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  1. M

    [SOLVED] Logic Switch possible issue

  2. M

    [SOLVED]  Logic Switch possible issue

    I`m doing a simple logical switch - randomize numbers (0-2) then going into logical switch. The project declares it is finished successfully - not going past this actual stage (meaning not going to option 1,2 or 3). This happens to me in Project maker and Zenno poster as well. After...
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    [SOLVED] Keystrokes Emulation Problem When running Multiple instances

    Is it better to have 5? 10? 1? If I have 16gb memory i7 and I run usually 50 threads, will it run faster? or slower?
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    [SOLVED] Keystrokes Emulation Problem When running Multiple instances

    What does it mean "base"? where can I change it? what does it actually do?
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    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    Update - well after my session via teamviewer with HB, my proxies dropped to 3 or 5. Then Rostonix tried to help me via teamviewer, too. Said that I have a slow connection or a thin line. Called the ISP, they sent in a technician. The problem was - a RAT ate my cable outside the house. need to...
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    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    Thank you for your help HB, you ROCK : )
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    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    Just sent to support @ zenno Two sources and a snapshot of my settings
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    A lot of proxy sources, very few actually working or most of them dont work

    Hi guys. I have weird problem lately. Please tell me if I`m doing something wrong. 1. Scraping up to date proxy with template (getting around 14k) 2. Using the scraped proxies with zenno -> only 30 alive. But, if I use the scraped proxy through a file - a lot more than 30 are working. not...
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    What is "proxy that is google passed" exactly?

    So the answer to my initial question: How to check if a proxy is "google passed"? As far as google passed goes. Its pretty simple. Send a query to google for a search term and then have your template test the results. Send https://www.google.com/search?q="proxy: port" and look . If its there...
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    What is "proxy that is google passed" exactly?

    What is to "scrape serps"? I know that one site can go up in the serps. Never knew you can "scrape serps".
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    What is "proxy that is google passed" exactly?

    Ok. What does this feature actually give me as a supreme bot maker? (he he)
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    What is "proxy that is google passed" exactly?

    I can see that there is an option to check if a proxy is google passed in zennoposter - but it is currently block - I assume that it is because they are selling the other product - proxy checker. If you go to your Sources->Double click on a source ->then show advanced settings you will see...
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    [SOLVED] I have activated my equipment, but still can not run

    Bro, happened to me too. had to format my machine. . . then everything works just fine.
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    ★ GMAIL & YouTube phone verified accounts creator [from Hungry Bulldozer & rostonix]

    Might be stupid question, but I need to ask it: do I need to put pre-selected phone numbers in a text file, or do you have phone numbers in the template and I dont have to deal with it?
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    Using Referrer

    Maybe it`s like the yahoo syndrome. all the accounts that are open there (including all the tricks I`ve got in my bag) are deleted around 5 hours from the moment I register.
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    Using Referrer

    Option #1: *Did you validate them?* Option #2: Are you using the same proxy as you registered? Option #3: Could the website be "sensitive" to free proxies (if you are using them)? Option #4: Are you creating the accounts, then validating them - strait after that - posting - or are you waiting...
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    Table not loading more than 2 columns

    Ok guys. just tested it out - and if anybody else has a problem with tables not showing in preview - here is what might be causing it. I have a file that goes like this: Proxy;Login;Password;WhenCreated;is it verified? Some times the "is it verified?" does not work (meaning does not write the...
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    Table not loading more than 2 columns

    Preview. since I didnt see it, I thought it is not available. So, you`re saying that I can use it, just cant see it?
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    Table not loading more than 2 columns

    I have a file with info seperated by ";". When I try to load this info to a table (either via relative or direct location) it only loads column A and B. Proxy;Login;Password;WhenCreated Even tried to use space before and after the ";". Even tried other symbol - ":". How can this be...
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    About Random number?

    Use loop and increase value.
  21. M

    DeathByCapcha Error..!

