Результаты поиска

  1. M

    Creating yahoo accounts - they keep getting deleted

    I have created a yahoo email template - and the email just keep getting deleted one day after creation. does anybody know how to solve it? The template creates new emails, with captcha, then goes into the email - goes pass the "start now" thing and that`s it.
  2. M

    About bugs

    Guys, usually I`d keep my nose out of it. honestly. but this time I feel compelled to write my opinion. I`ve been a user since ver 3. I see the software getting forward. In all aspects (for me anywayz). maybe I`m a low level user. maybe I just have more patience than the average jo. I love the...
  3. M

    Loading doesn't finishes in browser

    Ok, update: I have bought private proxies, and my yahoo template is working pretty fast. Still, had to disable "load plugins", "load frames". Running for the past hour two templates - one thread each- with private proxies and without private proxies (meaning - public). Private proxies...
  4. M

    I have scraped proxies into txt file - but only 49 show up in zennoposter "sources"

    Yep. you guys are correct. I shall now go and wear a clown hat and sit in the corner. ahm. :rolleyes:
  5. M

    I have scraped proxies into txt file - but only 49 show up in zennoposter "sources"

    All the proxies have been saved properly into a text file, but when I select the file as source it shows only 49 proxies, how can I solve that?
  6. M

    Loading doesn't finishes in browser

  7. M

    Loading doesn't finishes in browser

    Update - tried to turn off "Load Pictures" in "Project Settings" but that didnt help either
  8. M

    Loading doesn't finishes in browser

    Same here for yahoo account creation. on recording everything went smooth. on debug and zennoposter - once the template clicks "sign up" the next page almost freezes. Example attatched for HB.
  9. M

    Video tutorial suggestions. Please leave your feedbacks

    Def a regex tutorial. it will help us a lot to improve here with coding our own bots : )
  10. M

    Article Grabber Questions

    Cool. works like magic : ) Have to loop it though, to collect all of the lines to a list (instead of a one time data grabbing like I did, then skipping every 2nd result)
  11. M

    Article Grabber Questions

    Have tried (?<=title"><h3><a\ href="/\?).*(?=</a>) But it does not seem to work for me : ( I just want the a href of the title, not the author. . .
  12. M

    Article Grabber Questions

    <div class="result-title"> <h3> <a href="/?The-8-Mistakes-Guaranteed-to-Doom-Your-Corporate-Video-Production&amp;id=6993909">The 8 Mistakes Guaranteed to Doom Your Corporate Video Production</a> <span class="result-author"> by <a href="/?expert=Jim_Penrose">Jim...
  13. M

    Article Grabber Questions

    About the article extraction, got it : ) About the sites, already been there. just wasnt able to actually understand (since I`m not an uber programmer). I have my own workaround the first problem - just call every second line (thus skipping the unwanted info). I thought about two options (just...
  14. M

    Article Grabber Questions

    Hi guys. I`m currently building an article grabber. Input - keywords. Action - search on ezine, click on first 10 results using regex (one at a time), then grabbing the article using the "Article Extraction" icon command in Project maker. Output - each article is saved to a designated file...
  15. M

    How to Emulate Humans in Search Engines

    He means that each "virtual user" will be doing different things on the site. browsing, searching, clicking here and there etc.
  16. M

    User-Agent On Project Maker at the Recording time

    Cant access the thread either : (
  17. M


    What is "transliteration" in word processing component in project maker?
  18. M

    What is the new component "Spintax WordAi"?

    Anyone knows?
  19. M

    Congrats on V4.1!

    Yep, v4.1 is the shiznitz : )
  20. M

    [SOLVED] Record new project does not work - v4.1

    Update - I have decided to format my computer and re-install Zp fresh. everything worx again. I guess I should not install those "free - super player for free porn" again. he he. the lesson have been learned.
  21. M

    [SOLVED] Record new project does not work - v4.1

    Doing it now
  22. M

    [SOLVED] Record new project does not work - v4.1

    Nope. didnt help. still , when I select "record new project" - the projectmaker halts and the program stops : (
  23. M

    [SOLVED] Record new project does not work - v4.1

    Doing it now. will report shortly.
  24. M

    [SOLVED] Record new project does not work - v4.1

    Have even tried to uninstall all .net then reinstalling . still doesnt work : (
  25. M

    [SOLVED]  Record new project does not work - v4.1

    I need your help guys... I have tried to download the new 4.2 demo (without uninstalling 4.1 beforehand) and once I have executed the 4.2 project maker - it announced that "demo has expired". I have uninstalled 4.2, then back to my 4.1 and then I could not record any new project. when I have...
  26. M

    ZennoPoster Mental Power

    Damn. you guys absolutely r-o-c-k. this is what I have been waiting for. it`s just so easy, I have made 2 bots in less than an hour. took me 1 hour for each bot on zp3. thank you thank you thank you : )
  27. M

    Such a powerful tool and still lacking related resources

    When is the new version due to be released?
  28. M

    Proxy list..

    Thank you : )
  29. M

    Proxy list..

    How can I parse proxy from this line...? <TD><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>document.write(":"+w+q)</SCRIPT>:80</TD> Been struggling by myself on this for two days now... Any help would be appreciated...
  30. M

    No suitable proxies for task

    Thank you, I`m trying it now : )
  31. M

    No suitable proxies for task

    More data that I forgot to mention: I have a rule [just a specific country]. When Z works for the first 30 cycles on 5 threads it shows a lot of proxies under the "proxy" tab [around 100] After I get the "No suitable proxies for task" And look at the "proxy" tab, It does not show any proxies at...
  32. M

    No suitable proxies for task

    I`m using Z standard and running all 5 threads with different together. The proxies I`m using as source are free lists. It was working fine for two weeks. Last Saturday something strange happened - after running 30 or so cycles of the projects [30 meaning running the same projects for 30...
  33. M

    Macro for IF {anything} exists ?

    This will check if it is NOT equal '{-FieldData.FieldData-|-●2●9●6●0●3●5●-|-≡1≡0≡2≡0≡1≡1≡0≡0≡0≡1≡-} ' != 'here you put the value' This will check if it is EQUAL '{-FieldData.FieldData-|-●2●9●6●0●3●5●-|-≡1≡0≡2≡0≡1≡1≡0≡0≡0≡1≡-} ' == 'here you put the value' You can create "else if"...
  34. M

    Proxy list..

    Thank you! it worx! :)
  35. M

    unable to find textarea inside html page

    Hey walkout, try to go for something simple, looking for a text on screen. I had problems with my cpanel, tried all sorts of things, and this works best for me. Here is a simple example from Gmail: Right click on the element you want to choose-> "to branch builder", then go to Attribute name...
  36. M

    How can I make a loop?

    Thank you! much appreciated :)
  37. M

    How can I make a loop?

    Great proggi guys : ) I have managed to create an email template - it goes to my domain cpanel and creates template - really easy I must say [then I will use it to create youtube accounts] The only problem is I`m trying to make a loop. So, how can I make a loop so zenno creates 50 accounts...