schedule) and switch back.
  9. C

    How to Take Screenshot?

    Is there a way to screenshot the current screen and save it as an image file? Thanks.
  10. C

    "Device is already being used in project maker"

    ZD projects can't be run when my PM and ZD are opened at the same time, with an error message "Device is already being used in project maker". How can I release the device from PM? Right now I have to close PM completely whenever ZD is running, but it is inconvenient for debugging between PM...
  11. C

    How to Put Image Files into MEmu Camera Roll?

    I tried to copy the image files into but it doesn't work. In my app where I want to upload the images, it is still showing an empty camera roll May I know how to put images files into the camera roll? Thanks.
  12. C

    Can ZennoDroid Bypass Emulator Detection?

    I tried my target APPs on LDPlayer but most of them denied my log-ins with error messages like "log-in not allowed on an emulator". Before I invest in ZennoDroid, I want to know if there is some way ZennoDroid can trick the apps in thinking that it's a real phone? I don't want to buy the ZD...
  13. C

    How to determine "Not Weekend"?

    I want to run something only on weekdays. I have the following If action but it's not working: {-TimeNow.DayOfWeek-}!='Saturday' && {-TimeNow.DayOfWeek-}!='Sunday' For example, today is Wednesday, and the above action should give a True, but in fact it gives False, on ZP 7.x. Is there...
  14. C

    Variables Window Disappeared

    Where is the Variable Window?
  15. C

    File for Upload Fails when "," is in the File Name

    When there is a comma "," in the file name, File for Upload would not work, as tested in Buffer's tweet posting page (uploading an image into the tweet).
  16. C

    ZP/PM can't download file when download folder is a shared folder

    When the Download Directory is on a shared folder (such as \\ABC\XXX), ZP/PM will get stuck at 0.00MB when downloading a file. This problem only happens in Windows 10, not Windows 7.
  17. C

    PM Can't Connect to Server Today

  18. C

    Browser not showing any content, but {-Page.Dom or Text} does.

    On certain pages (suchs as some pages on Schwab.com), PM/ZP can't load the web pages in browser (Chome engine). The pages are totally blank after GoTo Action. However, the {-Page.Dom-} does have contents when passed onto another variable. ZP 7.5.1
  19. C

    ZP Clears all Projects in List when the Previous Starting Failed

    Sometimes when ZP fails to start (for example, when CPU is busy or failed to connect to authentication server etc), and ZP crashes/quits before the project list is loaded to appear in the screen, then next time I open ZP, sometimes the ENTIRE project list is gone. The list is totally empty...
  20. C

    Can't Find CM in ZP 7. Can I use the CM in ZP 5 in ZP 7?

    I have both ZP 5 and ZP 7 installed on my PC. Can I use the CapMonster from ZP 5 in ZP 7? Thanks.
  21. C

    How to Add Parameters for GET Action?

    Where in the GET action I can specify parameters (equivalent to the -H "AAA: BBB" in curl)? I can't see any input boxes for that. Thanks.
  22. C

    How to Convert Date from Serial Number Format to Date Text in C#?

    I am using ZP to scrape financial data from on YCharts...
  23. C

    ZP Can't Make Full Screenshot for Long Web Pages

    If a web page is long (for example, >20000 pixels long), the bottom part of the screenshot will be blank. I am using ZP 7.5. This problem occurs both in screenshots captured by Images Processing and CaptchaSaver. Please see the image below. The bottom part of the jpg becomes black if the page is...
  24. C

    So Many Alerts, Is MENU Safe?

  25. C

    "Shortest Match" in Regex Tester Does Not Return the Shortest Match

    "Shortest Match" in Regex Tester Does Not Return the Shortest Match There are often shorter match within the returned text.
  26. C

    How to Log in Google when it Says "This browser not secure"?

    I have already enabled "Allow less secure apps" and disabled 2-step authentication, but I still encounter this page. The site that I want to use Google to log-in is likee.video Thanks.
  27. C

    Go to URL Action Doesn't Work in 7.5

    Bug Go to URL action in PM in 7.5 Sometimes it never goes anywhere regardless what URL we put in. We have to Restart the Instance to make it work again.
  28. C

    "Error detected when getting indexedDb from instance" when Restarting Instance

    I am getting this error all the time when Restart the Instance "Running the WebBrowserSettings Error detected when getting indexedDb from instance" Why? Thanks.
  29. C

