Результаты поиска

  1. Maddis

    Help updating browser version

    Hi everyone. I am sure there is a simple snippet or method, but how do I update/set my browser version to the latest without using manually updating it in Project Maker? I would like to be able to set this in the project settings or c# snippet. Is the version usually set in the zpprofile...
  2. Maddis

    How to restore hidden instance using windows API

    Hi there. I am trying to restore a window of an instance via API that has been closed (after clicking X on Toolbar) rather than having to double click the instance thumbnail each time under the Instances tab in Zenno Poster. My code works fine (External exe separate to Zenno) however chrome...
  3. Maddis

    Cookie Format

    Does anyone know the entry names of the zpcookie entries? I managed to work out some of the entries, but unsure of the rest of them. Domain ? Path ? Expires Value ? ? ? Priority ? Port ? |...
  4. Maddis

    Action not executed

    Thanks for the reply. I can't find the option for Canvas / WebGL. I am using CEF (Chrome) as my browser. CAn this be done using a snippet? The Ignore FRAME option I will try now but I will need to change this using C #. Do you have a snippet for changing this by any chance? Thanks again
  5. Maddis

    Action not executed

    I'm having a major problem with 1 action in my project. Whenever I goto a URL after creating a new tab, after the page loads, I get a 'Action not executed' error. I'm using the latest Zenno Poster Can anyone help?
  6. Maddis

    How to capture Key Down Event of text box

    Tried this but I get errors. Can anyone help? textBox.KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter) { navigateToURL(); } };
  7. Maddis

    Clearing download list/last downloaded file

    Is there a way to clear/set the Instance.LastDownloadedFile to null?
  8. Maddis

    Bug or just bad code?

    I have also tried this: Tab tab = instance.ActiveTab; string criteria = "My Element"; int retCount = 0; Top:; HtmlElementCollection results = tab.FindElementsByAttribute("span","innertext", @criteria,"text"); if (results == null) { retCount = 0; } else { retCount = results.Count...
  9. Maddis

    Bug or just bad code?

    Thank you for your reply. I have tried to use the same logic to check if an element exists, but I get "Faulty Operation xxx of the action group id:" Tab tab = instance.ActiveTab; string criteria = "My Element"; int rCount = 0; HtmlElementCollection results = null; Top:; results =...
  10. Maddis

    Bug or just bad code?

    I keep getting an error I am checking if an element exists based on it's attribute value. If count is 0, I get thrown this error: Here is my code: HtmlElementCollection results = parent.FindChildrenByAttribute("span","innerhtml","chickens","text"); if (results.Count == 0)...
  11. Maddis

    Clear Table

    Thanks again. All I need to do now is save the table once I have data written to it. Is there a method to get the table contents to string value? I have tried this but I get an error. string CSVFile = @"C:\Test.csv" string stream = project.Tables["leadTable"].ToString()...
  12. Maddis

    Clear Table

    Yes that did the trick. Thank You :D
  13. Maddis

    Clear Table

    Hi, I am trying to clear the Table in ZennoPoster rather than use the ZennoPoster action. I try: project.Tables['leadTable'].Clear(); But this does not work. Can someone help? Thanks
  14. Maddis

    Running the WebBrowserSettings Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Hi, hoping someoine can help who has experience in running ZennoPoster/ZennoBox in Virtual Box. I'm getting this error when trying to run any of my projects in Virtual Box. I have tried different browsers (Chromium Beta, Chrome, FireFox) but the error still happens when starting the browser...
  15. Maddis

    Determine wether project is running in ZennoPoster or ProjectMaker

    Sorry, I should have explained it in more detail. I needed to have a different set of variables while testing in Project Maker so needed to check programmatically. // Check Running Environment string Environ = project. Context.ToString(); if (Environ.Contains("Manipulator")) { Running In...
  16. Maddis

    Determine wether project is running in ZennoPoster or ProjectMaker

    Is there a way to determine this?
  17. Maddis

    Running ActiveX Control / COM Components

    I have a few controls that I would like to use in my project, mainly with the processing of images. ZennoPoster is great but there are a few additional tasks I need to be able to do. Can someone advise me if this is possible and how it can be done? This is the control I am using: ActiveX...
  18. Maddis

    IP Blocked - canno't use ZennoPoster

    This fixed the problem thanks. Just out of curiosity, was this due to a DDos attack?
  19. Maddis

    IP Blocked - canno't use ZennoPoster

    Posting on here as well as via a ticket as I'm hoping this can be resolved faster as I need to finish a project in ZennoPoster. My internet has been dropping in and out the last few days (interference from builders using electrical things. I use remote desktop to connect my windows 11 PC to my...
  20. Maddis

    Clearing ZennoPoster list Programatically

    Thanks Phoenix78 :D
  21. Maddis

    Clearing ZennoPoster list Programatically

    Hi, I want to clear a list but I receive an error: Compiling code of Error in action "CS0201" "Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement". This is my code: var list = project.Lists["Upload"]; list.Clear; Can somebody help...
  22. Maddis

    Reading 32bit Registry value into ZennoPoster

    I figured it out. This is what worked for me: Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\VB and VBA Program Settings\MEmu Launcher\Settings\"); if (key != null) { project.Variables["API_IP_CheckURL"].Value =...
  23. Maddis

    Reading 32bit Registry value into ZennoPoster

    Hi, hopefully someone can help. I am trying to return a value that is in my 32bit registry with the custom C# Action so I can store the value as a variable. I have tried many C# variations but can't get a return value. Can anyone possibly help? My Key is ...
  24. Maddis

    Commissioned Projects in ZennoPoster

    @lokiys Are you still providing lessons for Zenno? I am interested in learning how to do things myself
  25. Maddis

    Commissioned Projects in ZennoPoster

    I waited because they were relocating from Russia to somewhere else. I didn't even know I was able to get additional support from ZennoLab if there were any problems. I would have reached out sooner if this was the case.
  26. Maddis

    Commissioned Projects in ZennoPoster

    Hi, hoping someone can help. I paid for several templates to be made but due to sanctions, the author said he would no longer work on the project as he has other 'more important' things to focus on. I have been patient for over 15 months since I paid him. I requested he send me the project files...
  27. Maddis

    Help creating .Bat file to run ZennoBox Project

    Hi there, could someone be kind enough to help? I am new here. I have bought a template and I am running the project in ZennoBox that was deployed to me. I want to be able to start the project Task without having to set the execution count to 1 everytime i start ZennoBox. I have tried to create...