    Could you please show how it is done in 4.3? I have tried to look for the fields that you mention here, with no success...
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    KeyStroke Emulation - loading text from text file - cant make it work

    Sorry bro, didnt mean to stress...
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    Thread restarting without completion

    I have increased the amount of memory per instance. It seems that big templates need bigger memory : ) Problem solved.
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    Thread restarting without completion

    Im having a weird problem. My template runs great - in debugger. no stops. no errors. When I load it into zenno it starts the template - runs a few steps - then - restarts with no warning or reason. It doesnt matter if I`m running multi-thread, with or without proxy.... Have already...
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    KeyStroke Emulation - loading text from text file - cant make it work

    bumpy bump...
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    KeyStroke Emulation - loading text from text file - cant make it work

    Project example attached ...
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    KeyStroke Emulation - loading text from text file - cant make it work

    I did that ...it works only for one word, not for a whole email. Any other solution?
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    KeyStroke Emulation - loading text from text file - cant make it work

    I`m trying to load text with multiple lines from a text file into a variable, then putting the variable into the KeyStroke Emulation, and it does not seem to work. it does not give me an error, it just does not write the text... Am I doing something wrong? I have already tried to copy paste...
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    [SOLVED] "No such macro in macro base: Project.directory"

    Just realized I was a complete tool. the "d" should be "D" (in directory). Case closed.
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    [SOLVED]  "No such macro in macro base: Project.directory"

    My template was working in 4.25. now in 4.3 it says: No such macro in macro base: Project.directory : (
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    Instagram Accounts

    I was just trying http sniffer, and I can see some data that is being transferred from my computer to instagram. How can I use that? I see it uses "get" and "post" (which zenno does have). Is it possible?
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    Instagram Accounts

    Do you recommend using hma? - or is there another way to change the ip of my computer (without disconnecting and connecting again)
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    New build (25.10.2012)

    The threads are running more than twice as fast, not getting stuck - meaning - the problem of thread trying to load is gone : )
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    Instagram Accounts

    So, you`re saying - use some sort of a macro recorder - change ip, create new account and log out etc...? will that work? Or - use zenno in conjunction with other software....?
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    Instagram Accounts

    Bumpy bump... any1 got fresh ideas about this topic?
  36. M

    Cant change Attribute name in Action designer

    It also happens in 4.25 : ( And yes, I have re-installed the software, then formatted my computer, nothing helps... http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cl6TrISp8
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    Attachments in hotmail

    Thank you zon3d, I have tried that, but it does not yield the results I`m looking for. However, I will use this nifty trick in future cases : )
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    How to read jsut a column from a file list

    You can try and use Var instead of file name in table "from a file". might work. If I understand you are scraping content. then saving to a file. So, you can double loop: First loop - inside table itself - just for cell A - loop through the lines. Then - loop again with the next file etc etc....
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    How to read jsut a column from a file list

    Use "Table". then "read cell". then just choose column A.
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    Instagram Accounts

    I want to create instagram accounts (automated, of course) - could not find any useful resources on the web. What I did find is a little program called "blue stacks" that can help me download the app and open an account. A. Is there anyway to interact with external software? B. How can I...
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    Attachments in hotmail

    Hi guys. I`m currently trying to do a routine in which I can attach a jpg into hotmail email before sending. Some times it works, sometimes it does not. What I have found is that the match number of the href regex changes from 14 to 15 to 16 to 17 to 18 in a random fashion. Is there a way...
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    The "default" setting in profile->browser in ProjectMaker

    If I dont change anything in that icon- Does it rotate between user agents randomly? or does it run the project with one user agent (my user agent)?
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    How to play a sound at soundcloud.com?

    Yep, they had too much of the "SoundCloudPromoters" biznits, but why not try a workaround - embbed the link in a facebook page or something and click it there...? it will work, and even will be considered genuine play.
  44. M

    Inserting lines into XLSX table

    You have to write each element to each cell.
  45. M

    Fixing Templates with Bad-End.

    You copy that number and paste in the "search" icon in ProjectMaker
  46. M

    Is your hotmail creator template loading A LOT on homepage ?

    Found a solution: before going to hotmail homepage: Browser - settings - do not load pictures then: Browser - settings - load picture then: click "sign up" And you`re in, at the shortest time around. just like flippin` a 100$ bill in a strip club : )
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    Creating yahoo accounts - they keep getting deleted

    I have waited 1 day. no message sent or received. My Process: Get private proxy Register (with captcha recognition option) Check inbox and look at yahoo email Save login details to file am I doing something wrong? do I need to do something else? how many emails can I open from 1 private proxy...
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    Creating yahoo accounts - they keep getting deleted

    I`m using private proxies for yahoo... no success. maybe should send an email or two from each email, and reply for at least 1 email...? Going to try hotmail. forgot all about it : )
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    Creating yahoo accounts - they keep getting deleted

    I didnt know that. to your opinion, what would be the easiest email creation that will make the emails stay alive. gmail? aol?