Результаты поиска

  1. M

    New build (06 March 2013)

    How do I set "compatibility mode for CodeCreator" - I have win 7 ultimate
  2. M

    New build (06 March 2013)

    Project maker works (loads templates, records)... ZP works fine... *Code creator->init program->load modules->nothing happens : ( How can I make it work? I can`t go to sleep with out seeing it at least once!
  3. M

    New build (06 March 2013)

    Santa is back in town : )
  4. M

    Gmail account creator

    Good luck : )
  5. M

    anyway to download files?

    Finally found out how. there is a middle stage in which I have to dump to path and just have the file name.
  6. M

    anyway to download files?

    Could you elaborate please? now that I have the variable, how can I download the file?
  7. M

    Zennoposter is not working on random instances

    Try to set 2 cycles instead of 1 cycle
  8. M

    I am shocked

    Hey that`s cool! you got 3 letters!
  9. M

    weird problem with input boolean variables

    Had the same problem here, bro.
  10. M

    Can't Get Proxies To Work

    Just select "use without delete" bro and you`ll be good to go : )
  11. M

    Input setting bug:

    If you name two fields by the same name (lets say you want to mange several accounts at the same time and called the Name field "user name" for both account that you want to manage)you`ll get funny errors...
  12. M

    Profile save\load and FacebooK

    I always claim I was born with half brain. It works perfect. just forgot to click "keep me logged in" before saving the profile : )
  13. M

    Profile save\load and FacebooK

  14. M

    Profile save\load and FacebooK

    Hi guys, I have been trying to save a facebook profile (no proxies were used), then just use that profile using load profile (in order to auto post in the profile). I can`t seem to make that work... One template saves profiles, the other one loads a profile and goes to facebook. Btw - the...
  15. M

    New build (17.01.2013)

  16. M

    Future addons, if possible

    Mobile emulation is, indeed completely different. and it will put zenno on a whole new level, giving us, the users the ability to make even bigger ca$h
  17. M

    BIG TIME Problem With Thread Count: Please Look

    Why not write down 200 and see what happens? Also, did you try to run the thread test with nothing else open (not chrome not firefox, not avg etc)?
  18. M

    BIG TIME Problem With Thread Count: Please Look

    Guys, I have a system with 16 gb, too. ZP wrote 70 threads. I just changed it to 100. that`s it : )
  19. M

    Future addons, if possible

    You can use user-agent to emulate ipad, iphone etc. The only problem is: you cannot emulate while recording : (
  20. M

    Project working perfect in ProjectMaker - not working in Zennoposter

    Thank you, I will give it a go...
  21. M

    Project working perfect in ProjectMaker - not working in Zennoposter

    Update: Have sent the project to Bigcajones and it works perfect on his machine. ->Nope HB, just this specific project. I have sent you an email with the project. and the logs...
  22. M

    Project working perfect in ProjectMaker - not working in Zennoposter

    The template just won`t run. nothing happens (and yes, I know about the ZP bug that it just "jumps" to 100 as if it has finished the job, so I even tried entering 10 runs instead of 1). I have tried to look at the logs, and it states an error. when I search for the specific component it does not...
  23. M

    Project working perfect in ProjectMaker - not working in Zennoposter

    I have a Project that is working perfect in ProjectMaker - but not working in Zennoposter. Anyone has any ideas how to solve this?
  24. M

    IntelliSearch Boting - is this doable?

    Well, here is a simple answer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxGK7QVeyaU
  25. M

    IntelliSearch Boting - is this doable?

    So...is it possible to train IntelliSearch?
  26. M

    Lots of problems with DeathByCaptcha

    nope. I went to anti-gate.
  27. M

    Tumbot - Tumblr Auto Follow, Reblog and Like

    It just flashed the url... Will download the new version. So far I`m just creating account. the template runs smoothly without any problem (I`m using proxyblaze). Will write a detailed review as promised in a day or two after running the whole package
  28. M

    Tumbot - Tumblr Auto Follow, Reblog and Like

    happened again...
  29. M

    Tumbot - Tumblr Auto Follow, Reblog and Like

    It showed it in the url, before choosing random template
  30. M

    Tumbot - Tumblr Auto Follow, Reblog and Like

    Bro, why is the account creator going to facebook...
  31. M

    Tumbot - Tumblr Auto Follow, Reblog and Like

    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 3U458389WP3278706.
  32. M

    Tumbot - Tumblr Auto Follow, Reblog and Like

    I`ll take a review copy for 10$... Where`s the "buy now" button ....?
  33. M

    How to post on ggl +?

    Nope. But I had to send him a naked picture of my sister.
  34. M

    How to post on ggl +?

    Well, dex has saved the day (for me anyway). There were two issues: 1. It seems that the "save profile" that I was using - its not working good. zenno guys need to fix that. it`s a shame. could save time and make the thread "look" to the server more authentic. really. 2. I was trying to use...
  35. M

    How to post on ggl +?

    Bumping... anyone had any luck with posting to ggl p+?
  36. M

    Optimization of debugging and recording project.

    Mouse emulation is needed for sure. keyboard, too. It should be able to really emulate mouse moving... Anti-bot scripts are getting harder to crack through.
  37. M

    Difficulties with security when filling in a form

    Thanks... tried... this needs to go to the thread about posting to ggl
  38. M

    How to post on ggl +?

    Tried couple of methods: 1.Via Mouse emulation - left click , then keyboard emulation - nothing happens (doesnt even give me the cursor thingie - meaning nothing is clicked) 2.Via action designer - first focus, then click - nothing happens (doesnt even give me the cursor thingie - meaning...
  39. M

    How to post on ggl +?

    Did any 1 had any success posting to goo gl +?
  40. M

    Difficulties with security when filling in a form

    DO you know how do I create mouseOver in ZP 4.36?
  41. M

    How can one upload a video to youtube?

    PMed you
  42. M

    How can one upload a video to youtube?

    You ROCK dex. Thank you thank you and thank you again
  43. M

    How can one upload a video to youtube?

    Dex I really appreciate your fast help. I have not done mouse over. just click (with right coordinates of course). How can I do mouse over? there is only :left click, right click, dbl click
  44. M

    How can one upload a video to youtube?

    Even tried to change profile (firefox, chrom, ie) - nothing helps.
  45. M

    How can one upload a video to youtube?

    Yep bro. I`ve done that. all 100 of them. first tried via variable. then the strait path with the file name. nada. It says that message.
  46. M

    How can one upload a video to youtube?

    I have tried to record via project maker. it records fine (meaning it does upload) but when debugging, it does not work - does not even get to the point you can choose a file. Tried via action designer. does not work - does not even get to the point you can choose a file When I tried via...
  47. M

    Index was out of range. Must be non-negative...

    Try ti debug step by step and see where do you miss loading of element\variable. Could be that your are loading from an empty text file, or that you dont load the right variable. Good luck
  48. M

    [SOLVED] Logic Switch possible issue

    Well guys, I found the error. my bad. When using the "random" component I have chosen "text" instead of "number". that was the error. my error. So instead of getting numbers that ARE working with the logical switch, I got letters.
  49. M

    [SOLVED] Logic Switch possible issue

    Yep, I have tested the logical switch in a stand alone project (meaning only the logical switch and a simple alert is there). But it still happens in my project. for now I have solved it just as lokiys advised... *I`m using