    IMAP on Gmail Blocked

    Both IMAP and POP3 are enabled on Google but still can't log in.
  30. C

    AVG Blocking ZP

  31. C

    ZP Can't See Shared Folders in VMWare

    If I shared a local folder with a VM (mapped as a network drive such as Z: within the VM), ZP is not able to see the folder. ZP can't load any project or find that network drive Z: (which is a local folder of the host machine). This problem only occurs on a VM running Windows 10. If ZP is on...
  32. C

    Unwanted Extra Blank Lines when Giving Value to Text Boxes

    I want to read a text file and put its value into an input text box on a webpage (such as Youtube's title or description input fields when uploading a video). So I first read the text file into a variable, then an action will put the value of the variable into the text boxes. However, there are...
  33. C

    Videos are not uploaded in Youtube

    The "Files for Upload" action does not work when uploading videos on Youtube. After running "Files for Upload", clicking "Select Files" (the button to upload) still pops up the file browser. However, after I manually closed the file browser and clicked "Select Files" AGAIN it would be able...
  34. C

    PM: How to Create a Floating Text Box Showing a Changing Variable Value?

    I want to visually monitor a variable value when a project is running in PM. Is there a way to create a small text area/box (preferably near the corner of the screen, outside of the PM window), which shows the variable value which is constantly updating? Thank you.
  35. C

    How to Pause Less than One Second?

    The Pause action only accepts integers. How to pause for a few milliseconds? Thanks.
  36. C

    regrex designer boxes not accessible at 125% DPI

    Regrex designer "Search text starts with" and "End of search text" boxes not accessible at 125% DPI (medium) font size on Windows 7.
  37. C

    Trojan Horse in 5.31

    AVG report when installing 5.31.
  38. C

    ZP Doesn't Work on Twitter Any More?

    The new version of Twitter came out this week and ZP received the following error when logged on. I tried both FF and Chrome up-to-date options in Profile.
  39. C

    ZP Does Not Remember Menu Layouts

    as demonstrated in video:
  40. C

    How to Close ZP in Command Line?

    Is there a command line that shuts down ZP, such as "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZennoLab\ZennoPoster Pro\Progs\ZennoPoster.exe -close" ?
  41. C

    Is "Restart Instance" Still Required to Release Memory at 5.29?

    In earlier versions of ZP such as 5.9, memory usage would keep increasing until a "Restart Instance" action, which immediately reduces the memory usage for the project to minimum. As a result, I put "Restart Instance" before every Page/URL action to keep memory usage as low as possible. I also...
  42. C

    Why is the installation file is so much bigger now?

    My previous installation file of 5.9 is just about 150m, but the newest 5.29 is over 500m. Why is there such a big jump in size? Thanks.
  43. C

    C# editing box not responsive

    I am using the latest 5.29. From time to time the C# editing box is not responsive to keyboard. Mousing clicking works, but it's frozen to key inputs. I have to close PM and reopen it to make it responsive again.
  44. C

    Error Message About Firefox after Updated to 5.29

    I am getting this error message at the start of running a project after updating PM to 5.29 The project was originally developed in 5.09. Why and how to solve it? Thanks.
  45. C

    How to Get the Callback Parameter of a Json File?

    I want to use ZP to download financial data from morningstar.com The URL to return the financial data is like this...
  46. C

    How to Force All Tasks to Start with ZP?

    Is there a way to force all tasks to start when ZP launches, regardless of whether the tasks were running when ZP was closed/crashed previously? It could be something like a command line parameter such as "zennoposter.exe -startall". I have already selected "Automatically continue executing...
  47. C

    Trial Upgrade Before Upgrading?

    Last year I spent $90 to purchase an upgrade from 5.7 to 5.9, only to find that there were bugs that made the program unstable to use. After emails and emails back and forth with support during the six months of purchased period, the bugs were still not fixed even in the latest 5.10 at the...
  48. C

    No Connection to Authorization Server

    Updated to ZP today but ZP is showing the following error and quits automatically. The older 5.7.1 works fine on the same machine (clone). userarea.zennolab.com is also accessible in IE. Tracert userarea.zennolab.com and userarea-us The hardware is already activated in Userarea...
  49. C

    How to Open SeekingAlpha.com in PM/ZP?

    Recently, PM and ZP are not able to read SeekingAlpha.com correctly, as all format is lost in the built-in broswer. Please see screenshot below. The website works fine in regular browsers such as Chrome or Firefox, but not PM/ZP. Is there some settings that I need to set in PM/ZP that allow...
  50. C

    SeekingAlpha.com losing format

    SeekingAlpha.com lost format in both PM and ZP. This has happened since last week and it was good before that. It works fine in regular browsers such as Chrome or Firefox, but not PM/ZP.